Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 86 Hunting in progress (Please recommend and collect)

The arm-wrestling incident between Gu Hongyu and Chen Luofeng was talked about with gusto by a bunch of yamen, especially Chen Peng, who could have been a storyteller. A few modifiers and exaggerated expressions painted the climax of what just happened. Repeated and interesting.

"Tsk, tsk, I've seen arm wrestling that ended in a draw, but I've never seen one that overturned the table after a stalemate for so long."

"This Xiao Gu really doesn't show his true face. He doesn't look as big, thick and powerful as Liang Qinghui. He can actually compete with Brother Chen. It's really surprising."

"Xiao Gu, is what you just told me true?" Peng Minghao quietly pulled Gu Hongyu aside and asked enthusiastically and excitedly.

Gu Hongyu was confused. Now that the facts had been proven, did he need to repeat it? So he nodded again.

"Really!" Peng Minghao would have jumped up if he hadn't been in the tent. He immediately lowered his voice after getting excited: "Then you must teach me this. Who dares to mess with me in the future?"

"Why, were you hurt a lot by these big brothers before?" Gu Hongyu joked.

Peng Minghao did not recall the question asked by Gu Hongyu and was still immersed in the fantasy after practicing advanced martial arts. He followed Gu Hongyu's words and answered: "Yeah, you don't know, I am the youngest among this group of people, and they all often bully me." I, even my pocket money was deceived and spent by them..."

Talking about it was full of tears, Gu Hongyu kept pouring out his bitterness as if he had found someone to talk to.

"Minghao, did we really treat you like this when we were kids?"

"Didn't you see that we helped you fight when you were little?"

"How could you do so well in school without us?"

"Who took you to sneak into the military camp quietly, and then we and we were beaten by the elders of the family?"


His righteous words simply made Peng Minghao feel ashamed. It turned out that the people who had just been discussing arm wrestling saw Peng Minghao quietly calling Gu Hongyu and immediately came over to eavesdrop. As a result, they heard Peng Minghao's silent treatment of them. It's okay to accuse!

"Brothers, I misunderstood, I misunderstood. Hongyu and I were just joking. You must have heard wrong. I will never say such things!" I am really thick-skinned, in front of so many people. Gu Hongyu admired Peng Minghao extremely.

However, Peng Minghao, who was obviously on the weak side in comparison of strength, was submerged in the crowd, and his exaggerated howls could be heard from inside. Gu Hongyu suddenly believed what Peng Minghao just said. But I also secretly envied the deep friendship between these second-generation ancestors.

After laughing, Chen Luofeng, who had just kicked Peng Minghao a few times in a hidden room, walked out of the tent, looked at the situation outside, and turned around and said: "Let me tell you, brothers, the clouds outside have blocked the solar light again. I think it is today." We’re on vacation, let’s take action with our guys!”

"Okay, take action now, I can't wait." There is no doubt that this sentence must have been said by Liang Qinghui.

The tent was not dismantled before leaving, and everyone unanimously decided to camp here at night, because this location is relatively good within a few miles of the surrounding area. It is backed by a hill and can be sheltered from the wind, and it is not far from a water source.

Holding the hunting gun, Gu Hongyu felt much better than the last time he hunted. He was no longer unfamiliar with guns. However, looking at the guys in other people's hands, Gu Hongyu was still very jealous.

Peng Minghao touched him while walking: "Don't worry, when you get used to using the hunting rifle, you will touch those real ones in the future, take this opportunity to practice hard."

Seeing Peng Minghao speaking seriously with the red marks on his face, neck and arms that were not covered, Gu Hongyu couldn't help but want to laugh. Just now, he was attacked by a group of people, and his whole body was red from the abuse. Purple, that's why now he doesn't act with others and chooses to hunt the rookie Gu Hongyu.

"Just laugh if you want to!" Peng Minghao seemed to have experienced such a scene once or twice and was extremely calm, but immediately he said urgently: "Hongyu, you must fight to a draw with Brother Chen this time. Leave your skills to me!”

