Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 80 Tourists first arrived (finally asking for Sanjiang tickets)

After seeing off the satisfied leaders and many guests who couldn't forget the scenery here, Gu Hongyu began to live a peaceful life again in the following days.

Whenever it was quiet at night, Gu Hongyu would go to the rarely visited desert to practice the earth magic of the Five Elements. Finally, he found a very satisfactory position, which was the usually bare rocky mountain beside the big lake.

While practicing Five Elements Magic there, Gu Hongyu not only felt that the earth magic arts were increasing, but also the gold magic arts were also growing, but the growth rate was not as fast as the earth magic arts.

Later, Gu Hongyu gradually understood that there are many metal minerals distributed in the vast area of ​​northwest China. It just so happens that the seemingly bare stone mountains on the edge of Honghu Lake have very good metal content. This is why the metal method can have the reason for the growth.

Even as his practice progressed by leaps and bounds, Gu Hongyu still paid attention to vegetables, melon fields and lambs. He released space water into the reservoir regularly and quantitatively every day. This water was returned from greenhouse vegetables and melon seedlings. There is a water source that the lambs need every day.

The giant carp Gold Brick in Hong Lake also swam out of the lake for a long time when Gu Hongyu summoned him. Perhaps it was the effect of long-term consumption of space spring water. Gu Hongyu found that Gold Brick was becoming more and more intelligent and spiritual. Sometimes Gu Hongyu was there. When no one was around, he was told to roll around in the lake. The gold brick actually did so in order to get the spring water. It was really a monster.

In addition to gold bricks, the same is true for Yuanbao and the hare brought back from hunting at home. Yuanbao stayed in the space and was honest and obedient. When Gu Hongyu told him not to eat vegetables and ginseng, he really didn't do anything, but when he saw Gu Hongyu The way it wags its head and tail when it eats it makes me feel sorry if I don't give it something to eat.

The hare has become a domestic rabbit. Gu Hongyu caught the hare to feed it just for fun. After a few days, the novelty wore off and he planned to let the hare go. However, he never thought that this guy would come back on his own and see him. Gu Hongyu no longer dodges. Gu Hongyu can stroke it easily. Looking at its docile appearance, he simply doesn't push it out since it can't eat much in a day.

This is not even the most surprising thing. Among them, the biggest change is the little pony brought back by buy one, get one free. Because there is a mark on the forehead that looks like lightning, Gu Hongyu named him Lightning.

When I bought it back, it looked malnourished, sallow and thin, with dull eyes, and a rather ugly coat. It was said that the horse was a noble blooded horse, but it might just end up like this in this life because of congenital defects.

But after a few days of conditioning, there was actually nothing to do. Gu Hongyu just fed it directly with weeds growing in the space. Unexpectedly, a huge change occurred.

The foal has not grown much overall, but its energy and spirit are different. Its eyes have begun to have vivid colors. From a distance, I can see Gu Hongyu shouting happily, and the miscellaneous hair on its body has begun to fade and grow new ones. The hair and movement are also stronger and stronger than the one I just bought.

This morning, Gu Hongyu had nothing to do and took the foals Lightning and Da Ma to the lake to wash their bodies. After serving the two horses, one big and one small, he was very satisfied when he saw that their bodies were shiny.

The big horse is very docile and looks even more powerful under Gu Hongyu's careful care. The foal is a lot more naughty and mischievous. When Gu Hongyu brushes its fur, it sticks out its tongue from time to time. Gu Hongyu His face, even after being taught a lesson by Gu Hongyu several times, he still refused to change.

At this moment, when the two horses had just been washed and walked to the stable, the roar of a car engine came from the distance. Gu Hongyu looked along the way and saw a very high-end off-road vehicle, a Range Rover. It looks really brave and majestic.

Seeing Gu Hongyu, the car stopped on the roadside not far away. As soon as the door opened, a little girl about 3 or 4 years old jumped out of the car and ran towards him. However, this had nothing to do with Gu Hongyu. Relationship, I saw her running and shouting excitedly: "Wow, there are two beautiful horses here, and that pony is the prettiest!"

Seeing the little girl running towards Lightning, Gu Hongyu hurriedly stopped him. The little pony Lightning had quite a bad temper. A few days ago, Uncle Aza came over and saw Lightning in good condition. He almost got kicked when he wanted to get closer and observe. This little pony Lightning had a bad temper. If a girl gets kicked, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Little sister, don't go there. This pony has a bad temper. How about you pet this docile big horse now?" Gu Hongyu comforted her softly, seeing the little girl looking a little angry.

Fortunately, the little girl's parents came over at this time. The pretty girl in her early 20s seemed to be the little girl's mother. At this time, she walked to the little girl's side and said anxiously: "Lele, you What are you doing running so fast? What if you fall?"

"Mom, I want to touch that little pony, but this uncle won't let me touch it!" The quirky little girl didn't look like much, but the villain complained first.

But fortunately, the beautiful mother was very sensible and scolded softly: "I saw it just now. If this uncle hadn't blocked you, the little pony would have been kicked. You didn't see him raising his front hooves just now." Already?"

The little girl pursed her lips when she was told that her voice was good-looking, and she immediately said dejectedly: "Then let me pet that big horse. Uncle said that big horse is very docile and won't kick anyone!"

At this time, the man who parked the car came over. Gu Hongyu saw that this family really had a good genetic combination. The boy was handsome and the girl was beautiful. The little girl looked like an angel. Her face and head were all red. The braid looks particularly pleasing to the eye.

The male host who came over was young and dressed in very casual clothes, but Gu Hongyu could still tell from the brands of the clothes that they were all foreign famous brands and very particular.

When Gu Hongyu was looking at their family, they were also observing Gu Hongyu. Soon the handsome casual man said: "If I guess correctly, you are Gu Hongyu, right?"

Gu Hongyu was full of doubts about how this person knew his name, so he asked curiously: "What are you doing here?"

"Haha, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Chen Luofeng." The beauty and the little girl next to her finger introduced: "This is my wife Liu Fang, and this is my daughter Chen Ruoxue, nicknamed Lele."

Seeing Gu Hongyu's still puzzled expression, Chen Luofeng continued: "Let's put it this way, we were introduced to visit here, and the person who strongly recommended us to come here is Peng Minghao. You should be aware of this, right?"

"Ah..., oh, oh, I understand, it turns out you are friends introduced by Minghao, please come this way, please come this way!" Gu Hongyu, who suddenly understood, hurriedly waved them towards the wooden house.

Chen Luofeng, who was observing the surrounding scenery while walking, said cheerfully: "It happens to be a weekend this time. We came very suddenly. If we cause you any inconvenience, we are very sorry."

"It's okay. There is nothing important here all day long. You are the friends introduced by Minghao. I have to take you to the fun places around." For important things, Uncle Aza arranged for the villagers to do Guhong. Yu was just a hands-off shopkeeper, but fortunately Uncle Aza didn't mean to trick him.

"Then I want to play with the big pony and the pony. Can you not let the pony kick me?" Xiao Lele suddenly interrupted. This child is still young and doesn't understand what modesty is!

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