Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 840 Xianyuan Charity Fund

Some people who complained to Gu Hongyu were also grateful to him. After receiving several calls from the sales company bosses, Gu Hongyu directly turned off his phone and left everything to Lin Feiyu to handle. Gu Hongyu didn't want to It was too late to interfere in Lin Feiyu's affairs, otherwise why would he have called in Lin Feiyu and his personal secretary Huang Jiayi.

Taking advantage of the cool weather outside, Mei Ning and the good girl Xiao Xi, who is about to be one month old, plan to go around the farm community. It has been a long time since I visited the farm employee community with peace of mind. Now the first and second employee communities have been completed. , and all the community gardens and fountains have been built. Except for the twenty fixed suites reserved, the rest have been almost finished by the employees.

"It's so lively here!" Mei Ning sighed as she walked in the community with Xiao Xi in her arms.

Gu Hongyu accompanied them to sit on a wooden bench under the shade of the community trees, smiled and said: "Well, it's a bit beyond my expectation. Now our community has nearly two thousand employees, all from China. More than one thousand, and four to five hundred employees are recruited in Australia. Except for a few who do not live here, most people regard this place as their home, and they all bring their families here. There are seven permanent residents living in this community. With a population of 8,000, this population is much larger than the population of some small towns in Australia.”

Pointing to the endless stream of tourists: "Look at them again, our farm used to receive hundreds of tourists every day. Now that the farm has become more famous, it receives thousands of tourists a day. In the future, maybe tens of thousands of tourists." Very likely."

While talking, Xiao Xi actually woke up from her sleep. After looking at Gu Hongyu and Mei Ning cutely, she actually raised her little finger to point at them and laughed.

"Does this little guy blame us for not paying attention to her just now?" Mei Ning teased Xiao Xi as she spoke.

At this time, the wind seemed to suddenly become manic and abandoned its previous gentleness. Seeing a large group of dark clouds drifting towards the farm in the distance, Gu Hongyu quickly said: "It looks like it's going to rain. Xiaoxi, give it to me." Hug. Let’s go back quickly.”

Fortunately, it was not far from home. Soon after Gu Hongyu returned home with his child and Mei Ning, the strong wind began to rain heavily, and the raindrops fell on the hard stone floor, causing tiny splashes of water.

"This rain is coming really fast. Just now we were worried that you wouldn't be able to come back!" My mother said with a smile as she watched Gu Hongyu and Mei Ning return home.

"Brother Yu saw something was wrong with the weather just now and brought us back immediately." Mei Ning replied softly.

Looking at the violent storm outside, my mother looked away from the window: "It seems that we can't go out today. Our family just wants to chat."

"Mom. Is something wrong?" Gu Hongyu handed Xiao Xi into Mei Ning's arms and turned around to ask.

"Can't we chat if we have nothing to do?" Mother said angrily, "You have been back in China for two months, and our family hasn't gotten together to talk alone for a long time, right?"

"Well, okay, don't you think it's okay?" Gu Hongyu immediately obeyed his mother's opinion because he was unhappy.

The father came to the side to help: "It's like this. We came to Australia and haven't returned to China for more than a year. Seeing that your uncle's seventieth birthday is coming, I discussed with your mother to prepare to return to China in the past few days. Come on, Xiaoyu, if you are okay, come with us back to the mountain city to see my uncle!"

"Ah. My uncle is almost seventy, time flies so fast!" Gu Hongyu said in surprise.

"It's not that bad. We are very used to it here in Australia. The elders of many farm employees are very familiar with us and there is no discomfort at all. However, we still have a lot of concerns in our hometown. Brothers and sisters of the older generation We are all still here, so we can’t stop contacting relatives who should be moving around,” my father explained.

Gu Hongyu nodded: "I should go back for this matter. There are still a few days until my uncle's birthday. My cousin is also on the farm, so he should go back too, right?"

"Well, although this Gu Yong is older than you, he is an honest person. He keeps a lot of words in his heart. No matter what, you are his cousin and his father's birthday is such an important thing. I should give it to you no matter what. Say it!" Mother said naggingly.

"Mom, that's a matter of my cousin's personality. This time I'm going back to my hometown with you. On the way back to China, I have another big thing that I haven't implemented yet. This matter can't be delayed." Gu Hongyu said with a firm tone.

Mei Ning asked doubtfully: "Didn't Aubrey report to you about the Qingzhen matter every three to five? Everything there is running on a normal track. What else in the country is so important to you?"

Gu Hongyu explained: "You have forgotten the family of Juanjuan and He Xiaohai who came to Australia with me this time. There are actually many families like them in remote mountain villages in China. Families struggling with the personal needs of poverty and even the threat of death The society should pay more attention to them. I plan to set up a charity foundation for poverty and disease relief.”

"Brother Yu, why didn't you tell us about this before?" Mei Ning glared at Gu Hongyu.

Gu Hongyu scratched his head: "Didn't the farm have several major events after I came back? Moreover, you gave birth to a child again, so I asked Lin Feiyu to set up a charity foundation abroad. For the time being, it only contained 100 million US dollars injected by me. When we return to China, we will use this charity foundation to help people in need in society.”

"Okay, this foundation is well established. Xiaoyu, don't you know that your grandfather often said when he was still alive that people should accumulate more good deeds in this life, and only such people can behave in the right way? Do you still remember that before? There is a stone tablet next to the stone bridge over the small ditch and river in the countryside. Many of the stone tablets have your grandfather's name on them. Although there was no money at that time, your grandfather worked hard and worked hard when the bridge was built. "

My father said excitedly: "Now that you have the ability, you can help more people. This is also a good thing for future generations!"

My father-in-law's colleague said in agreement: "The poor are good at themselves and the talented are helping the world. Xiaoyu, your approach is very good. What is the name of the foundation?"

"It's called Xianyuan Charity Fund, the same as the name of the farm." There was really no value in naming Gu Hongyu. When Lin Feiyu asked him, he was too lazy and asked him to name it after the farm.

The father-in-law was stunned for a moment, but he kept repeating the word "Xianyuan" in his mouth. After thinking for a while, he said: "Well, the name does not sound related to charity at first, but Xianyuan still has a meaning. As the name suggests, Xianyuan Charity Fund, as long as the other party is rescued by us, it will be like meeting a fairy! "

The mother-in-law was not as far-fetched as the father-in-law: "The name is very nice. Don't listen to what your father-in-law said. He can also know whether the name is good or bad. He has learned to read Chinese characters and physiognomy. As long as he can truly do charity, he can have any name." OK!"

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