Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 871 Wild Beasts from the Spirit World

While the old monster was chatting with Qingniao and Qiongqi, Gu Hongyu's practice finally stopped.

He gained a lot in Qiongqi's cave this time, and his cultivation level went from the eighth level directly to the peak of the ninth level of the Qi refining period. Because the "Qing Ling Jue" he practiced before was only a cultivation formula for the Qi refining period, so the Qi refining period The peak of the ninth level is already the highest peak he can reach.

Even so, Gu Hongyu's body has been repeatedly tempered by the rich spiritual energy, and the muscles and veins in his body have been broadened and strengthened a lot, laying the foundation for practicing higher-level mental formulas in the future.

These situations were seen by the old monster, and when Gu Hongyu stopped practicing, he immediately said: "Boy, I will teach you more advanced mental formulas soon. Do you hear clearly..."

Soon a mental formula called "Zixiao Zhenyuan Jue" was engraved in Gu Hongyu's mind by the old monster's spiritual consciousness.

This mental formula is much more complicated than the "Qing Ling Jue", and many of the tendons passing through the body have never been touched by Gu Hongyu before.

Seeing Gu Hongyu scratching his head while holding the "Zi Xiao Zhen Yuan Jue", the old monster once again lamented that this time he went back to the point where he could fully understand the information passed down to him by the stone tablet.

Immediately afterwards, the old monster came directly to Gu Hongyu, and put an energy palm on his back: "Boy, sit cross-legged on the ground, relax your body naturally, hold Yuan Shouyi, and I will lead your true spirit into your body immediately. Qi moves according to the formula of "Zi Xiao Zhen Yuan Jue". During this period, you must endure the pain of muscle expansion and must not be discouraged..."

"Master, come on!" Gu Hongyu said while holding his breath. `

Pain can no longer describe the feeling that Gu Hongyu came into contact with.

Just when the old weirdo helped Gu Hongyu open up the muscles and veins in his body, the muscles and veins that had been run by "Qing Ling Jue" before were tingling and numb, but there was no true energy flowing through the opened muscles and veins before, and the muscles and veins that had been run by "Purple Sky" had passed. "Zhen Yuan Jue" After the true energy enters, the whole body feels like thousands of ants are biting, and thousands of sharp needles are deeply pierced into the body.

Gu Hongyu had veins popping out on his exposed neck. His teeth were clenched on his face, and his clothes were already wet with hot sweat. Sweat dripped from the hem of his clothes, and the sweat pooled into a stream of water on the ground where he sat cross-legged.

The road to spiritual practice is so difficult. This is not what the book says requires great perseverance, but it is really the case. If Gu Hongyu couldn't bear it during this period, he would go crazy or die entirely if he did anything wrong.

Now Gu Hongyu is living like a year, and he doesn't know how much time has passed before he suddenly fainted. Fortunately, at this time, the "Purple Sky True Essence Art" was taken by the old monster and completed its operation in Gu Hongyu's body. The true energy in Yu's body immediately began to move according to the operating route of "Zi Xiao Zhen Yuan Jue".

I don't know how long it took, but Gu Hongyu seemed to be soaked in hot water with a moderate temperature. All the cells in his body were breathing, and the numbness, itching, tingling, pain and other intolerances that touched his soul all disappeared, and he woke up in this situation. `

He looked at the old monster standing aside, then looked at himself and saw that he was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, and then asked: "Master, how long has it been? Where are the two seniors, Qingniao and Qiongqi?"

"Three days and two nights have passed now. Congratulations, you have now broken through the Qi Refining Period and entered the first level of foundation building. But don't be proud, hurry up and lay a solid foundation now. Don't be greedy about the cultivation level, there will be plenty of time in the future."

"As for Qingniao and Qiongqi, after you passed out, we couldn't open the space artifact, so we left me here to watch you early. They told some ancient beasts with good connections that you had the space artifact. I've been there, it's been a few days and I think I should be back soon!" The old man told some things about Gu Hongyu's fainting.

At this moment, the sealed cave was opened again, and there was a roar of people outside, which should not be the roar of beasts.

"Master Qingniao, and Qiongqi, you really didn't lie to us. Can we really leave the spirit world?" A bulky guy with a shape similar to a brown bear still asked reluctantly.

"How many times have I told you, you can't stop until you meet humans soon." Qiongqi, who was as big as a domestic cat, responded wildly while sitting on the shoulders of the brown bear beast, looking at this picture The picture is so beautiful.

"I don't listen to you. I listen to what Mr. Bluebird said." This is definitely the mammoth elephant from ancient times. Its appearance stands out among a group of wild beasts. It is over fifteen meters tall, which is very strange. It was almost impossible to enter the cave.

The petite blue bird flew perched on the tusks of the mammoth elephant, and said in a clear voice: "No need to doubt it, everyone. We have no need to deceive you. Don't shout outside to avoid leaking the news. We are all here. Let’s meet the humans who carry the space tools in person!”

Gu Hongyu hid under a huge pillar. Since the wild beasts that came in were of different sizes, he didn't even count how many wild beasts were abducted by Qingniao and Qiongqi. The total number should be no less than three. Shitou looked at Qingniao and Qiongqi among them, and then Gu Hongyu and Laoguai stood up from behind the pillar.

"Wow, that young human being is so weak in cultivation. Why is the older one an energy body?"

"I can kill these two humans with one punch!"

"I think back then, humans were very delicious food. I even forgot the last time I ate humans!"

"Master Qingniao and Qiongqi, aren't these two humans who have space tools in their hands?"

"Why don't I feel at ease leaving my destiny to this human being?"


"Okay, everyone, stop talking. Our time is very tight now. If we gather everyone together, other wild beasts will definitely notice something abnormal. You should stop making noises here. The space tool is in the hands of the young man in front of you. In the hands of humans, and the space artifact has been recognized as its owner, you should not think of other crooked ideas," Qingniao warned the other wild beasts.

"Well, in order to get rid of the spirit world, I decided to take a gamble!" The mammoth elephant was the first to say. This spirit world has been developed to its extreme, and there is no possibility of further advancement. In its current situation, it may still be possible. Survive for countless years, but in the end can only wait for death.

With the mammoth elephant taking the lead, the brown bear beast, elk beast, giant snake beast, tiger beast, fire bird beast, wind wolf beast, etc. all agreed to move the spiritual veins and nests in the spiritual world. In the Xianyuan space, there were still Kui Niu Desolate Beast, Tianma Desolate Beast, Desolate Leopard Desolate Beast, and Ling Rabbit Desolate Beast who saw Gu Hongyu's low cultivation level but did not express their opinions.

Qiongqi said anxiously to the wild beasts who had not expressed their opinions: "I'll wait for you and decide quickly. Haven't you seen that Qingniao and I have left our fate in the hands of the human race kid? As long as we leave the spirit world, There is infinite space outside for us to explore. Depending on our strength, we can always find a place to settle down. Even if we live in a space artifact, we can occasionally go to the outside world. It is better than being trapped in the spirit world. Qian I have been fed up with the spirit world for thousands of years. Do you still want to continue living like this?"

"Okay, okay, I agree to follow you out."

"Okay, come to my place after Qiongqi moves your cave."


After being told by Qiongqi on the phone, all the wild beasts agreed to move out of the spirit world, and then waited for the official transfer of spiritual veins.

ps: The second chapter is here. I hope that book friends will continue to support me and I will return to the earth from the spirit world soon!


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