Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 855: Desolate Area

In a desolate and barren valley, there lay a motionless person, with a thick layer of gravel covering the surface of his body. Is this a corpse? No, because the person's fingers moved slightly. ≤

Before he opened his eyes, an extremely rich spiritual energy poured into his nostrils.

It was this extremely abundant spiritual energy that made Gu Hongyu sober up. He shook his head and opened his eyes, slowly sat up from the ground, and looked at the surrounding scenery. Gu Hongyu was extremely shocked and thought: "Where is this place? Why is it completely different from the environment around Honghu Village?"

After observing for a while, Gu Hongyu dared to bet that this was no longer the earth.

Is it another space plane?

Even if he stood up in the valley, he could only see countless mountains around him. There was no ice and snow in the outside world, and these mountains were not green at all. They were all bare and complete stone mountains, and the top of the mountain was like a cone with clear edges and sharp corners.

Looking up at the sky, I saw a thick layer of clouds above my head. The clouds were moving like a precursor to a violent storm and a downpour. The air masses that gave people pressure somehow formed small whirlwinds, and they were like razors scraping on bare peaks.

These peaks are so strange in shape that no plants grow on them. Are they caused by these whirlwinds? Gu Hongyu couldn't help thinking.

Soon, the whirlwinds fell apart under the continuous collision of the peaks. They turned into wisps of gentle breezes blowing in all directions. When the breeze hit him, Gu Hongyu felt that the wind was carrying a more concentrated spiritual energy.

Needless to say, the source of the spiritual energy here should be the violent dark clouds in the sky.

He moved his body and circulated the true energy in his body. Fortunately, his body was not damaged.

Is this entering the ancient formation?

Looking at the desolate situation around him, Gu Hongyu didn't look happy at all. The environment here was far from the scene presented by the mirage. At this moment, he intuitively felt that he was trapped in a space cage in a different time and space. Everything here was so strange. If he couldn't find a way out, he might die of old age here.

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu stood up hurriedly, intending to find some clues to enter the fairyland or escape from this unfamiliar field.

However, he was disappointed. The surrounding mountains were all covered with dark clouds and winds. The friction of the clouds not only produced storms. It also produced bursts of thunder and lightning. From time to time, dazzling lightning flashed in the dark clouds. The only thing to be thankful for was that the lightning did not fall, and the storm did not invade the col where he was currently.

Those conical peaks cannot be climbed. In addition to being high, there are strong winds and perhaps the danger of being struck by lightning. Facing the reality, Gu Hongyu either stayed in the col or walked down the col.

Gu Hongyu didn't know what the col looked like, but he thought that if he stayed there, he would just wait to die, which was definitely not the result he wanted.

He rested for a while and waited for his physical strength to recover completely. Gu Hongyu decided to walk towards the valley. He might encounter danger, but he was fully prepared. If it didn't work, he would hide in the Xianyuan space.

After walking along the valley for more than ten minutes, there were no plants or animals in these valleys, just like the peaks. There was not even a drop of water. It was too desolate.

Fortunately, Gu Hongyu had a good mental quality and had the Xianyuan space as a support. When he was thirsty or hungry, he could find water and food in the Xianyuan space. If he encountered danger, he could hide in the Xianyuan space. Even sleeping could find a safe place, while other people would be driven crazy even if they didn't starve to death.

However, Gu Hongyu still had deep worries in his heart. He didn't know if he could break free from it. If it took too long, his family would be worried.

However, this was not something that could be transferred by his will. The most important thing now was to have a deeper understanding of this place and try to find a way out in the shortest time.

In order to get rid of the boredom during the walk. Gu Hongyu released the two little snakes, Xiaoqing and Xiaojin, from the Xianyuan Space. They had already settled down in the Xianyuan Space. The moment they entered the Xianyuan Space and guarded the magical little tree, Gu Hongyu had no intention of letting them out again. However, at this critical moment, he used their fast-moving characteristics to find out the situation here.

He used his consciousness to tell the two little guys about the situation in the space. They were very reluctant to come out to explore the way. I don’t know what magical place the little tree brought back from Kanas Lake has that makes them unwilling to leave for a moment. However, after all, he is still the owner of the Xianyuan Space, and the two little snakes agreed.

Once they left the Xianyuan Space, the two little snakes, who were not happy at first, immediately circled around him quickly. Gu Hongyu felt their excitement from his consciousness.

After some communication, it turned out that the air here was full of abundant spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy here was purer than that in the Xianyuan space. If you want to make an analogy, the spiritual energy in the Xianyuan space is like a pool of stagnant water, while the spiritual energy here is living water, which is more conducive to the needs of these spiritual creatures.

Thinking of the current situation of the Xianyuan space, Gu Hongyu was also very helpless. Now the Xianyuan space is not a whole. Only when it is a whole can it absorb the spiritual energy from the outside to replenish itself. But now the Xianyuan space can not only not absorb spiritual energy, but the spiritual energy inside is still floating out.

Since the spiritual energy here is so abundant, Gu Hongyu simply took out all the animals in the Xianyuan space except those in the water. Soon, giant crocodiles, black pythons, blue snakes, purple bee swarms..., and even the green wolves that had just been hidden in the space and had not been eaten were also released, which immediately filled this narrow valley with vitality.

Scanning the space, Gu Hongyu suddenly found that there was something that had not been released, that is, the Venus giant tooth ants imprisoned on a small hill in the Xianyuan space. Since this group of ants was discovered in the ancient Taoist temple in Qilian Mountain, because they were too powerful and could eat anything, Gu Hongyu felt taboo and did not dare to let them out easily.

But this time he used a small section of his spiritual consciousness to extend towards the Venus Giant Ant. To Gu Hongyu's surprise, the Venus Giant Ant did not devour this spiritual consciousness, and even communicated with the Venus Giant Ant in spiritual consciousness. It turned out that this group of Venus Giant Ants evolved because they lived in the Xianyuan space and benefited from the abundant spiritual energy in it. The spiritual intelligence they generated no longer had the cold and murderous feeling before.

But Gu Hongyu was still deeply wary of them. First, he carefully got one to the outside world. However, before Gu Hongyu continued to get the second one, the Venus Giant Ant in the unfamiliar environment really caused trouble.

ps: Thank you book friends "Li Family Young Master", "Nineteen Square Meters", "Impact Peak" for your praise and support, and thank you "Star De Tears" for your monthly ticket support!

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