Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 88 A wolf is coming (please recommend and collect)

"This kind of life is so comfortable. If I could choose, I really wouldn't want to go back to work in the government!" Peng Minghao was lying comfortably on his mattress in the tent.

Others started a poker battle again, and some felt tired after an afternoon of hunting and went to bed early. Gu Hongyu and Peng Minghao lived in the same tent, and they chatted all over the world before going to bed.

Gu Hongyu ignored Peng Minghao's complaints: "You are a full man and don't know how hungry a man is. You are standing and talking without back pain. Do you know how many people in China apply for civil servants every year? If they hear what you say, I’m afraid you’ll be drowned in their saliva.”

"In other words, the children of aristocratic families still have all kinds of troubles!" Peng Minghao sighed again.

Gu Hongyu couldn't stand it anymore: "Go to sleep, I think you are idle. While others are still working hard to survive, you are already yearning for a high-quality life. Others are willing to sacrifice their lives to make money, but you people You are throwing money away for health and longevity, so why should you complain?”

Seeing Gu Hongyu raising the issue to such a high level, Peng Minghao simply kept silent. In the quiet night, he quickly fell into a dream, and soon there was a slight snore.

Gu Hongyu didn't fall asleep. He was deeply touched these days. The life lived by a powerful family was indeed unimaginable for ordinary people. What he just said to Peng Minghao was also something he felt deep in his heart.

At this moment, he was even more determined in his mind. If he had no background, he would first strengthen himself. And his only trump card was to have the Immortal Source Space and the inheritance given by the stone tablet. After learning powerful immortal cultivation spells and using the characteristics of space, he could I don’t believe that there is no golden avenue.

The outside of the tent was deserted. Gu Hongyu sat in his sleeping bag and practiced the Five Elements spells. He had been in the advanced stage for a long time without any breakthrough. According to his estimation, he would have to have some success in the Five Elements spells. progress.

The three elements of water, wood, and earth have been practiced to the extreme with his current physical level, but there are still some shortcomings in metal and fire. The metal element is okay, and he has slowly improved when practicing the earth element in the early stage. But there is no place to practice the fire element now.

After practicing the metal element skills around the camp for a while, I couldn't feel much progress. However, Gu Hongyu still insisted that he believed in the principle of gathering sand into piles. Practice is better than no practice at all.

I don’t know how long it took, but Gu Hongyu kept sitting cross-legged in his sleeping bag motionless.

Suddenly, if you walked in, you could see Gu Hongyu's ears twitching, and then his eyes opened. He walked to Peng Minghao's sleeping bag and shook him awake. He ignored the still sleepy-eyed man and said eagerly: "Hurry up. Go to the other tents and wake everyone up!”

"What happened?" Peng Minghao, who was originally angry, felt slightly uneasy when he saw Gu Hongyu's serious face.

Gu Hongyu said directly: "If I guess correctly, our camp is surrounded."

Just when Gu Hongyu finished practicing immortality and was about to call it a day and go to sleep, he suddenly heard breathing sounds that were completely different from those of people outside the tent, and there were quite a few of them. They were now deep in the desert. You don't need to think about it to know what happened.

The tents were originally connected together, but Gu Hongyu and Peng Minghao soon separated and woke up everyone who was sleeping soundly. There were also dissatisfied complaints coming from some tents, but they didn't care about it at this time.

"You said we were surrounded by wolves?"

"Isn't this thing coming to take revenge on us?"

"Xiao Gu found out that he wasn't sleeping?"

"Stop talking nonsense, everyone put on their guns and equipment!" Chen Luofeng finally said.

After dressing up, everyone gathered together and followed Gu Hongyu's instructions to shine a strong flashlight in one direction. Sure enough, spots of green light appeared on the opposite side of the flashlight.

"Damn, there are so many wolves, there must be more than ten in sight!"

"Wolves are smart animals. There must be a few of these guys that we met during the day. They were scattered to look for food. Maybe they were evenly matched and didn't act rashly. But we must have been followed by them when we came back. Now there is a large force Everyone is here, it seems we are in danger!"

"It's useless to discuss this at this time. Everyone should carefully observe every move of the wolves!" Chen Luofeng arranged.

The wolves became a little restless after everyone discovered them, and they also let out roaring sounds. They may have thought that they could no longer make a sneak attack, so a few vanguard wolves immediately approached the camp, and even the light of the fire did not stop them. retreat.

Fortunately, everyone calmed down their breathing nervously, waiting for the wolves to approach and kill them with one blow. Gu Hongyu's heartbeat accelerated at that time. He was not timid, but just excited.

Soon after a wolf crossed the fire, Gu Hongyu could clearly see the wolf's sharp teeth. Chen Luofeng immediately gave the order to fire. With several gunshots, several wolves approaching the tent fell. On the ground, the surviving one was still twitching violently.

There may be a wolf in the pack but no one saw it. When they saw the same kind being hunted on the opposite side, they immediately changed their tactics and began to disperse and attack the camp from different directions. It was really a bit of a monster.

Chen Luofeng also immediately adjusted the arrangement. The nine people were divided into groups of two to take charge of different directions. He himself was in the center to provide support. After a few more gunshots were fired and a wolf fell to the ground, the wolves on the opposite side attacked again, but this time the wolves The number increased significantly.

A wolf appeared in the direction that Gu Hongyu was responsible for, but was quickly shot dead by Liang Qinghui, who was in the same group with him. He hadn't even fired yet, but he was still aiming at the gun barrel, and his whole mind was in a state of high concentration.

This time the wolf pack increased its offensive strength, and Gu Hongyu finally had the opportunity to shoot. After Liang Qinghui shot and killed a wolf, he also aimed at a wolf that rushed towards the crowd, and hit the target with a bang. The wolf's head was hit by the bullet and its head burst.

The gun bodies also became denser. Except for a wolf that was less than 5 meters away from the crowd and was shot dead by Chen Luofeng in the middle, the other wolves fell down before exceeding this distance.

Gu Hongyu admired these children from noble families. It might be because their families served in the army or had long-term training. Everyone's shooting skills were good, and they could remain calm in times of danger, so they didn't let a wolf get close to them, let alone cause any casualties.

Perhaps it was because they saw that their kind not only did not gain any advantage, but also went away without a chance to return. Finally, the leader wolf, who was nowhere to be found, gave the order to retreat. Then, after a roar, the wolf pack that attacked the camp at night began to slowly withdraw.

At this time, everyone realized that in addition to the more than ten wolves they had just killed and injured, there were actually more than ten wolves. If they rushed forward, it would be hard to tell who would win or lose!

A group of people were upset by the wolf's night attack. Seeing the wolf pack retreating far away, some buddies raised their guns and shot at them a few times, making them retreat faster. Soon, the wolf pack disappeared in the night.

The grassland returned to silence again!

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