Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 853: Fairyland Reappears

This kind of ice horse is really new to Gu Hongyu and his friends in the south. Xiao Taotao is sitting in it and being pushed around on the ice. He is having a lot of fun and keeps shouting. Novel

At that time, the villager of Honghu Village was chatting with Gu Hongyu. He took out a cigarette and handed it to Gu Hongyu with a smile and asked: "Boss Gu, I heard that you are recruiting a large number of employees again, right?"

Gu Hongyu waved his hand to refuse the cigarette and nodded and said: "Yes, the vegetable base and orchard of Honghu Village need manpower. Let's recruit more than 200 people for the time being!"

"Only more than 200!" The villager surnamed Zhao seemed very disappointed. This number of places was not enough for the villagers of a village under the jurisdiction of Qingzhen to grab.

It turned out that this villager had long planned to find a relationship to get the children of several distant relatives to work on the farm in the next two days. Although the farm is engaged in agricultural work on the surface, the actual labor intensity is very low and the welfare benefits are very high. Many people are tempted by such things.

Last time, he made a promise in front of others when he visited his relatives. He didn't expect that he would see Boss Gu in person today and asked shamelessly, but the answer he got disappointed him.

Seeing the change in his expression, the villager Gu Hongyu guessed the reason: "Did someone from outside ask you to work on the farm?"

In everyone's mind, the farm would first recruit villagers from Qingzhen, and then from outside. When Gu Hongyu asked this, the villager surnamed Zhao nodded.

Gu Hongyu laughed: "What's there to worry about? Now the ring road around the village and the resettlement village have been built, and there will be many projects soon. After those projects are built, they don't need employees. All the people in Qingzhen combined are far from enough. There are many job opportunities. Tell your relatives and they will have good jobs waiting for them in at most half a year."

"Really, I'll call them now." The villager surnamed Zhao took out a phone from his pocket and dialed the number.

Gu Hongyu continued, "If you have more relatives and friends from other places, you can tell them. There are many jobs here. If you are willing to come here, you can try it!"

"Oh, by the way. Next, we will recruit a group of young employees. They should be over 18 years old and under 30 years old, or under 40 years old. They will mainly work in the shopping malls, restaurants, and pedestrian street stores that will be open to the public in the villages in the future. These employees must be trained three months in advance. If your relatives meet this condition, they can come after the Chinese New Year."

"Well, okay, thank you, Boss Gu!" The villager surnamed Zhao said excitedly when the other party did not answer the phone. This time, he finally fulfilled his previous promise.

Soon the call was connected, and the villager said loudly into the phone: "Hello. Third brother, the thing you asked me to do last time has come to fruition!"

"What else do you want to ask? It's about finding jobs for Xigui and Ximei. Boss Gu of the farm agreed on the spot. You let the two children come to my place after the New Year..."

Waiting for the other end of the phone to say a few more words, the villager was so excited that he almost slapped his chest and swore: "Really, I didn't lie to you. I am very familiar with Boss Gu. He is very kind to us villagers. How about I let Boss Gu talk to you?"


"Haha, you are so cowardly. You don't even have the courage to talk to Boss Gu, um, um, After the Chinese New Year, you can come with your two children to see how much we have changed. I guarantee that you will not want to go back after you come..."


"Let's see how you thank me then. Oh, by the way, if there are still children in your village who are willing to come, we will recruit many people after the Chinese New Year, but they must meet the conditions. They must be over 18 years old and under 40 years old. Remember, otherwise don't blame me if Boss Gu refuses."

The phone talked for a long time, and the villager who hung up the phone thanked Gu Hongyu again. Gu Hongyu just smiled faintly. It's not a big deal. If many people come after the Chinese New Year, they will have to thank this villager!

Then Taotao and Xiaoxi were taken by their grandparents, while Gu Hongyu took Mei Ning to the nearest small shop by the Red Lake to rent two pairs of skates, and then helped Mei Ning skate on the ice. The two reenacted the scene of roller skating when they were in college.

However, Mei Ning's skating skills were still so poor. Although she was still eager to fall with Gu Hongyu's help, Mei Ning almost bumped into other people a few times after Gu Hongyu let go a little, until finally she simply held Gu Hongyu tightly and never tried to skate on her own again.

"You are useless. How come you haven't learned it after several years?" Gu Hongyu smiled and scratched the tip of Mei Ning's nose.

Mei Ning's face was crystal-clear, white with red, and she breathed a few times with hot air in her mouth, but her hands reached to Gu Hongyu's waist: "See you laugh, you are the one who laughs at me..."

"Okay, okay, isn't it okay for your husband to be wrong? Take your hands out quickly, it will be bad if others see it!" Gu Hongyu said in a weird way. Mei Ning's little strength didn't hurt his waist at all.

Looking at the people coming and going around, Mei Ning, who was thin-skinned, retracted her hand and said softly: "Humph, I have a more powerful trick next time."


Just as the two were flirting, someone suddenly shouted: "Look at the sky, a mirage..."

"Hey, it's really a mirage, how can a mirage appear in such a temperature and environment?"

"Oh, this mirage is similar to the previous ones. Why is it like this every time? This must be wrong."

"Not only that, it's the dead of winter now, but you can see that the mirage is still like spring all year round. This is totally unscientific!"

"It's so clear, the mirage in the sky seems to be very close to us."

"Come on, who will come with me to take a closer look..."


After this person finished speaking, many people responded. Gu Hongyu took Mei Ning's hand again and returned to the rental shop by the lake. He quickly untied the laces of his skates and said to Mei Ning: "Xiao Ning, you will go back with your parents and the children later. I will go with everyone to see what's going on."

Before Mei Ning could reply, Gu Hongyu had already put on his sneakers and rushed towards the mirage.

As he ran, Gu Hongyu thought excitedly, this is not a mirage, it's clearly a fairyland!

Last time he ran to the bottom of the fairyland, and there was an ancient formation below it. It was because the formation was eroded by time that a corner of the fairyland appeared. During this period, Gu Hongyu was already very familiar with many formations on the fourth floor. When the fairyland reappeared, he said he would try to enter the ancient formation to take a look. Maybe there was a greater fairy fate waiting for him.

ps: Thank you book friends "Li Family Young Master" and "Qian Kongfang" for your praise and support, and thank you "Xiao Xiao Lanchong" for your monthly ticket support!


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