Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 734 Ren Xuelian's Family Affairs

In a unit building in a small county town in Shaanxi Province, the small living room is full of relatives and friends, which makes it very lively.

Next to the living room, there is a large round table with rich dishes. Several middle-aged women are rolling glutinous rice balls and making dumplings. They are still talking about family matters when they have time. However, the topic of conversation still involves Ren Xuelian, the daughter of the owner of the house.

"Sister-in-law, what time did Xuelian say to arrive in the evening? This time she brought her boyfriend to the house. What does the man do? How is his family condition?"

A man in his forties asked, looking at her dress, which was the most exquisite in the whole house. Even when she was working with her sleeves rolled up high, she still had a green bracelet on her wrist, which was particularly conspicuous at this moment.

The bracelet was familiar to everyone in the room, because the well-dressed middle-aged woman had told them the origin of the bracelet countless times.

In fact, the quality of the bracelet is not very good. The middle-aged woman can only fool ordinary people in the room. If someone who knows the business sees it, he will definitely sneer at it, because the bracelet does not look very transparent, and the material texture can only be regarded as the middle and low grade of the flower blue variety, which is not close to the ice variety.

Ren Xuelian's parents were originally working parents. They became glorious laid-off workers in a wave of reform in the 1990s. However, in the difficult years, they still raised Ren Xuelian with great difficulty until she became a flight attendant that many people envy.

Now the old couple has opened a supermarket with an area of ​​nearly 200 square meters in the county town. Their life is quite fulfilling, and the conditions are not bad in the county town.

When they heard that Ren Xuelian had a boyfriend outside, the two old people were happy and began to worry about gains and losses. This means that their daughter has grown up and will soon live her own life independently.

However, when they asked about their daughter's boyfriend after caring about him. Ren Xuelian only told them that the other party was a nice person, working on a farm in Australia, and her hometown was in the countryside. Needless to say, the son-in-law who had not yet come to her house was a rural kid.

This situation has always made the two old people timid. In the past, when people asked them about it, they only told the other party that their daughter's boyfriend worked abroad. Now the well-dressed sister-in-law asked directly in front of so many relatives. This situation made the old couple difficult to answer.

"Sister-in-law, Xuelian said that she would be home at 8 o'clock in the evening. We don't know what her boyfriend does specifically. We only know that his name is Wu Haoyu and he works in Australia. I guess the salary there is very high, right?" Ren Xuelian's mother said unconfidently after a moment of silence.

"Sister-in-law, if you just let Xuelian bring her boyfriend to your house, you should investigate it clearly first!" said the well-dressed middle-aged woman.

Ren Xuelian's father said: "Xuelian has had her own ideas since she was young. We believe in her choice in this matter. Besides, with the child's conditions, there are no boys suitable for him around us."

"Oh, brother and sister-in-law, how can I say hello to you? Xuelian is a flight attendant who is talented and good-looking. How good is her vision in finding a country boy? I was thinking about finding a partner for her some time ago. It just so happens that I know a promising young man with a good family background. It's a pity now!" The well-dressed woman said strangely.

At this time, another woman sitting together asked curiously: "Second sister-in-law. Really, what are the conditions of the other party's family?"

Needless to say. From the tone of the person just now, she is also a member of the Ren family.

Ren Xuelian's father's generation has three brothers and sisters. Her father is the eldest named Ren Zhiqiang. The well-dressed middle-aged woman is the wife of Ren Zhiming, the second son of the Ren family. The youngest third sister of the Ren family is the one who asked the question just now, named Ren Dongmei.

Ren Zhiming's family has the best economic conditions among his brothers and sisters. Although he was not good at studying when he was young, he had a flexible mind. He was one of the first entrepreneurs to start a business. His business is getting bigger and bigger. He has purchased properties in Chang'an City. Even the supermarket of Ren Zhiqiang's family is also supported by him.

In fact, Ren Zhiming himself is nothing, but his wife Liu Fengwei is a bit snobbish. Seeing the eldest brother of the Ren family talking about his daughter's boyfriend, he immediately couldn't control his mouth and talked nonsense. Now that the sister-in-law asked about it, he became more excited.

"Dongmei, you don't know that your second brother and I have business socializing in Chang'an City. The circle we come into contact with is not ordinary. The people in it are either rich or noble. Last time we went to a very powerful family in Chang'an City for a banquet, it happened that we heard that the son of the rich man is about the same age as Xuelian, and he went to college in the United States. He just returned to China recently and plans to inherit the rich man's industry. If Xuelian and the other party can succeed, she will become a rich lady in an instant!" Liu Fengwei said very proudly.

"Ah, can the other party be interested in Xuelian? Besides, why is the other party so rich?" Ren Dongmei continued to ask, and even Ren Xuelian's parents listened silently.

Liu Fengwei was happy to see this, and if this matchmaking was successful, then doing business in Chang'an City would be smoother in the future, so she said more pretentiously: "The rich man's family used to deal in various mountain products, but now they are involved in various industries, and the most important one is still engaged in high-end agricultural product trade."

"Second sister-in-law, you said that the other party is just some middleman, going around the streets and villages to buy mountain products from farmers..."

Before Ren Dongmei could finish her words, Liu Fengwei said dissatisfiedly: "Dongmei, didn't I just say that the other party is now engaged in high-end agricultural products, and most of the vegetables and fruits are imported from abroad. I heard that they are currently working with an Australian agricultural product company. The trading company is negotiating for cooperation. As long as this project is negotiated, Huaxia will be their agent for importing high-end agricultural products from Australia, and the profit will be at least tens of millions!"

"Tens of millions..., second sister-in-law, did I hear you correctly?" Ren Dongmei's family has the worst economic conditions. Their family will never be able to earn so much money in their lifetime. Her eyes widened when she heard Liu Fengwei talking about it.

Liu Fengwei had a smile on her face: "How can I still deceive my family? Why don't you ask your second brother? You should believe what he says!"

Ren Zhiming, who was sitting in the living room watching TV, had heard his wife's words a long time ago. He was a little unhappy in his heart, but what the other party said was not exaggerated. He nodded and said: "What Feng Wei said is right, but whether it will happen or not is still a matter of time. The main thing is that there are so many businessmen in China looking for general agents, so Boss Lu has little chance.”

"They have a chance anyway. Besides, even if they don't succeed this time, their family still has tens of millions in assets. Isn't it worthy of Xuelian?" Liu Fengwei was a little annoyed when her husband Ren Zhiming didn't cooperate.

"I told you not to talk nonsense. As long as you do your duty, there's nothing wrong with being born in a rural area. How about we wait until we see the young man Duo Xuelian brings back?" Ren Zhiming was very self-restrained and said unmoved. .

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