Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 838: Returning from fishing with a full warehouse of fish

After the seafood feast at noon, the employees on the fishing boat were full of energy. They pulled another net in an hour. This time, the sailing distance and harvest of the fishing boat were much more normal. The boat sailed about five nautical miles, and most of the fish caught were tuna. This net was at least more than 50,000 kilograms. √∟

"This net is another big harvest, Xiaoyu, this fishery was really bought at the right time." In the face of reality, the mother finally felt that Gu Hongyu's previous decision was correct. When she bought the fishery, although she did not strongly oppose it, she was not very willing!

"Of course, didn't Xiaoyu say just now that there are at least two or three thousand raised tuna in this fishery, and now there are only about a hundred in the two nets!" The father said excitedly.

Gu Hongyu smiled and said, "Mom and Dad, I won't catch all the tuna in the fishery this time. I just want to catch one more net. I only plan to catch about 1,000 tuna in the fishery this year, and catch another 1,000 next year. That way, our fishery won't be out of stock!"

Lin Feiyu clapped his hands and said happily, "Yes, how about we sell it in limited quantities every year, just like Apple in the United States, which is sold to Chinese people eagerly. You see, people in our country are still flocking to it, and there are countless Apple fans!"

Ye Hai also said, "That's right. I have come to the farm during this period of time to understand that the higher the quality of our farm's products, the more indispensable they are. The international demand is very strong, such as top-grade Wagyu, Xianyuan wine, even The more common fruits and vegetables on the farm are all top-notch when taken outside. "

"The same is true for the tuna farmed in the fishery. If we tell the dealers and purchasing managers on the coast about the limited sales plan, I'm afraid they will have to raise the price of this batch of tuna without us raising the price!"

As several people were discussing, the voice of the second cousin came from the radio: "Hongyu, how many tuna do we plan to catch today?"

Gu Hongyu thought for a while: "We just caught two nets and now there are more than 300 tuna. Catch another net and that's it for today."

"Okay, no problem, just wait and see!" The second cousin replied happily. He had just checked the tuna he caught. Their average weight was definitely more than 200 kilograms per pound. According to the conservative price of 2,000 Australian dollars per pound, the value of 500 tuna can reach 400 million Australian dollars. The sales amount is slightly lower than the sales amount of Wagyu beef, but not much less.

What does this mean?

It means that they will get a generous bonus this time, and Gu Hongyu will bleed again!

To be honest, Gu Hongyu is really generous in this regard. As long as the farm makes a lot of money, he will always take out a sum of money as welfare for the farm employees.

This is probably the reason why many employees follow him wholeheartedly. Of course, in addition to the benefits, there is also Gu Hongyu's personal charm.

After sorting, organizing and refrigerating the catch of the second boat, the fishing net was soon thrown into the sea again, and the fishing boat whistled again.

It was also about an hour later that the employees on the fishing boat felt that the fishing net was a bit difficult to drag in the sea. This time, everyone had experience and began to slowly collect the net.

The harvest of the third net was similar to that of the second net, and it was also mainly tuna. The number of tuna harvested reached 500, and there were 37 more than the standard. There were also many other herrings and cods caught.

Even more unfortunate was some other fish, which was an unexpected harvest, because the mesh of the fishing nets specially used for catching tuna was very large, and many fish that could have slipped through the mesh might be blocked by other fish in the case of panic and escape, but unfortunately they were left in the net.

Let’s not talk about tuna for now, the total weight of other fish is more than 20,000 jin. The estimated weight of tuna is more than 200,000 jin, and the two fishing boats set off lightly. When returning to the coast, the entire fishing boat’s waterline is much higher.

When the two fishing boats appeared within the sight of the coastline with whistles, Gu Hongyu could still hear the discussion of people who had always stayed on the coastline from afar.

“Look, the fishing boats are back from fishing tuna!”

“I don’t know how many tunas Boss Gu and his team caught in less than four hours this time, and I don’t know if there are enough tunas for everyone to compete for this time.”

