Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 893 Genius Son

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"Really?" Gu Hongyu began to look excited.

The old monster said angrily: "What I said can be false. Not only is your son's talent for cultivation higher than yours, but if I haven't seen it, he has supernatural spiritual roots. This kind of person will automatically be able to practice the cultivation method when he enters it." He has an attribute that makes him one of the strongest among monks of the same level."

"Ah...!" Through systematic study of the many materials passed down to him from the stone tablets in the past few days, Gu Hongyu had a certain understanding of all aspects of the era of cultivation. As far as he knew, it was during the ancient era that cultivation flourished. During that period, the proportion of babies born at that time who could actually enter the ranks of cultivation was also very low, and his son still had supernatural spiritual roots. It seemed to Gu Hongyu that a lot of good luck had fallen on his head.

For example, in ancient times, when babies were born, there was a special place to measure their cultivation talents. According to their cultivation talents, they were roughly divided into five levels. The worst among them belonged to miscellaneous spiritual roots, and the attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth were all present. Such people are almost reduced to mortal status as soon as they are born.

The second worst talent is having the four spiritual roots of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. No matter how hard such people work, many people can only become mortals because of their poor talent attributes. Very few people can engage in businesses related to cultivation. Buying and selling, or taking care of people's spiritual fields, looking after medicine furnaces, and other low-level cultivation tasks.

Speaking of the third type, that is, people with three spiritual roots. The proportion of this type of people has dropped sharply. It is at least ten times less than those with four or five spiritual roots. People with three spiritual roots have the minimum requirements to join various sects. However, if there is no adventure or great opportunity, they can only become relatively ordinary members of the sect.

The proportion of people with both spiritual roots is even smaller. The two types of spiritual roots indicate that the baby's body is relatively pure. If you practice one or two cultivation methods alone, your cultivation speed will be very fast. This type of people are basically hot commodities in various sects. When they grow up, they usually become the backbone of various sects and elite disciples. If there is a great opportunity, I can still compare with those people who have a kind of spiritual root.

But compared to people with two spiritual roots, the difference is far behind. The ratio of people with single spiritual roots to cultivators can be said to be only one in tens of thousands. This small group of people means that they are born as soon as they are born. They are nobler than others and enjoy the most abundant source of cultivation in each sect.

Just because people with single spiritual roots have the purest physical attributes, practicing a single skill can get twice the result with half the effort, and the skills they perform are more powerful. Such people are the core members of various sects.

In addition, in the ancient era of cultivation, there was only one family. No matter how small a family is, as long as a baby with a single spiritual root is born in the family, the family can obtain resource support from the baby sect, which can instantly increase the strength of the small family.

Generally speaking, these five types of cultivation talents have been divided into these five types in ancient times, but there are also many special attributes, which are the supernatural spiritual roots. This kind of human body does not have the five elements of attributes, resulting in mutated attributes, such as ice attributes, thunder attributes, wind attributes, etc., but Such people are even rarer, and can be described as rare. The number of babies that can give birth to a baby with a supernatural spirit root is only one in tens to millions.

I really didn't expect it. His son actually has a supernatural spirit root. The information passed to him by the stone tablet shows that the probability of the appearance of the supernatural spirit root is very slim, which is amazing. But now that there are basically no monks on the earth, my son has a strange spiritual root. This... is such a coincidence!

Seeing Gu Hongyu's frown, obviously still doubting, the old monster felt even more annoyed, and said through consciousness: "Boy, your son has a wind-attributed spiritual root. You can figure it out yourself. I'm going back to space." !”

"Master. Please don't. I am your disciple and my child is not allowed to call you Master. The information I know does not record the cultivation techniques of the alien spirit root, but I think the master must know. Please teach my child how to do it. ?" Gu Hongyu said quickly and bitterly.

"Humph, do you believe it now?" The old monster was still angry. He finally came out of the ancient formation in the spirit world. Maybe he had just interacted with other humans. The old monster's temper was a bit like that of a child, so he could only follow his words.

"I believe, I have always believed, that the child's cultivation attributes far exceed my expectations!" Gu Hongyu responded quickly.

"Oh, it's a pity that the Ancestral Star lacks spiritual energy now, otherwise this child's future achievements will be immeasurable." The old monster sighed.

However, Gu Hongyu did not have such far-term thinking as the old weirdo. It was already good that his son could cultivate. His purpose was just to extend the life of his descendants.

Listening to the sigh of the old weirdo, Gu Hongyu chuckled and said: "It's okay, Master, aren't we going to look for the fragments of the fairy source space soon? Then we will also look for the reason for the disappearance of the earth's spiritual energy. As long as that day comes. Maybe the earth will regain its aura, and my son will have no worries in practicing in the future!”

"That's all I can think about now, I hope everything goes well!" The old monster sighed again.

At this time, Taotao beside Gu Hongyu tilted his head and asked curiously: "Dad, what are you doing? Why do you keep ignoring me when you call me over?"

Gu Hongyu hurriedly replied: "Dad is thinking about a problem!"

While talking, he urged the old monster to quickly tell him the cultivation method of the wind-type alien spirit root.

Finally, the old monster told Gu Hongyu a cultivation formula called "Xuanfeng Jue". According to the old monster, this is a relatively basic cultivation formula suitable for people who are new to cultivation. In the future, if Taotao can apply this formula, he will teach him a more profound formula.

Cultivation cannot be achieved overnight, but must be done step by step. Gu Hongyu got a formula and immediately said to Taotao: "Son, now I want to test your memory. If you can recite it word for word, I will take you on a yacht and diving next time I go to Australia. How about it?"

These two things are Taotao's favorites. When Gu Hongyu talked about it, his little face was full of yearning: "Really?"

"I promise."

"Okay, you say..." Taotao looked very confident.

The formula is not very long, only one or two hundred words, and some of the words in it are a bit difficult to pronounce, but when Gu Hongyu only read it to Taotao three times, the other party could recite it very accurately.

"Son, how did you do it?" Gu Hongyu was so unbelievable. With such memory and comprehension ability, will Taotao still need to go to school in the future?

I didn't expect my son to be a genius. Yes, he is a genius with rare talent in cultivation!

Looking up at Gu Hongyu's shocked face, Taotao said more proudly: "Dad, these are too simple. When I was in Australia, I could recite the texts of brother Xiaohai and sister Juanjuan, but my brother and sister didn't know some words. Don't you think they are too stupid!"

ps: Thanks to the book friends "Shuchong Modao", "Qian Kongfang", "Xianghuanai" for their praise and support, and thanks to "yjydfcpi", "Qingkongli", "Xiaofengxilai" for their monthly ticket support!


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