Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 889 It’s the end of the year again

The road construction lasted for about half a month. During this period, Gu Hongyu stopped by the city to complete the construction of the school. The city and county were very happy and did not show any difficulty for him. ∽♦

Gu Hongyu didn’t know that, but he was registered in the government yamen, and everyone in these yamen knew all about him. As long as Gu Hongyu didn’t make a big mistake, these people would turn a blind eye. Close one eye and pretend it never happened.

After supervising the construction of the road, Gu Hongyu left with the employees of the charity foundation. The rest of the construction of the school was left to the county's public bidding for the construction team. As for whether there was anything fishy in it, it had nothing to do with Gu Hongyu.

When Gu Hongyu left Jinshan Village, he and the employees of the charity foundation were all greeted by the villagers. The villagers reluctantly followed several familiar employees and talked to them. They carried some local specialties in their hands and kept going to the employees. Delivered in hand.

Many villagers also thanked Gu Hongyu and stuffed local chickens, bacon, etc. into his car, leaving him no room to refuse.

The old branch secretary started the engine and stuck to his window and said excitedly: "Guban, I have left your phone number. I will definitely contact you when I go to collect morels in our village. Guban is with me I believe you won’t lie to me.”

It was also during this period of road construction that Gu Hongyu signed a contract with Jinshan Village. In the contract, they cooperated on Jinshan Village's morel mushroom resources. The village was responsible for collecting and drying morel mushrooms, and Gu Hongyu had to contribute money. Funds from building a bakery will be used to make dried morels.

In terms of profit, Gu Hongyu did not lower their prices. He would receive the goods from all the villagers in Jinshan Village at the price of morels on the market that season. Gu Hongyu's profit would be the amount of money left over. The prerequisite for cooperation is to build a drying house in the village.

Promising the matter again, Gu Hongyu slowly drove the Grand Cherokee away.

Mei stared at the increasingly blurred Jinshan Village behind her and sighed: "The name of this village is really correct. It relies on the resources of morels. Soon they will become the real Jinshan Village!"

Returning to Honghu Village in Qingzhen, seeing that the Spring Festival is getting closer and closer, Mei Ning and their charity work have come to an end. Mei Ning asked the employees to take back a lot of the local specialties given by the villagers of Jinshan Village, and also gave them to each other by the way. A short vacation.

Compared with the work of the foundation, Qingzhen's planning work is in full swing.

The National Red Lake Park and Astronomy Center are the top priorities of all projects, and Aubrey has been focusing on these two projects during this time. Each of them is progressing very quickly.

In fact, after the land area of ​​the Red Lake National Park is determined, there is not much that needs to be built. Only safe fences or walls need to be erected at the junction of the national park and other boundaries. Some wildlife observation stations and rescue stations should be built in the park. Another option is to hire staff to care for the park.

The astronomical museum is a lot more troublesome. On the one hand, it has to hire architectural experts to design the drawings of the astronomical museum. On the other hand, ordinary construction units simply do not have the qualifications to build an astronomical museum. In addition, they have to negotiate with many astronomers about the future needs of the museum. Various instruments and equipment, etc., these things all fell on Aubrey's shoulders.

But Aubrey leads a pretty good team. They have done a good job in the overall planning and construction of Qingzhen. Needless to say, the progress of the park. For the astronomy museum, the drawings were produced some time ago, but Aubrey wanted to show it to Gu Hongyu, but at that time Gu Hongyu Still in a remote mountain village, I just let Aubrey make the decision.

In just half a month, the construction site of the astronomical museum has been determined. The site has also become flat, even though it has entered the frozen soil period. However, the required building materials have begun to arrive in a steady stream, and this world-famous project will be carried out step by step as long as the spring thaw.

"Boss, did Manager Lin return to Honghu Village today?" Leo Bri asked Gu Hongyu in the office of Xianyuan Hotel.

Gu Hongyu nodded: "Yes, seeing as the Spring Festival is getting closer, I have been leaving the Australian farm in China to Manager Lin to take care of. Why don't he take advantage of the holiday to take his family over and celebrate the New Year in Australia."

Today, Lin Feiyu transferred from his hometown to Honghu Village to report to Gu Hongyu about his work during this period, and to discuss this year's year-end bonus for Australian farm employees. Then there will be tens of millions of Australians.

"Haha, I heard that China's Spring Festival is more lively than our Christmas. We will also be in China this year, so we can go around." Aubrey said with a smile.

"Aubrey, the Chinese Spring Festival is a very unique festival in the world. It is much more lively than Christmas in the West. You must know that in just these few days of the Spring Festival, hundreds of millions of people live in China. Migration on the ground is also one of the most distinctive features of China," Gu Hongyu explained.

While the two were chatting, there was a knock on the door outside the office. While waiting for an employee to open the door, Gu Hongyu was sitting opposite the door and immediately saw the dusty Lin Feiyu.

"Manager Lin, have all the domestic matters been settled?" Gu Hongyu looked very happy at Lin Feiyu.

Lin Feiyu also said the same: "There is nothing to do in China, that is, taking my parents to Australia and casually visiting their daughter-in-law. If it weren't for this, the two parents would really be reluctant to go abroad!"

"Haha, congratulations. Huang Jiayi and you are living together on a farm in Australia. You are about to get married. Your parents should go to Australia to adapt to the environment so that they can raise children for you in the near future." Gu Hongyu said jokingly .

Lin Feiyu suddenly took out an invitation from his suit pocket after listening to Gu Hongyu's words: "Well, next May Day, I hope you can take time to come back to Australia to attend my wedding. I'm thinking of asking you to be the witness!"

Taking the red invitation with golden dragon and phoenix patterns on it, Gu Hongyu laughed: "No problem, I will definitely take time to bring my family back to Australia to attend your wedding."

After a round of politeness, Gu Hongyu, Aubrey and Li Feiyu discussed the various benefits and bonuses of the employees under the group this year in this office.

For the farm employees who created high profits for him, Gu Hongyu was very generous in everything, and the few people decided on this matter after a short discussion.

The annual bonus of the general manager-level employees of Xianyuan Group is still 500,000 Australian dollars, and there are only Lin Feiyu and Aubrey among them.

The annual bonus of the project manager is 300,000 Australian dollars. This group of people includes Gu Hongyu's eldest cousin, second cousin, Lai Qiang, Cook, Du Jian, Huang Qiang, Liu Tie, Dai Wei and Joyce Bosh from the sales company.

Next are the supervisors in charge, including some young backbones represented by Wu Haoyu, whose year-end bonus is 100,000 Australian dollars.

Next are the team leaders and deputy team leaders who are responsible for specific work. Gu Hongyu also gave them a year-end bonus of 80,000 Australian dollars, and the rest of the ordinary employees all received 50,000 Australian dollars.

In addition to these, all employees of the farm have the opportunity to receive more bonuses, such as the diligence award and dedication award implemented last year. In short, the total bonus amount issued this year is more than last year, and the proportion of employees who won awards has also increased significantly compared with last year.

ps: After a day of power outage, I finally caught up. Second update, please support me!

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