“John, if the competition for tuna is really fierce this time, let’s just cooperate. According to Manager Lin, each tuna in this fishery weighs 200 to 300 kilograms. When we split it equally, we can get more than 100 kilograms of tuna meat. This is better than nothing, right?” A hotel purchasing manager said to the purchasing manager of another hotel next to him.

“We’ll see later. If it’s really as you said, we’ll cooperate.” The one called John replied.

A dealer beside them said thankfully: "I participated in the last auction of Wagyu beef from the farm. We have come to a conclusion about some of the farm's agricultural and sideline products. If you want to get them, you must be fully prepared."

"Hey, there should be a lot of seafood caught this time. Look, the side of the boat is almost swallowed by the sea!" said a person with good eyesight.

After hearing what he said, many people also noticed the waterline of the two fishing boats, and once again discussed: "The waterline of the two fishing boats is relatively deep, and the fishing results this time must be very ideal."

"My God, this is a fishing boat with a load capacity of 100 tons. It looks like the harvest this time is really good!" said a person who is familiar with the tonnage of fishing boats.

This person is right. The amount of seafood caught in the fishing ground this time was about 60 tons. However, after adding the weight of the fishing boat, the cold storage and production staff, a fishing boat with a load of 100 tons can actually only load Cargo of up to seventy or eighty tons would otherwise be in danger of capsizing.

As the fishing boat approached, the crowd on the coast became even more excited. They started shouting to the employees on the fishing boat from a distance: "Hey, master, how many tuna did you catch this time?"

"How was the harvest?"

“What’s the price of tuna this time?”

"Is this another auction?"


However, the crew ignored them. When the fishing boat docked, several employees came to the deck and shouted to the crowd surrounding them: "Make way, the fishing boat is about to dock. Don't accidentally knock it." Touch and touch!”

Seeing that it was really difficult to convince the crowd that was still swarming over, the second cousin came out of the cockpit and spoke to the crowd with a loudspeaker: "Don't worry, many people can see the state of the fishing boat. The catch this time was good, the total weight of tuna is more than 200,000 kilograms, but the price can only be told to you by the boss. "

The yacht was following the fishing boat, but it did dock at a special port. While the second cousin was communicating with the dealers, Gu Hongyu, Lin Feiyu, Ye Hai and others had already arrived.

"Look, these are the owners and managers of the farm. Let's go find them." A sharp-eyed man looked at Gu Hongyu and the others and shouted immediately.

As he spoke, the crowd immediately changed direction and surrounded Gu Hongyu and the others.

Gu Hongyu smiled: "I guess you don't want to talk to me, right? So I'll tell you straight to the point. The tuna caught this time weighed more than 200,000 kilograms, and other herring, cod, grouper and other seafood It also weighs 20,000 to 30,000 kilograms, which should be able to meet the requirements of some of you. I’ll ask General Manager Lin to tell you the details next!”

Lin Feiyu straightened his crumpled shirt, and then said calmly: "Everyone here wants to buy seafood from our farm, and I believe everyone is concerned about the price of these seafood, because this is the first time to buy large quantities of seafood. This time our farm has set the sales prices for various seafood products as follows.”

"In addition to bluefin tuna, which is six times the price of similar products on the market, other fish, including yellowfin tuna, are sold at three times the price. In addition, we have implemented sales restrictions on bluefin tuna. Each dealer Merchant or purchasing personnel can only purchase two items at most.”

As soon as he finished speaking, many dealers started talking again. Some of them patted their chests and secretly said they were lucky, while some powerful dealers were very frustrated.

"It's okay, okay, one or two tuna weighing several hundred kilograms is enough for our hotel to consume for a while." A purchasing manager said, this hotel implements daily limited sales of some high-quality delicacies. Tuna falls right into that category of extreme quality delicacies.

"Your hotel is nothing, but I am in charge of a chain hotel. It is a hotel that focuses on seafood. How many days can one or two tuna be taken care of?" said another purchasing manager next to him.

