Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 82 Control of the situation (recommend, collect)

"Boy, do you know who I am, Brother Zhen? How dare you refuse like this without even asking about it!" Another young man standing next to 'Brother Zhen' also spoke, and while speaking, he lifted up his long sleeves and exposed his shirt. Dragon tattoo on arm.

The other follower who just spoke just now let out a lewd laugh. This was a silent threat to Gu Hongyu to submit. If you are a timid person, you might be scared.

But who is Gu Hongyu? He is a person who has practiced immortal magic and will be afraid of gangsters in society. Although he has never found anyone to practice his skills, Gu Hongyu knows clearly in his heart that at this time, he is superior in terms of physical strength, speed and reaction. Much stronger than ordinary people.

Gu Hongyu had a smile on his face, but he began to get angry in his heart. No one was so arrogant and went to his place to make trouble. So he faced the person who spoke and said forcefully: "Who are you?" No matter, if you want to find trouble here, I can help you."

While Gu Hongyu was talking, Xiao Lele's family watched Gu Hongyu talking to several young people who came here. Finally, when they saw that something was wrong, Chen Luofeng came over and asked with concern: "Xiao Gu, what's going on here? What’s going on?”

Gu Hongyu was busy telling Chen Luofeng briefly about the conversation he had just had with 'Brother Zhen' and the others, and who Chen Luofeng was. As soon as he heard Gu Hongyu's intermittent description, he knew that his place had been exposed to the troublemakers in the county. On.

Seeing the extraordinary Chen Luofeng coming over, the three young people felt a little scared for some reason. They had only seen such a majestic expression like Chen Luofeng on the faces of their parents, so they immediately asked vigilantly: "Who are you? This matter has nothing to do with you. If you don't want to cause trouble, don't get involved."

Chen Luofeng narrowed his eyes and asked calmly: "Your name is Brother Zhen, right? The son of a certain family in the county would come to the countryside to do such a disgraceful thing. It's really a big joke in Shan County!"

"Brother Zhen is the son of the deputy magistrate of our Shan County. You'd better know each other, otherwise..." The follower who still couldn't tell the situation shouted pretendingly.

But before he could finish speaking, the smarter person on the other side covered his mouth and whispered in his ear: "Dalong, things are not right today, please don't speak for the time being."

"Haha, if I guess correctly, you are Kong Zhen, the son of Deputy County Magistrate Kong Jianming, right? I advise you that this is not the place for you to come and go back on your own now!" Chen Luofeng also does business with some governments in Shan County. When dealing with officials, when they heard 'Brother Zhen''s subordinates announcing their family status, they immediately guessed his origins.

Kong Zhen was frightened. These days, he heard from a few fair-weather friends that there was a small village in Quan Town with beautiful scenery. What was even more amazing was that there was a lot of land contracted there to grow vegetables in greenhouses, and the vegetables were cultivated with high technology and then sold. The price is simply not on the same level as ordinary ones, especially the taste is unforgettable once you try it.

At first, he didn't have any bad intentions and just took it as a bragging to his friends. But later, when he was having dinner with a local boss, the boss mentioned the vegetables in Honghu Village from time to time and swore that he had eaten such vegetables. Vegetables, pat your chest to ensure that the vegetables are delicious.

So Kong Zhen felt a strong desire burning in his heart. After he once again inquired about the truth of the news, he brought two followers over to discuss cooperation with Gu Hongyu.

Of course, the cooperation is fake, but he wants to take advantage of Gu Hongyu's existing achievements in Honghu Village, and come up with a white wolf with nothing to do. The follower can act as a deterrent, and if Gu Hongyu can understand the situation, he can still get a certain amount of compensation. Thirty to fifty thousand or one hundred thousand yuan was his bottom line. Whether that money could allow Gu Hongyu to recover his losses had nothing to do with him.

He has not done this kind of thing once or twice. He always succeeded immediately in the past, but now it should be called handy. From his point of view, as long as he finds Gu Hongyu to use both soft and hard tactics when he comes to the village, Gu Hongyu can only swallow his anger and get out.

But he never thought that Chen Luofeng would happen to visit here this time. Since Chen Luofeng could easily tell his father's name and official position, Kong Zhenxin felt a little guilty. He regretted not exploring Gu Hongyu's background before coming here. It was too much. Too reckless.

A somewhat timid Kong Zhen asked Chen Luofeng again: "Who are you? This matter has nothing to do with you!"

Chen Luofeng looked at the reserved Kong Zhen and the two followers who were somewhat quiet and said with a smile: "You don't need to know who I am, your level is still low, just know that you can't get involved here."

When he reached Chen Luofeng's position, his movements were indescribably elegant and elegant. The more calm and calm he was, the more timid Kong Zhen felt in his heart. There was a kind of temperament that others could not learn, and Chen Luofeng's behavior was... Shan County has never seen even Kong Zhen, the son of the county party committee secretary.

"Then can you tell me your name, so that I can leave willingly!" Although Kong Zhen is a young man, he is very scheming. He is still very unwilling at this time, and plans to finally explore The details of Chen Luofeng.

Chen Luofeng still smiled leisurely. Facing Kong Zhen, that smile was like an unsheathed sword. The sword carried its edge and went straight towards him: "If you have the ability, ask for it yourself. If you are not convinced, you can come to me at any time." ”

He gave Chen Luofeng a few hard looks as if he wanted to remember this person firmly in his mind. Kong Zhen was also a decisive person, and then he immediately turned around, got into the cruiser and drove away.

While Chen Luofeng and Kong Zhen were having a conversation, Gu Hongyu couldn't get a word in. He was stunned by the scene in front of him. These powerful officials were of varying quality. Today was the only confrontation between them.

But what shocked Gu Hongyu even more was Chen Luofeng's temperament. When faced with county-level leaders or yamen, he showed a calm, calm, elegant and free attitude. Although he had a larger background and backing, there was no personal Cultivation is completely impossible to achieve.

He was tapped on the shoulder, and a cheerful voice came from beside him: "Why, were you scared just now?"

Gu Hongyu shook his head and did not answer. Chen Luofeng continued: "Actually, this is not a big deal. Minghao could have handled it if I hadn't come. Don't blame me for not killing them just now?"

"No, no, I am very grateful to Brother Chen for lending a helping hand. I am already very satisfied with this result. Besides, you warned them this time that no one will peep at my property in a short time." Gu. Hongyu waved his hand.

Chen Luofeng laughed loudly: "It's good that you think so. There are still some rules in our circle that cannot be broken. In the future, I can help you find some friends to come over to support you, and those people will not dare to do anything to you."

"Of course that's good!" What Gu Hongyu lacks most now is a strong protective umbrella. Once his career becomes big and he has no background, he will be a target in others' eyes! Although Chen Luofeng is powerful, he cannot be Gu Hongyu's nanny. It is better to make more friends. The more people there are, the better!

"Okay, don't talk about this anymore, my good girl can't wait any longer!" As soon as they approached Xiao Lele, mother and daughter saw Xiao Lele pouting with an unhappy look on her face. Chen Luofeng immediately changed her mind. The expression of a loving father.

Gu Hongyu echoed: "Come on, let's go over now to look at the vegetables and pick fruits!"

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