Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 721 Xiao Hao's troubles

(I have received 200 monthly tickets. I promise to update more chapters tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Please forgive me for the family reunion today. There will be another chapter in the evening!)

When China is in the middle of winter, Australia is indeed full of summer flowers. ╪┠╡.?.

He agreed to the requests of the two experts, Jeff Ri and Bruce, and sent them the local specialties of the farm before they left. The two experts and their assistants accepted them very happily. The short and fat Bruce patted his chest and said in public: "Gu, don't worry. I will make this geothermal plan for you within a week. I guarantee that you will be satisfied by then."

Gu Hongyu laughed: "I am very confident in your professional qualities, but please take care of your own body. In China, we have a saying that the body is the capital of revolution. As long as you are healthy, everything else will be there!"

"China is really a magical country. Whether it is the previous delicacies or many beautiful words, we yearn for them. Gu, I will remember them and wish you and your family good health!" Jeff Ri changed his cold and arrogant personality when he came.

After seeing off the two experts and their assistants, Gu Hongyu wandered around the farm with his cute pets. He hadn't seen Gu Hongyu for many days. His cute pets missed him very much and pestered him and refused to leave.

The scene of Gu Hongyu and his cute pets in the farm became a beautiful scenery here. Walking in front, Gu Hongyu felt the hot eyes of the Australian Golden Girl from time to time. Looking at the other's proud figure, Gu Hongyu's heart was also deep. He hadn't been intimate with Mei Ning for a long time. In some unbearable days, in addition to self-reliance, Mei Ning was particularly kind and used other parts to satisfy Gu Hongyu's whipping. ..

Silently counting the days, Mei Ning's delivery date was nearly a month away, and he had to endure at least two months of suffering.

Just when Gu Hongyu was about to rush to the lake to take a bath, a group of children were playing football on a grass in the distance, and Xiao Hao was sitting alone next to the field watching.

When did this place become a football field? Looking at everything in front of him, Gu Hongyu patted his forehead. Australia is different from China. Football is still very popular among the people here. I have overlooked it before. I should choose a few pieces of grass to transform them into football fields, so that more and more children on the farm can have a place to entertain themselves.

Another reason is that many Australian tourists also come with their families. Among them, Gu Hongyu saw many children holding footballs in their arms. Some played on the beach, and some played on the pedestrian street in the community, but these were not the same thing.

Gu Hongyu secretly made up his mind to build several football fields immediately. And the venue of this football field was chosen where the children played.

It can be said that these children have a very good vision. Now this location is not far from the community. The venue is on a flat ground with almost no slope, but there is no slope here. The natural slope prevents rainwater from accumulating on the grass. .(?。c〔o

While thinking and walking, Gu Hongyu came to Xiaohao and asked: "Xiaohao, how is your English learning recently?"

Looking at Gu Hongyu, Xiaohao's eyes flashed with excitement: "Not bad, many English vocabulary teachers now praise me for learning quickly!"

"Then why are you unhappy? Your mouth is almost hanging with soy sauce. Have you encountered any difficulties sitting here?" Gu Hongyu asked with concern.

At this time. Some changes occurred on the simple football field. It was obvious that the two football teams on the field were all children of farm employees, and the other side was full of local Australian children. The kids on both sides seem to be about the same size, and now the Australian kids have scored a goal against the Chinese kids.

The Australian kids didn't seem very excited about the goal, but their faces showed that they were very proud, especially the kid who scored the goal. He didn't even look at the Chinese kids. He was so proud!

"Xiao Hao, how many goals did those foreign kids score?" Gu Hongyu asked, noticing something unusual.

Xiao Hao said listlessly, "If we really count, we lost by double digits in this game. And what makes us particularly frustrated is that we haven't broken through the opponent's goal yet. !"

"Ah, everyone is about the same size, I don't see what's so great about them, it's just that our momentum is too weak. Why don't you fight with the opponent?" Gu Hongyu knows a little about football, and after watching for a while, he found the abnormality of the Chinese children's team.

"Uncle Gu, you don't know yet, those little foreigners look about the same size as us, but their average age is younger than Gousheng. If they go up, they will lose miserably. Everyone feels very frustrated watching this, but they just can't beat the opponent, this feeling is too bad!" Xiaohao slowly talked about the situation here.

It turned out that Australia More and more tourists from Australia came to the farm, and more and more children followed their parents. At first, those children couldn't find a place to play football, but when they saw the children of Xiao Hao and other farm employees playing on the grass, they asked to join the team.

Originally, this was nothing, but the children subconsciously liked to fight with familiar friends. As a result, all the Australian children who joined the team were in the same team, and then the Chinese friends were shocked, because no matter how they played, they were not the opponent's opponent. They felt more and more depressed, and now they were completely confused by their opponents.

Gradually, some employees' children were not convinced, but the result was cruel. They fought and lost repeatedly. However, the only consolation was that this was a farm after all. Chinese children were half the masters here, while Australian children did not dare to provoke them too much.

Not to mention the language, they were used to the foreign language of the other children, and their foreign language speaking improved by leaps and bounds, but they were still a little behind in speaking and grammar.

"Why, you want to defeat the other side? Do you want Uncle Gu to help you win the game? As long as I go on the court, I guarantee that I can handle them all by myself." Gu Hongyu boasted.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Hao was small but strong: "I don't want it. Uncle Gu is so old and still has the nerve to play football with our children. Even if he wins, he will be laughed at by the little Australian kids. What's the use of such a victory..."

"However, it would be great if there was a master to teach us how to play football now. Uncle Gu, can you help us with this matter?" Xiao Hao said expectantly.

Gu Hongyu was silent. How could Chinese children be influenced by football culture since childhood? In addition, Xiaohao and his friends were all children from Honghu Village and surrounding villages. Before last year, their families were struggling to survive. How could they be compared with those Australians who had been exposed to football since childhood?

It can be said that Chinese children are far behind at the starting line. It is said that one step late is followed by another step late. This is also the reason why Chinese children cannot beat the Australian children's team even though they are older!

ps: 2o16. o1.29 Thanks to the book friends "Li Family Young Master", "Shanye Wine Saint", "Qing Butterfly" for their praise and support, and thanks to "yaa", "Bi'an Zhitian", "Xiaoguadai" for their monthly ticket support!


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