Gu Hongyu joked: "I just run and lift barbells every day. I am naturally good at cultivating my body and mind in this small village. How about you quit your job in the town?"

"Forget it. If my family has to cripple me, it's better for me to be an ordinary person!" Peng Minghao seemed to think of something more terrifying and even shrank his neck as he spoke.

During this hunting trip, nine people were divided into three groups. Liang Qinghui, who had just solved the physical problem, came over. These three people were today's team. Seeing that Gu Hongyu and Peng Minghao were still talking nonsense, he said: "Okay, Keep up, or we will be the last one today!"

Although Gu Hongyu had just tied with Chen Luofeng in an arm wrestling match, and seemed to have strong martial arts, which brought him closer to the second-generation ancestors, he was once again abandoned by everyone when choosing his team for hunting, and he remained silent in the end. Liang Qinghui, a man of few words, took him in. He had no choice but to say that he could only do this if he couldn't win over the others.

The three teams are heading in three directions like arrows. They all have walkie-talkies in their hands to strengthen the signal. They can be contacted even if they are 10 miles away. But don’t worry even if they exceed this range or lose their way, everyone in each team It also carries a satellite positioning device, which is really good for hunting, and it still has all the advanced equipment it should have.

They carefully lay down behind a rock. What appeared in front of Gu Hongyu and the others was a piece of grass with many low bushes beside it. There seemed to be a few blisters in the low-lying areas farther away, and there were birds inside. Find food.

"Our group is quite lucky today. There is a great chance of large prey appearing in such a place." Peng Minghao also whispered beside Gu Hongyu.

Liang Qinghui lay at the front with a gun in his hand, and from time to time he used the scope on the barrel to scan all the visible scenes in front of him.

It was almost three o'clock when we came out, and it took a lot of time to find the hunting ground. Gu Hongyu took out his mobile phone and looked at the display that it was almost five o'clock, but there was still no movement around. They were already in the pasture. After waiting for more than half an hour, still no results.

Peng Minghao couldn't help it anymore, and asked in a low voice: "Brother Liang, are there no big guys here? Let's just shoot a few birds. I've seen there are still some fat ones in there." Guys, don’t go back empty-handed!”

"Don't worry, now is the time when many animals drink water. The animals will drink some water before going to bed. We just wait patiently!" Liang Qinghui remained unmoved and lurked in the grass in front of the big rock.

Peng Minghao said nonchalantly: "Okay, let's continue to lurk. I still don't believe that we can't catch a large animal, but now I will put some water in the water first, and you guys will watch first..."

Before he finished speaking, Liang Qinghui lowered his voice and said: "Don't move, hold on for a while, I just saw a big guy coming over."

Gu Hongyu whispered excitedly: "What is it?"

"This guy is an adult goat, or a male. It weighs at least 50 kilograms. Don't move and look at it. Just go over and drink water. Let's wait until it gets closer." Liang Qinghui said in an unquestionable tone.

Soon Gu Hongyu could see the goat approaching with his naked eyes, but this guy was very alert and would observe the surroundings every step he took. Gu Hongyu and the others could only try their best not to make any noise, and they didn't even bother to talk after the goat approached.

Waiting for the goat to approach the blister again, Gu Hongyu and the others were already very close at that time, probably less than 30 meters away. Suddenly there was a loud gunshot, and the wild goat fled in panic. It turned out that gunshots were fired elsewhere at this time. It seemed that The other two groups had already taken action, but the goat that Gu Hongyu and the others were about to get ran away in fright.

Fortunately, the panicked goat chose the wrong direction to run. Although it did not run straight towards Gu Hongyu and the others, it did not move far away. It was too late, but it was too late. Liang Qinghui took a gun and hit it, but the target was moving. Obviously it was more difficult. After the gunshot, the goat seemed to be injured but still running, this time to the other end.

"Bang, bang" two shots were fired in succession. Peng Minghao and Gu Hongyu shot almost simultaneously when they saw the goat was about to run away. Only then did the goat finally fall to the ground.

It’s done, a prey has been obtained!

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