Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 695 The Farm in Progress

"Binglan, this is me, Maoxun. It's almost evening in China. Have you eaten yet...?" After answering the phone, the two were silent for a while. In the end, Xiong Maoxun found a topic first.

I just heard the voice on the other end of the phone say: "Maoxun, I know it's you. You didn't speak just now because you were surprised. I'm surprised why you took the initiative to call me this time. In the past, when you asked me for anything, you always asked other people to do it for you. I don't know what happened." What do you want from me?"

Xiong Maoxun suddenly felt embarrassed, and he still gritted his teeth and said: "Binglan, that's it. Last time we worked on a Chinese medicine project together, we failed to complete the task, but later my doctoral supervisor thought that our idea was correct. Yes, I also think that if you persist, you will definitely succeed..."

"Maoxun, just tell me what you want me to do. You know my character. If I think I can do something, I will never hesitate." Zheng Binglan interrupted Xiong Maoxun's speech on the other side of the phone.

"Well, okay, now I have found a boss in Australia who is very supportive of our research and promotion of the application of traditional Chinese medicine internationally. He has the funds and the space but lacks professionals. Now I hope you can help me!"

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a while, and Xiong Maoxun said anxiously again: "Don't worry, I'm very confident this time. Not only will the research equipment and research team be purchased and established by ourselves, but I will also have a big say in everyone's future salary. right……"

This time, before Xiong Maoxun finished speaking, the other party answered directly: "Okay, when do you want me to come to your place?"

The other party's sudden change of attitude made Xiong Maoxun stunned for a moment, and he immediately said excitedly: "I am now on a very wide farm in Yorkland County, below Brisbane, Australia. The owner of the farm here clearly supports my research. In addition, I am also the director of a community hospital, so your major will definitely be useful."

"Okay, then I'll make arrangements right away. I'll give you a call after buying the flight ticket. You can pick me up at the airport then!" Zheng Binglan on the other end of the phone said and hung up the phone very calmly, leaving Xiong Maoxun not to What she knew was that Zheng Binglan felt filled with sunshine after hanging up the phone.

Just as Xiong Maoxun was looking for team members, Gu Hongyu was now facing Guo Hongrong, a kindergarten teacher introduced by another villager.

Speaking of Guo Hongrong, she is one of the few people in Haojiawan Village whose surname is not Hao. She has nothing in common with Xiong Maoxun, that is, they studied in a kindergarten teacher's school for just two years, but the other party speaks fluent English and quite standard Mandarin.

As for the community kindergarten, Gu Hongyu believes that on the basis of knowing bilingualism, it is enough to be good at coaxing children. It would be even better if every child of the farm employees can have a wonderful adulthood during the learning process.

After chatting with Guo Hongrong for a while, Gu Hongyu understood that she was very suitable for the position of director of the kindergarten.

Because when Guo Hongrong was waiting for him to enter his office, Gu Hongyu unexpectedly asked him in English. But Guo Hongrong didn't panic at all, and immediately answered Gu Hongyu's questions quickly and eloquently.

It can be seen that Guo Hongrong has a very cheerful personality and is also a dean and teacher that kindergarten children like.

Soon Gu Hongyu stretched out his right hand to Guo Hongrong and said with a smile: "Congratulations, the community kindergarten will be handed over to you in the future, but now you also need to organize a group, you can call your friends and classmates who major in kindergarten teachers to come over ”

"Really, am I going to pass like this?" When Gu Hongyu was confirmed as the director of the farm employee community kindergarten. Guo Hongrong still couldn't believe it.

Gu Hongyu gently squeezed the other party's hand and let go, saying: "It's absolutely true, you heard that right. From today on, you are the kindergarten principal of this entire farm community. I hope you will be happy living and working here."

"Thank you. Thank you very much for the recognition from the old boss. I used to imagine that it would be great to be a teacher in a kindergarten. I didn't expect that I could also be the principal. It was really unexpected. Boss, please rest assured that the kindergarten teacher I will definitely make it your stable rear." Guo Hongrong jumped up in front of Gu Hongyu, and then made a promise and guarantee to Gu Hongyu.

Gu Hongyu nodded: "I believe you are capable of raising children from China. The first thing in the future is to teach them to learn English well so that they can integrate into Australian society as soon as possible."

"Understood. It will definitely be done!"

"Haha, that's okay. Now I have a 6-year-old child who continues to learn English well. If it doesn't delay you from setting up a kindergarten, I hope you can teach him in your spare time." After finishing the rest of the words, Gu Hongyu thought of Xiao Hao.

Then Guo Hongrong said with a smile: "There is only one child, so there is no problem at all. In fact, he learns English very quickly when he is young. I can guarantee that he will have a certain English foundation by the end of the year."

The community hospital was handed over to Dr. Xiong Maoxun, a doctor of medicine, and he was asked to set up a traditional Chinese medicine research and development center, and the kindergarten was handed over to Guo Hongrong. Gu Hongyu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This guy Lin Feiyu will soon get a house. Gu Hongyu agreed to his early promise and took a week-long vacation. He drove his luxury car to Brisbane every day, leaving early and staying late. His purpose was to try every means to make Huang Jiayi happy. Of course, he has achieved very good results in the past few days, and his relationship with Huang Jiayi has heated up rapidly.

During this period, I couldn't count on Lin Feiyu because I couldn't see him all day. Fortunately, everything on the farm was running normally. After adding employees, the work efficiency of various farm departments was greatly improved, especially in the vegetable plantation. The employees there were basically divided into three shifts, and the labor intensity was much lower than before.

On this day, Gu Hongyu came to the community pedestrian street. Here, Gu Hongyu had not considered it carefully before, and even everyone in the farm management ignored it.

That is, with the influx of Australian tourists, Gu Hongyu discussed with everyone to recruit a lot of employees to join the operation of the holiday center and the community pedestrian street storefront, but as the contradiction between the language barrier between customers and service staff became more and more prominent, this once made the farm management rack their brains and couldn't think of a way.

But in the end, Cook, an Australian native, came up with a brilliant idea, which was to separate dozens of Australian local employees from the past. This group of people had the longest contact with Chinese employees. Now they more or less understand some Chinese questions and speeches, and some can even recite Tang and Song poems, which is not easy at all.

In this way, when they came out to greet tourists, they asked the employees to do it, and the villagers from China wondered whether the employees' families were only responsible for making Chinese-specific food, etc., and the result was naturally a happy ending.


2016.01.14 Thanks to the book friends "Li Jia Da Shao Ye", "Xie Zhixiu", and "Song Zhen Ye Mai" for their praise and support, thanks to "***4700" and "Ying Hong" for their monthly ticket support, and thanks to "Luo Luo Si Bing 2005" for giving away the novel chapter!

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