Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 868 Both sides suffer

The two sides fought fiercely, while Gu Hongyu took the time to recover from his injuries. Fortunately, his basic skills were well-trained, and the injuries of his internal organs were quickly controlled. 》

Because Qingniao led Qiongqi away from the towering tree, Gu Hongyu had a chance to buffer. After recovering, he secretly stretched him out of the tree trunk again.

The battle between Qingniao and Qiongqi was ten thousand times more exciting than all the blockbusters he had seen before, which was why he took the risk to watch it. Another reason was that if Qingniao lost, he could seize the time to escape, at least to enter the Xianyuan space. As for the rest, Gu Hongyu could not care so much.

In the end, Qiongqi could not do anything to Qingniao, but Qiongqi, who was really angry and angry, simply did a simple and rough behavior. He only saw it brewing for a while and spitting out the Yuandan he had cultivated and shooting it at Qingniao at a high speed.

This time, Qingniao was stunned. It never expected Qiongqi to do this.

In the past, when Qiongqi was furious, Qingniao had fought with it many times, but Qiongqi had never used this move. Yuandan attack is extremely dangerous. If the attacked party has a higher cultivation level than the attacker, then the Yuandan is likely to be plundered or even shattered by the other party, and the attacking party's cultivation will drop to the level before the Yuandan was formed.

Although Qiongqi's cultivation has increased rapidly during this period, its cultivation is still lower than Qingniao's. Who would have thought that this guy would risk it in this battle today.

Therefore, Qingniao's carelessness caused it to be hit in the abdomen by Qiongqi's Yuandan. Suddenly, Qingniao cried sadly, and a blood hole appeared under its abdomen. Countless blood gushed out like a fountain. Under such an attack, Qingniao also stumbled and fell down.

"Master Qingniao, you forced me to do this..." Looking at Qingniao falling from the sky, Qiongqi fiercely muttered to himself. After that, he no longer cared about the life or death of the blue bird. He turned his head and looked at the towering forest where Gu Hongyu was. The tongue in his creepy mouth was still curled with saliva.

"Damn, this beast is still obsessed with me!" Gu Hongyu thought in fear: "No, I can't let this beast get close. Let's quickly enter the Xianyuan space!"

Just as Gu Hongyu took a lingering look at the spiritual world before entering the space. A dazzling light came from a distance. It was completely a beam of light. In Gu Hongyu's surprised eyes, it suddenly hit Qiongqi who was focusing on Gu Hongyu.

Is this a laser weapon?

It's too damn powerful.

After Qiongqi was hit by the light ball, his entire huge body was thrown far into the sky. A mouthful of old blood spurted out of his mouth, and then he fell heavily to the ground and knocked down a hill, stirring up layers of sand and smoke. Waiting for the smoke to dissipate, Qiongqi lay motionless in the deep pit it had smashed.

On the other side, the blue bird lost the ability to fly, and staggered towards Gu Hongyu, saying very weakly: "Human. I can only help you to this extent. You'd better leave the spirit world quickly. The dangers here are not something a weak cultivator like you can just rush into."

"Senior Blue Bird, I understand. Also, is the Qiongqi over there dead?" Gu Hongyu pointed to the place where Qiongqi fell.

The blue bird said weakly: "I am not much stronger than it. It should still be alive, but both of us have been seriously injured in this battle, and our strength will be greatly reduced. It will take an extremely long time to recover to the previous peak level."

As he spoke, the blue bird underwent a huge change, and its originally huge body began to shrink rapidly. In the end, it became the size of a hawthorn bird in the outside world, and even its feathers lost the bright and shiny color on the surface.

"Human, a battle just happened here. There will definitely be other powerful wild beasts coming later. I'm leaving first. Take care of yourself!" The transformed blue bird warned Gu Hongyu again.

Before Gu Hongyu replied. Suddenly, the old monster came out of the Xianyuan space: "Bluebird, don't rush to leave. In fact, we can help you, especially to get out of the spiritual world, which restricts your freedom."

As soon as the Xianyuan space was opened, Bluebird felt the energy fluctuations in it. It has always been calm, even after a battle with Qiongqi, it was not emotionally fluctuating. But at this moment, Bluebird said excitedly: "Human, how do you have a space weapon?"

"Bluebird, now is not the time to talk about this. Now time is urgent, follow me into the space first, right?" The old monster said on the side.

Bluebird thought for a while: "Human, can Qiongqi also enter the space?"

"The vicious beast Qiongqi likes to eat human flesh. We are kind enough to save it, but it may repay us with hatred in the future. I think it's better to forget it!" The old monster directly rejected Bluebird's proposal.

The bluebird said stubbornly: "Don't worry, I will never let Qiongqi hurt humans, wait for me for a while."

Then the bluebird shrank and flew towards Qiongqi and scolded: "You fierce beast, our battle will soon attract other powerful wild beasts in the spirit world, and maybe we will all be swallowed up. Now there is a chance to survive. You hand over a drop of your life essence and swear not to actively hurt humans."

At this time, Qiongqi's body has shrunk countless times like the bluebird, similar to a newborn puppy. Perhaps because of the loss of vitality, it no longer has any hostility in its body, and it has an instinctive obedience to the bluebird.

Qiongqi successfully forced out a drop of blood essence, and the blue bird flew to Gu Hongyu's side again: "Human, swallow the blood essence of Qiongqi here, and then I will teach you a formula and you will be able to Qiongqi disciplined it when it violated the oath just made.”

Immediately after a complicated formula appeared directly in Gu Hongyu's mind, Gu Hongyu swallowed Qiongqi's blood essence at the old monster's nod, and then followed the blue bird to learn the cumbersome formula, and then it followed Qiongqi. A mysterious connection is created in the mind.

Unexpectedly, one day he would be able to control Sun Wukong with a similar spell. Gu Hongyu was very happy and immediately recited the formula, but Qiongqi didn't do anything at all. What's going on?

As if knowing the question in Gu Hongyu's mind, Qingniao said: "Human, Qiongqi can only use your formula when he violates the oath he made. Normally, as long as Qiongqi does not violate his oath, he will not accept your control."

After talking for a long time, I still discounted the tight spell, but this is not bad. At least Qiongqi dare not have any inappropriate thoughts about human beings.

The Xianyuan space has now become the best refuge space for Qiongqi and Qiongqi. The same is true for Gu Hongyu and Laoguai. Time is running out. After learning the formula to control Qiongqi, they all got into the Xianyuan space.

Just when Gu Hongyu closed off the connection between the Immortal Source Space and the outside world, several huge waves of coercion suddenly enveloped the spiritual world.

ps: Thank you to book friends "The Young Master of the Li Family" and "fengv998" for their appreciation and support, and thank you to "Yeyeyeyeyeyeye", "Let go of your handsomeness", "Xiao Guadai", and "Buyer of Codes" for their monthly ticket support!

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