Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 887: Sitting on a mountain of treasures but squandering them

When things came to an end, people had to bow their heads under the roof.

The deputy mayor led the team here today to sign an alliance with Gu Hongyu. After waiting for Gu Hongyu to order the old party secretary in the village to evacuate the villagers, the deputy mayor stared at the difficult Gu Hongyu for a few seconds. I kept thinking in my mind that I would give this person a wide berth if I met him in the future.

Seeing the deputy mayor leaving with a sullen expression without even saying hello, the deputy county magistrate and the chief and deputy chief of the police station led the team and left too.

After a while, the fleet of vehicles disappeared in the middle of the winding mountain trails.

"It's so easy to let them go like this!" A familiar voice, Gu Hongyu immediately knew the identity of the other party. This was the man who had just been filled with indignation among the villagers and led everyone to attack the police car.

This man was relatively strong, about forty years old, and his face was obviously different from the ordinary villagers with sallow complexions. Gu Hongyu looked at him and said with a smile: "If you don't let him go, why should you keep him here for a midnight snack?" , you almost caused the entire village to suffer misfortune with your heckles just now, didn’t you consider the consequences before you said that?”

"Boss Gu, this is my eldest son. He used to work outside. Now that I am old and useless, I plan to give him the position of village party secretary..."

Gu Hongyu interrupted the old party secretary: "Can the party secretary in the village take over?"

The old party secretary smiled sheepishly: "How can that be? The normal procedure is to elect the village officials from below, but because our Yezhu Village is located in a remote location, the town doesn't care about us and we make our own decisions without asking. As long as we elect village officials Just report it to the superior."

"It's not because I have selfish motives for letting my son take over my class, but because my eldest son has been working outside for many years and has gained some experience by traveling around. In the future, the village will need such people to lead us, otherwise it will only make us miserable. The village is even more backward and bullied by outsiders.”

Gu Hongyu smiled: "Your village will become rich. Not only will roads continue to be built immediately, but the city just promised to build a school with a sports field, medical room and canteen for the village, which will allow the children to receive a good education. ”

"This..., the old boss was just telling the leaders about this. It must be because the superiors agreed to your request that you asked me to dismiss the villagers, right?" The old party secretary suddenly realized.

"Yes, I made my own decision. I was pressed for time and didn't have time to tell you, so I hope you don't mind." Gu Hongyu smiled lightly.

The old party secretary and his son were both shocked after hearing this. The old party secretary waved his hands repeatedly: "I don't mind, I did it right. Fortunately, my son didn't get into trouble."

"It's good now. The highway has been built and a school is going to be built in our village. Why do I feel like I'm getting all the benefits." The old party secretary smiled from ear to ear.

The laughter and laughter of the old party secretary attracted many villagers who gathered after leaving. Listening to the party secretary's son explaining to them the construction of roads and schools, everyone looked full of joy.

In fact, the requirements of the people in these remote mountain villages are very simple. However, the local government team still failed to find a way to solve the difficulties faced by these mountain villages. This kind of inaction made Gu Hongyu heartbroken.

Thinking of this, Gu Hongyu suddenly asked: "Uncle Party Secretary, your village must have some specialties near the mountainous area, right?"

"What, you said our local area can produce and spread things, right?" The old party secretary's attention was attracted by the villagers just now and he didn't hear clearly what Gu Hongyu asked.

Gu Hongyu patiently repeated it again, and the other party said with a smile: "Old man, we can't produce anything good in the remote countryside here, but there is a kind of mushroom that is abundant in the surrounding mountains all year round. It looks inconspicuous and is not easy to preserve. , because there are many people in the village who don’t like this thing. They often collect a large amount of fresh mushrooms when they want to eat it. If people eat a small portion, it will be cheaper for the livestock at home. "

"If the old boss likes me, I will take people to the mountains to collect some. This stuff doesn't look very good, but it tastes really good." The son of the old party secretary said, and after chatting with each other for a while, Gu Hongyu realized that the other party's name was Jinbaoshan. .

Anyway, we were going to stay in the village for a while. When the other party said that the mushrooms tasted good, Gu Hongyu nodded in agreement: "Okay. In this case, we will be in for a treat tonight."

Without the obstruction of the government law enforcement team, the construction of the rural road was very fast. With the active help of many villagers, the excavator has already reached the village. The rough road about 5 meters wide needs to be dug out and paved with gravel. Then a layer of concrete more than ten centimeters thick is poured on top. A standard rural poplar road is all it takes.

When Gu Hongyu led the foundation employees supervising the construction team to return to the temporary camp in the village, it was only about four o'clock in the afternoon. However, as soon as he entered the village, Jinbaoshan greeted him with a smile: "Gu Ban, let's go." , let me take you to see some good things.”

"Did you go out to pick that kind of mushroom in the afternoon?" Gu Hongyu immediately guessed the reason for Jinbaoshan's happiness.

The other party nodded and said: "Yes, it was difficult to find that thing in winter, but this afternoon I took a few villagers into the mountains to look for it, and there was actually a piece of it growing in a small canyon. Now I will take you there Look what that mushroom looks like."

Gu Hongyu was shocked when he saw several bamboo strips and dustpans filled with mushrooms.

Gu Hongyu recognized the mushroom in front of him. It was clearly the very expensive morel, which is a rare edible wild fungus. The morel seems to be also known as "morel", also known as "morel", tripe, etc., also known as world-famous fungi.

Morels are not only tender and crispy, but also delicious and fragrant. They are mild in nature and sweet in taste. They can also treat weak spleen and stomach, phlegm and shortness of breath, loss of essence and kidney, impotence, dizziness and insomnia, poor appetite, etc. They can also prevent colds, resist viruses, and fight against cancer.

A morel is the size of a palm, and its appearance is very complete even in the cold winter. This quality of morel is very expensive in big cities. One kilogram of dried products costs at least one thousand yuan, because the functions of morels are often out of stock.

However, Jinshan Village did not know this kind of mushroom. I heard from Jin Baoshan that this kind of mushroom grows all over the mountains and fields around. In addition, the villagers supported a small part of it, and the rest was eaten by livestock. How can those who can't buy it even if they pay a lot of money feel!

Seeing this situation, Gu Hongyu even felt a kind of sadness. If the local government's work went deep into the grassroots, even if it was done more solidly, the morels here would not be discovered. With the resources of morels, will this village continue to be so poor?

It's really terrible to be ignorant. The villagers of Jinshan Village are simply a group of people who sit on a mountain of treasures but don't stop squandering them!

ps: Good evening, fellow book friends. Here comes the second update. Please vote for me during the double monthly vote period!

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