Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 770: Foreign businessmen persuaded

"Minghao, this is Mr. Aubrey who is very interested in the development of Qingzhen. His true identity is the boss of an agricultural trading company." The next day at Gu Hongyu's manor, he talked enthusiastically with Peng Minghao Introduction.

Needless to say, the CEO of the agricultural trading company was the professional manager Gu Hongyu found from an international headhunting company.

As the boss of an overseas shell company, Aubrey's real boss behind the scenes is Gu Hongyu himself.

Peng Minghao was so excited now. Perhaps it was his trust in Gu Hongyu, or perhaps he was eager to find a boss willing to take over the construction of Qingzhen. This guy had no doubts about Aubrey's background.

"Hello, Mr. Aubrey, nice to meet you!" Peng Minghao suppressed his inner excitement and said to the latter very politely.

Aubrey smiled and said: "Mr. Peng, I heard about you from the old boss, but I didn't expect you to be so young and promising."

"For the news about Qingzhen Development Zone, I only have a one-sided understanding of it from Guban. However, if there is really development potential there, my company will invest without hesitation. What else can you tell me here? If I go to Qingzhen to invest, what kind of policy benefits will I get, and what other bargaining chips will attract me? "

Peng Minghao heard this and was a little uncomfortable with Aubrey. In his opinion, the foreigners headed by Aubrey were all profit-seeking businessmen. This was just the beginning and he went straight to the core issue.

But then he was even more happy, because the other party was interested in Qingzhen, otherwise he would not have asked such a professional question. After thinking for a moment, Peng Minghao replied: "That's right, Mr. Aubrey, we Qingzhen The town now serves as an economic development zone and enjoys preferential policies from the state in many places.”

"For example, because you are a foreign-funded enterprise. As long as you invest in our Qingzhen, our superior leaders will definitely give you the green light in various aspects to facilitate all construction and development in Qingzhen. In addition, various domestic mainstream The media and online media will also follow up and report on your investment. You must know that this is free advertising for you. Once those projects are completed in the future, you can expect to have preliminary media publicity, and these projects can easily make profits without any effort. ”

"Haha, that's a good point, but it's far from enough. I don't think these are the bargaining chips you can use to impress me." Aubrey said with a smile.

Seeing that Aubrey did not take the bait simply, Peng Minghao continued to offer the price he could offer: "Mr. Aubrey, what I just told you are the conditions within my authority. If you sincerely want to get I suggest you go to Qingzhen for an on-site inspection of the master plan of Qingzhen.”

"Yes. I think so too. Guban told me that Qingzhen is a very good place, especially Honghu Village, Haojiawan Village, Ma'aozi Village and Guquan Village where Guban used to be. The scenery depicted in the ancient mouth is very fascinating to me, which is also an important reason why I decided to invest in China," Aubrey said with a smile.

Peng Minghao said happily: "Yes, you are right, but you will not realize it until you see the scenery there with your own eyes. The real situation is more beautiful than what you see."

"Mr. Peng, if I go to Qingzhen with you, what kind of preferential policies do you think I can get?" Aubrey has always been obsessed with the benefits he will get after taking over the development of Qingzhen.

Faced with such an inquiry, Peng Minghao thought for a while and said: "Mr. Aubrey. Let me tell you the truth, the old boss next to us is the person who made the master plan of Qingzhen before. For some reason, he came here In Australia, the boss who took over later was unable to continue development because of his own strength and his family's involvement in national affairs, so we went abroad and thought about calling Guban back. Unfortunately, his business in Australia has now grown. To become stronger, the development of Qingzhen is no longer important to him.”

"That's actually the case. But I want to ask, why don't you have a strong domestic company to take over the current situation? Because if the development plan is completed, the rewards should be very generous?" Aubrey asked pretending to be confused. .

In fact, Gu Hongyu had already told Aubrey many details about the situation, but now the two of them were acting in front of Peng Minghao. In order to be more realistic, Aubrey's confused look did not arouse Peng Minghao's suspicion at all.

Peng Minghao, as for Peng Minghao, replied seriously at this moment: "Mr. Aubrey, it's like this, because the family that took over the development of Qingzhen before has deep-rooted relationships in the country. Although the family itself has fallen apart, there are still many intertwined relationships. However, many domestic companies have concerns and do not dare to take over the business blatantly.”

"But Mr. Aubrey, you are different. If you invest in China, you are a foreign-funded enterprise. It is essential to be welcomed and given preferential treatment by the country. The property of foreign investors will be strictly protected by China, while domestic No one related to the Xu family will do anything detrimental to you."

Aubrey nodded as she listened to Peng Minghao's words: "Oh, that's it. It seems like I really need to go to Qingzhen with you as soon as possible."

"Yes, you have to hurry up, because there are many companies in the country that are not inferior to the Xu family, but they are not very interested in Qingzhen's development plan, but no one can say for sure about this kind of thing. If you go late, It is very likely that things will change," Peng Minghao blurted out.

"In addition, Qingzhen is also very eager for someone to take over the development plan. During this period, our district has had considerable profit concessions on the entire project. The funds for the project you took over are definitely less than the planned funds for the entire project. "

"Well, Mr. Peng, although I have never been to Qingzhen, I was really moved by what you said..." Aubrey replied.

Seeing that the time was right, Gu Hongyu also helped and said: "Mr. Aubrey, if you have free time in the next period, we might as well go to Qingzhen to have a look. I happen to be very free recently, how about I I’ll go back to China with you and see where I used to work.”

"Okay, I was moved by your words. You moved me with your sincerity!" Aubrey responded generously.

Peng Minghao felt joyful in his heart. It was not easy. Although Gu Hongyu had not agreed to return to China this time, judging from the current situation of Aubrey, his willingness to take over the overall development of Qingzhen was still very strong. There were many There is a high possibility that Aubrey will be a key factor in the existence of the Qingzhen Development Zone.

ps: Thank you to book friend "The Eldest Young Master of the Li Family" for your appreciation and support, and thank you to "Qingkong Li", "Xiao Feng Xi Lai", "The Eldest Young Master of the Li Family", and "Yang Zhong" for your monthly ticket support!

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