Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 846: Village Ring Road

Vice Governor Zhang came down with a mission today. The welcome banquet at noon was kept simple. However, during the meal, an expert seemed not to be interested in Gu Hongyu. Gu Hongyu didn’t quite understand this. In the past, he and It was baffling to him that this expert did not share an unprovoked hatred. `

But Gu Hongyu soon became relieved. Not everyone in the world will like one person, even if that person is perfect!

There's no need to sweat these little things.

However, after listening to Mayor Huang explain Gu Hongyu after dinner, I realized that the expert who was very unfriendly to him was engaged in astronomy research at the central government. This time, he was responsible for leading the team to conduct a professional inspection of Guquan Village. In other words, Guquan Village Whether a national astronomy museum can be built depends on the opinion of the stone expert.

"Mayor Huang, is this stone expert usually such a rigid character?" Mayor Gu Hongyu asked Huang Zhaowei without any scruples.

Mayor Huang smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know much about this stone expert, but from the moment I saw him, his whole face was tense. He seems to be a rather stern person!"

"Xiao Gu, Xiao Huang, what are you whispering about?" Vice Governor Zhang suddenly asked while Gu Hongyu was talking to Mayor Huang.

Mayor Huang had a smile on his face: "Governor Zhang, just now Xiao Gu told me about the current situation in Qingzhen, and promised that he would surprise us later."

"Oh, really, it seems that the construction of Qingzhen this time has been very effective, otherwise Xiao Gu would not have such confidence." Governor Zhang said very happily.

But at this time, the stone expert said coldly: "No matter how well constructed other places are, this is still a remote place. The national astronomy museum cannot be built in a place like this just because you funded it."

So it turned out that Gu Hongyu now suddenly understood the reason why Expert Shi was a little cold towards him.

In the eyes of stone experts, Gu Hongyu was completely a very wealthy businessman. He wanted to build a national astronomy museum in a small village for gimmicks or other reasons. But was the national title given so casually? Obviously This is in great conflict with expert Shi's views.

However, although Gu Hongyu guessed a little, it was not complete.

Stone experts believe that the remote location of Guquan Village is not enough to build a national astronomical museum here even if there are several good astronomical observation points. Moreover, many central leaders have also praised it in some public places, which makes these experts very angry. Because China's layman leaders and expert experts are not a short-lived history, Expert Shi was very angry and wanted to use this personal inspection to find flaws in Guquan Village. Today he denies the idea of ​​building an astronomy museum in Guquan Village.

Faced with Expert Shi's cold words, no one continued. The scene suddenly became cold. `

However, at this time, we had already walked through the folk pedestrian street and were approaching the overpass of the Ring Village Highway. This was a crossroads. The piers of the overpass stood tall on the ground. If you look down from the sky, the overpass looks like a giant butterfly. Enough to cope with the traffic situation here in a few decades.

When it came to building an overpass with such specifications, it was Gu Hongyu who insisted on doing it despite all the opinions.

The reason is actually very simple. He wants to turn the Qingzhen plan into a century project that can be effective for decades or even hundreds of years.

Thinking about those classic buildings abroad, for example, the sewers in London are world-famous. They were built hundreds of years ago and are still functioning normally.

This is not to belittle the current situation in China. The main purpose of many projects is political achievements. After one term of office, you can make enough achievements and then leave, no matter what the subsequent leaders do. There are many new projects in the news. The project was demolished and the ground was paved and excavated again. They never considered casting a world-famous classic building.

The book returns to its true story. Everyone stood by the overpass. Vice Governor Zhang pointed to the overpass and the wide road around the village and said: "Xiao Gu is still brave. These roads look really spacious, and there are non-motorized lanes next to them. They are very thoughtful. In the future, the town will be cleared." After the planning and construction is completed, I’m afraid even renting bicycles will make the owner of the bicycle shop overflowing with money!”

Gu Hongyu smiled: "Governor Zhang is very optimistic about the prospects of Qingzhen. Here, Mr. Aubrey and I are asking the province to give us more preferential policies!"

"What other preferential policies do you need? Gansu Province already has a lot of preferential policies for Qingzhen. Besides, Xiao Gu, you don't need to call us poor because of your financial strength!" Governor Zhang was very familiar with Gu Hongyu during the conversation. Said quietly.

After seeing the overpass, Governor Zhang suggested that everyone take a car and walk along the road around the village.

The road has been built and transportation is really convenient. In the past, the way to Guquan Village was a five-meter-wide rural connecting road. The road surface has a lot of twists and turns according to the terrain, and even the best vehicles can't keep up with the speed.

Well now, it used to take half an hour to drive from Honghu Village to Guquan Village, but now it only takes less than ten minutes along the wide road. Street trees have been planted on both sides of the road, and flowers and plants have been planted under the trees. They still look a little wilted when they are planted, but within a year or two, a green landscape will be formed along the road.

Within the village ring road, according to the plan, it is basically residential, leisure and entertainment. In the future, many facilities will be built within the ring road. Due to the environment and planning of each village, the facilities built will be different, such as folk streets, hotels, shopping centers, schools, hospitals or some commercial and residential buildings in Honghu Village.

Except for the ring road, most of the land is planned for agricultural development, and tourism industries will also be developed according to the conditions of each village, such as vegetable planting demonstration bases, fruit planting bases, grain planting bases or rotational grazing pastures.

However, a small number of places will be built into large outdoor activity venues, such as racecourses, military fan clubs moved out of Honghu Village, and desert sports series (including desert rally, hiking competitions, campfire camping and other major items).

But when Aubrey was sitting in the car and introducing the future development plan to Governor Zhang, Governor Zhang and Mayor Huang listened very carefully. After Aubrey finished speaking, Governor Zhang nodded and said: "This is very good. These plans are adapted to local conditions and are based on scientific and reasonable plans. Although it has not yet started, I can already see the grand occasion when it is built in the future."

At this time, the business car has arrived at the boundary of Guquan Village. People who are leaning towards Guquan Village can see the ancient tree in front of Guquan Village as long as they turn their heads.

"I heard that there is a very special black bean in Guquan Village that can't be grown in other places. Is that true?" Governor Zhang suddenly said.

Gu Hongyu laughed and said, "Governor Zhang also knows about black beans? I can answer you that it is absolutely true. It's almost noon. Why don't we go to Guquan Village today to taste the black bean porridge?"

"I think Xiao Gu's suggestion is okay. What do you think?" Governor Zhang asked.

Others saw that Governor Zhang was a little moved, and followed up with a reply: "I respect everyone's opinion."

"This is a good idea. I have heard about the black beans in Guquan Village for a long time, but I haven't eaten it. Now I can taste it. How can I refuse it?"


ps: Chapter 2, no need to say, please support the book friends who like it!


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