Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 78: Escaped (asking for Sanjiang votes and recommendations)

The vegetable greenhouses and watermelon fields were all man-made, and there was nothing praiseworthy about the small village. But when Gu Hongyu led the county and town leaders and guests to the mountain, and Honghu Lake was revealed in front of everyone, they were captivated by the original scene. I was moved by the ecological beauty.

"Lao Gao, I didn't expect that your town actually has such a beautiful place?" Director Hu of the County Transportation Bureau said with emotion during the discussion.

"Haha, when we planned to build this Hongquan Highway, we considered the convenience of people's travel and invigorated the local business atmosphere. We also considered this Red Lake. It is one of the few large lakes in our town." Secretary Gao said happily introduced.

Director Hu nodded: "Yes, it's really good. It would be a pity to hide such a scene in a boudoir."

"Yes, yes, Director Hu is right. This big lake is now like a huge mirror embedded in the desert. Honghu Village also relies on the name of the Red Lake. The sufficient water source of this lake makes this remote village There are hundreds of families!" Mayor Li said enthusiastically to Director Hu, not to be outdone.

The fat middle-aged man in the group who had just planned to buy Gu Hongyu's vegetables didn't know what he was thinking at the moment. He turned his head this way and that and observed the scenery of Honghu Lake with a sly eyebrow. Soon he suddenly interjected: "Secretary Gao, this area is now Can Dahu be contracted to outside parties? If planned well, it can attract many people to come and play! "

Sure enough, the fat middle-aged man's question immediately aroused the interest of other visitors. Everyone looked at Secretary Gao with anticipation to see how he would express his position!

Secretary Gao paused for a moment, but then said seriously: "I'm sorry, everyone, this big lake has been contracted to Gu Hongyu, the person next to me. The agreement and contract took effect before the highway was built."

Hearing what Secretary Gao said, many visitors were full of regrets, but they just shook their heads and sighed. Unexpectedly, the fat middle-aged man smiled strangely and asked: "The contract is out. The beautiful lake is contracted to other countries." At least let’s compete. How much did Mr. Gu pay for this contract?”

Facing the fat middle-aged man's questioning, Secretary Gao was a little embarrassed and found it difficult to answer his questions. Should he tell them directly that the lake was free for Gu Hongyu to use, even if it was just for a year, it would make other guests present feel uncomfortable. I have an idea and suspect there is something fishy in it.

Just when he couldn't speak, Mayor Li quickly helped and said: "As you know, the road here was not open to traffic at that time, and this small village was relatively remote. We contracted this big lake to Mr. Gu along with the surrounding land. Yes, the pasture and wasteland over there are all contracted for 20 yuan per acre."

"Oh, it's 20 yuan per acre, and most of it is wasteland. What do you think, Xiaogu? If the wasteland in our area is given away for free, no one will plant it. Just like when you built the vegetable greenhouse, you didn't have a few hundred in the early stage. If anyone dares to do it, growing vegetables may not guarantee a guaranteed profit, but the risk is too great!" A visitor said this in a very exaggerated way, as if Gu Hongyu was just a fool with too much money.

The person next to him immediately pulled him: "Lao Li, do you speak like this? If I didn't know that you speak outspokenly, I would have thought you had a problem with Xiao Gu."

After speaking, he looked at Gu Hongyu apologetically and explained: "This place cannot be compared with the place Lao Li mentioned. Farming there is free but the local villagers must be resettled. The most fundamental thing is that there is no immediate What a big lake!”

To be honest, Gu Hongyu was really a little angry at the beginning, but he calmed down after hearing the explanation. Hundreds of different people have their own ideas. It doesn't matter what others say.

So he lightly laughed at himself and said: "It's okay. Now that you are all interested in Honghu, it seems that I didn't lose money by contracting the land in the early stage!"

"Who said you lost money? You are very discerning. Even if we want to develop here, there is no place for us to survive!" Lin Qingyou walked up to Gu Hongyu and said with a smile.

The two visitors who had just spoken next to them hurriedly greeted Lin Qingyou, and they asked in surprise: "Why do you know Mr. Lin and the old boss?"

"Not only do we know each other, we have a life-long friendship. He has great kindness to my family!" Lin's relatives and friends said bluntly.

At this moment, not only the two visitors who had just spoken were shocked, but also the other people who were listening to them. If Gu Hongyu had no background, they might have to do something small to peek into Honghu Lake, but with Lin's Support others to dare not move.

The one who is most annoyed now is the fat middle-aged man just now. He is engaged in agricultural products trading. When he came here, he saw the vegetables in Gu Hongyu’s greenhouse growing vigorously and of extraordinary quality, so he had the idea of ​​​​purchasing them. This is nothing. But when he heard that Gu Hongyu was not a local, he wanted to lower the price severely. However, when Gu Hongyu ignored his quotation, he felt that he was being shortchanged, so he complained.

Secretary Gao was also deliberately targeting Gu Hongyu when he asked Secretary Gao about the Honghu contract. He had no interest in Honghu and had no ability to develop it. He just wanted to make Gu Hongyu the enemy of everyone. Fortunately, Mayor Li reacted on the spot. Quickly speak clearly and change the subject.

When the fat middle-aged man, who was thinking of ruthless moves after his plan failed, heard that Gu Hongyu was actually kind to the head of the Lin Group and his family, he was shocked in a way that no one else could understand, and he quickly put aside any hostility. Gu Hongyu's thoughts, but as long as Gu Hongyu is in trouble in the future, he will still add insult to injury. He is the kind of person who is cunning and can endure.

Gu Hongyu had no idea that if Lin's relatives and friends hadn't stepped in, he would have faced many complications in the future. However, good people are rewarded, or maybe Gu Hongyu's character was good, and he was lucky to escape this time.

Gu Hongyu could still feel the kindness released by Lin Qingyou.

He said very modestly: "Mr. Lin is joking. That's because Mr. Lin is very lucky. I just happened to have what he needed. Let's not mention this matter, because I am the one who should be thanked. At that time, the development needed start-up capital, and I relied on that money to achieve the current scale."

Faced with Gu Hongyu's frankness, Lin Qingyou was even more happy: "Okay, let's put this aside and don't mention it anymore, don't mention it anymore!"

Pointing to the wooden house by the lake: "That wooden house should be your new home, why don't you let us go over and take a look now?"

Gu Hongyu slapped his head: "Haha, I was so busy talking that I forgot. Mr. Lin, please, if you are willing to go over to rest, please go together?"

When Gu Hongyu led everyone towards the wooden house, Director Hu also came over with Secretary Gao and Mayor Li. Just now, after Secretary Gao was embarrassed by the slightly fat middle-aged man, they gathered aside and didn't know what they were discussing. Maybe Director Hu was understanding the situation. Now it seems that the matter has been completed.

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