And more dealers are even more worried. They cooperate with many hotels and high-end clubs. If they can only purchase two tuna this time, how should they distribute it?

"Guban, the two-line sales restriction policy is too little. Isn't this making things difficult for us?" A dealer complained directly to Gu Hongyu.

"Yes. We are also long-term partners. You also know that two tuna cannot meet our needs at all!" Another dealer followed.

Gu Hongyu clasped his fists: "It's a pity that the output of our fishery is only so large. Everyone believes in the seafood produced in our fishery, otherwise they wouldn't be waiting on the shore. Now I can't favor one and leave some people empty-handed. Come back!"

"Don't talk about it, everyone. We all know that there is no fixed price for the top-quality bluefin tuna. However, according to the recent market conditions and trends, our boss has made the decision to benefit all partners. The selling price of each kilogram of tuna is only AUD 2,000. "You only have one chance, if you miss it, you'll lose it!" Lin Feiyu shouted from the side.

"Two thousand Australian dollars per pound, the price is really worth it."

"I didn't expect Guban to be so kind this time. Just two, just two. I must buy them."

"My conscience has made me realize that fruits and vegetables were all extremely expensive before. Could it be that the old man has become more charitable and turned to charity?"

"Buy, buy, buy, don't compete with me."


While everyone was lining up and talking on the phone, some smart dealers silently counted the merchants who were planning to buy tuna and immediately found a business opportunity here.

I saw a dealer leaving the queue at the front of the queue and running outside in a hurry. I don’t know why he gave up the opportunity to buy tuna at a low price.

But just when many people couldn't understand the situation in front of them and were confused, some people in the team noticed the clues and immediately left the team and ran towards the distance.

Even when Gu Hongyu was wondering what they were thinking, the dealer who had just left the team came back soon, and this time someone followed him back, whispering something as he walked.

Other people may not be able to hear clearly due to the noise in the environment, but Gu Hongyu has very sharp hearing. He could hear the dealer talking to the two people walking with him.

"......, did you understand what I said just now? I will tell you again. The only thing you need to do is to queue up. See, there is a long queue in front. When it is your turn, you should tell the person in charge of the farm that you want to buy two bluefin tuna, okay?"

"No need to say anything extra. Just wait for them to count and I will take care of the payment. In addition, each person will get 1,000 Australian dollars after the deal is done. If you have any doubts about me, I can give you 200 Australian dollars in advance, how about that?"

After the dealer finished speaking, the other two ordinary people who may have only come to the farm for fun immediately replied: "This is a simple matter, don't worry!"

After listening to their conversation, Gu Hongyu was happy. At this moment, he understood how these dealers found business opportunities. In this long queue, Gu Hongyu scanned it and saw that there should be only more than 200 people. But if no one was limited to buying two of the 537 tunas, it would take at least 268 people to sell all the tuna. Those dealers are looking for people to make up the numbers.

It's a pity that they could find this opportunity that is not a business opportunity in such a short time.

There is a reason why they couldn't find too many people. The time for queuing here is very tight. If they delay for too long, the position in the queue may be taken by others. The consequence of greed is that they will miss their chance to buy tuna.

Look, people who have the same idea as him have come back one after another. Some dealers have found two people, some dealers have found one person, and some have gone around but found no one. Only the most powerful one has found four. If they join him, they can buy ten tuna.

Seeing this, not only Gu Hongyu, but many people will understand it. However, when everyone understands this truth, they dare not give up the team easily, because everyone knows that the current quota is actually not much different from the number of tuna.

Gu Hongyu did not stop such a move. With these tuna and quotas, it is also a skill for others to find this loophole with their shrewd ideas!

ps: Thanks to the book friends "Li Family Young Master" and "Flowers Flying, Flowers Falling, Flowers Piao San" for their praise and support!

There is only a 4000+ word chapter tonight. Who knew I would be called back to work overtime on the weekend. Sorry for the late upload.

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