Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 843 Investing a small amount of money

Many of the villagers who remain in the village are elderly, and these people are completely deaf to online media. However, at least half of the villagers are not aware of many situations in Hongyu.

Now when Gu Hongyu was paying his birthday, the villagers who knew the details told everything about him one by one, shocking all the villagers sitting at the banquet. Some people even left the banquet where the food was being served and walked to those who spoke so eloquently. People around you listen attentively.

Suddenly, the legend of Gu Hongyu's family floated farther and farther away from this small courtyard like a kite that had lost its string.

He sincerely kowtowed to his uncle a few times and received a red envelope from his uncle. Before Gu Hongyu could open it, he heard the joyful laughter of some children: "Wow, this time grandpa gave me 666 yuan." ”

However, these children did not wait long for their happiness. All the red envelopes were collected by the parents. The fourth cousin who left the most to the children was given 66 yuan, and the other children mostly received 16 yuan.

The kid Taotao was completely different from the other children when he took the red envelope. Instead, he took the initiative to hand the red envelope to Mei Ning. Faced with this situation, many villagers and elders looked at Taotao in a new light. A one-year-old child is actually so sensible. How can he grow up? Still a simple character!

While the surrounding villagers were pointing and whispering at Gu Hongyu's family, the birthday banquet officially began amidst a long series of firecrackers.

The main dishes of rural banquets are still the same, the traditional eight bowls of pork knuckles, chicken, duck, and fish. However, with the improvement of living standards, some affluent villagers will add seafood to the banquets. In inland cities, A banquet with seafood in the mountain city will immediately improve the level of the banquet.

Perhaps it is because Gu Hongyu is very rich. In today's society, Gu Hongyu is looking forward to the future, including his family's honor of being arranged to sit at the same table with the birthday boy at the uncle's birthday banquet. This is very traditional and customary. The countryside is no small matter.

In addition to the eldest uncle, second uncle, father and the village party secretary and village director at the main table, the only remaining younger brothers are Gu Hongyu and Gu Hongchen. This shows how much the eldest uncle values ​​Gu Hongyu's family.

After the banquet. Gu Hongyu signaled his younger brother to toast his uncle with a glass of wine according to custom. After that, the village leaders gradually started talking to his uncle about some family issues, and finally those topics gradually led to Gu Hongyu.

The village branch secretary suddenly said to Gu Jianming: "Brother Gu Jianming has survived the hard life. Your Hongyu and Hongchen have graduated from college and started to make money. You can enjoy the blessings from now on!"

The father raised his glass and clinked it with Secretary Pi and said with a smile: "Haha, yes. Now our family is in Australia, where we don't have to worry about anything. We live on a farm not far from the sea. Liu Yuanlan and I All very adaptable.”

When meeting some old acquaintances, my father couldn't help but feel a sense of superiority for no reason. In front of these people, he talked about foreign customs and customs. Looking at the surprised expressions on their faces, my father couldn't help but feel very proud and vain. Everyone has it, and my father usually doesn't show it, but this time he showed it.

After hearing this, Party Secretary Pi showed a longing expression and couldn't help but sigh: "Who wouldn't envy this kind of life? But that's not something ordinary people like us can enjoy. Look at our village. There are hundreds of billions of industrial parks. It’s right next to it, but the domestic economy has been in recession in the past few years, and the villagers are still suffering from the same situation as there is no way to get rich!”

"Yes, when we came back, we saw that a lot of land was deserted. It used to be good farmland and fertile soil. If it is left to be deserted like this, the land will be useless in a few years." Father followed Secretary Pi's train of thought.

Gu Hongyu, who was on the sidelines, understood somewhat what the village party secretary meant. But he didn't say anything and continued to toast to the elders at the table.

When it was the second uncle's turn, he drank the white wine from the small porcelain cup happily. He also said with some meaning: "Xiaoyu, we have heard the news about you recently. You see that you have created such a big situation in Australia and invested tens of billions in Qingzhen, Gansu Province. I think... Don’t you want to go back to the mountain city to develop?”

The second uncle talked about it through blood relations, so he didn't go around in circles like Secretary Pi, but the second uncle's inner thoughts were completely different from those of Secretary Pi. Secretary Pi’s idea is to let Gu Hongyu return to the village to invest in the village, and the second uncle’s idea is that as long as Gu Hongyu invests, he can catch a ride, because the second uncle once analyzed Gu Hongyu’s recent years In his experience, he found that there were no cases of investment failure at all.

However, it was obvious that Secretary Pi did not understand this meaning. Hearing the second uncle's suggestion, he said excitedly: "Yes. The second brother is right. Since Hongyu can create a career outside, the village also has sufficient conditions. You are here Take a look at the village, you can also set up a farm or something in the selected place!"

After saying this, his father also understood the village official's intention and immediately stopped talking. It's not like he never thought about going back to the mountain town to do something to make people who looked down on him look up to him, but he was really used to it. A carefree and free life, where I don’t want to work hard anymore.

Gu Hongyu thought for a moment, asking him to return to the village to invest is unrealistic. Although there are development prospects in the countryside, what should he do if he encounters a family like Mr. Xu in the future? There are now Qingzhen Development Zone and Australian Farm. That's it. There is no need to expand the scope of business. Money is just a bunch of data to him now.

But thinking that I could donate 50 million in Tengchong, why not simply satisfy the wishes of my second uncle and the village party secretary and invest tens of millions in the village to build a small-scale farm to meet the needs of a top hotel in the mountain city, and also give up in disguise? Father has a special reputation in the village, doesn't he?

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on her face: "Come on, let's toast Party Secretary Pi and Director Li with a glass of wine. Hongchen and I are both juniors, so we ask the elders to give us some noodles. Since Party Secretary Pi and the second uncle have spoken just now, I naturally I don’t dare to disobey, how about I make a statement now and wait until after today’s birthday party to inspect the village, invest about 10 million to build a farm in the village, and do my best to contribute to my hometown.”

"Really, Xiaoyu is not joking?" After hearing Gu Hongyu's words, the village director almost lost his grip on the wine glass, and the wine in the glass spilled all over the table.

Gu Hongyu gave him a full answer: "Of course, we will open a branch venue of Xianyuan Farm in the village. However, I will let my second uncle take charge of this matter in the future. I may be too busy with the affairs of Australia and Qingzhen now. ”

Secretary Pi drank the wine in his glass and said excitedly: "I understand that Xiaoyu is a person who does big things. Ten million is a lot in the eyes of others, but compared with Australian farms and Qingzhen, it is only a drop in the bucket. However, for This is a life-saver for our village, thank you so much!”

ps: Thank you to book friend "Canwu" for your monthly ticket support!

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