Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 794 Donation

After Gu Hongyu agreed to the other party's 50 million to resolve the matter privately, the old man's work efficiency was very fast. In less than half an hour, his subordinate put a neat check in his hand. The old man looked at it He handed it to Gu Hongyu casually.

At this time, Gu Hongyu also made an astonishing move. He turned around and said to Deputy Director Zhang: "Director Zhang, can you contact the county news media?"

Deputy Director Zhang asked in confusion: "What do you want to do, old boss?"

"Haha, I'm in a good mood today. I plan to donate all the 50 million yuan to the Red Cross in the county. I hope to use the precious land to hold a press conference later. What do you think?" Gu Hongyu said calmly. He said, as if the 50 million yuan donated was just a piece of paper.

As soon as these words came out, both Deputy Director Zhang and another half-hundred-year-old man who had not left the office were all stunned.

The two people suddenly thought in their minds that this is the real rich man.

Fifty million, this is not popular yet, so I immediately asked for a press conference and donated it.

"Guban, what did you just say?" Deputy Director Zhang asked again.

Gu Hongyu smiled slightly: "Speaking of which, I came to Tengchong on a whim. This time I gambled on stones by chance. I never thought that I would be so lucky that I got a piece of top-quality jadeite. I wanted to use that piece of jadeite to make an ornament, but it didn't happen. I didn't expect something like this to happen last night.

"The old gentleman just now is right. To me, these tens of millions of dollars are just a bunch of numbers. Since the jade I love is gone and this money was obtained by dissolving stones, it is better to use it in urgent need. , can help some poor families.”

"Okay, okay, Guban is really a philanthropist. I will report this matter to the director, no, I also need to report this matter to the county. Guban, you just sit in my office, Xiao Cao, quickly pour tea for Guban." Director Zhang was so surprised if this tens of millions of donations were donated. He was the first person to come into contact with this money. He must have made a great contribution.

The old man left the office with a shocked and perhaps bitter expression. His mission for today was completed. Now he had to go to the detention room to pick up the group of masked men from last night. However, the shock Gu Hongyu gave him just now would make him I can't forget it for a long time.

Less than an hour has passed. It's half past ten in the morning.

However, Tengchong County was very lively, especially some well-informed people, who had already surrounded the police station door before the leaders arrived at the county police station.

Gu Hongyu hadn't even been waiting in Deputy Director Zhang's office for five minutes when the chief of the police station greeted him with a smile and a look of concern.

This is the tradition of Chinese officialdom. When there are problems and troubles, it is all done by the subordinates. They will show up after the things are done and done well. Isn't this what Gu Hongyu wants to donate 50 million yuan? He took the initiative to come to the door, but his words were very philistine. It all implies that the donation has a very important relationship with the police station. In short, Gu Hongyu's donation also has their contribution.

Faced with this situation, Gu Hongyu had dealt with many Chinese officials at all levels and was able to cope with it. He stayed with the police chief for less than half an hour, and soon the county leaders also came to the police station one after another.

It took some energy to deal with people in the officialdom, but fortunately, the news media who heard the news rushed to the door of the police station soon, and Gu Hongyu was freed from the encirclement of the leaders.

But when Gu Hongyu came to the conference room of the police station, he was frightened by the scene in front of him.

There were too many people, and the large conference room of the police station was packed with reporters from newspapers, TV stations, and Internet reporters. In the end, the police chief had no choice but to move the press conference to the gate of the police station. This made many people in the news media who complained happy.

However, moving the press conference to the gate of the police station attracted countless onlookers. China has a habit of siege. The more people there are, the more people will watch the excitement.

"Out front, what happened at this police station? Why are so many people gathered around?"

"Hi, I just came here too. I saw many people watching the fun, so I came around. Just now I saw there were many reporters and county leaders inside."

"Damn it, could it be that there was a major accident in the police station, a gun went off or something?"

At this time, the onlookers in the front row turned around and said sarcastically: "Don't be ignorant. I just heard that a wealthy boss plans to donate to the Red Cross in our county and is preparing to hold a press conference. Woolen cloth"

"These rich people really just donate money. What kind of ceremony are they doing? It looks like it's just another catwalk. If you don't put on a show, you can't donate properly."

"Oh, brother, I disagree with your opinion very much. As long as this rich man really donates a large amount of money today, whether he really wants to help others or is just showing off, I think he is great. Treat those who really donate a lot of money." As far as people with gold and silver are concerned, no matter how much they make a fuss, I still praise them for doing good things.”


While there was a lot of discussion below, it was time to hold a press conference for donations.

At this time, almost all the leaders who could come in Tengchong County came to the police station. After arriving, these people had a close and friendly conversation with Gu Hongyu as soon as possible, especially the county magistrate and the county magistrate. Yu’s generosity was widely publicized and encouraged support.

The director of the county’s municipal party committee office acted as the moderator for the final press conference on donations. As soon as the time came, Director Jiang’s voice rang out from the loudspeaker: “Today, our county welcomes a huge event. It’s a happy event that a philanthropic boss Gu Hongyu decided to donate 50 million yuan to the county Red Cross Society. Here”

Director Jiang just said this on the radio, and the news media and many passers-by who were watching were shocked.

"Did you hear that right? Is it five thousand yuan or fifty million?"

"Is it possible to donate five thousand yuan? You can achieve such a big battle by donating five thousand yuan."

"Oh my God, that guy named Gu is really rich, fifty million yuan. I will never earn so much in my life."

"It's not that bad. This old boss is so rich that he donated 50 million in one go. How much money does he have?"

"It's such a pity. If I don't donate it to charity, isn't he afraid of the bugs hidden in the Chinese system? Why shouldn't he set up a charity fund of his own?"

"They even donated money in front of the police station gate. Could it be that the police station had helped that old boss before, and now the other party came to repay them?"

"Stop talking, this old boss is about to say something. Let's see what he says." To be continued.


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