Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 90 Two wolf cubs (recommend, collect)

"What's going on? It's been a long time, but there's no movement at all?" After waiting for more than ten minutes, no wolf appeared at the entrance of the small cave, which made the people guarding there impatient.

Looking at the time, Chen Peng said, "Let me see if the wolves have moved away. The one Xiao Gu saw just now should be the last one of Yawei?"

The other members also agreed with this idea. Chen Luofeng waved his hand and said, "Wait 5 minutes earlier. If nothing comes out of it, we will retreat!"

Time passed slowly.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

The entrance of the cave was still surprisingly calm, but some smoke was still coming out of the cave.

When five minutes passed, Liang Qinghui shook his head regretfully: "I thought we could have a big harvest, but it turned out to be a false alarm!"

The others were also unhappy. They also thought that the wolves inside had all moved away, and now all that was left were empty holes. They packed up their luggage and planned to retreat.

Gu Hongyu packed his things slowly. When he was the last one to leave the cliff, he still forgot about the two cave entrances reluctantly, and he also felt deeply regretful.

Unexpectedly, when he looked back, he saw something moving in the bushes at the entrance of the small cave. Could it be that a wolf finally couldn't stand the thick smoke and came out? However, he paused as he was about to shout.

A little wolf cub was standing trembling at the entrance of the small cave. It might not be a full month old. Its eyes were not open yet, and its pink little nose was still twitching and sniffing the fresh air outside.

Immediately, another wolf cub appeared at the entrance of the cave. It was about the same size as the first one, and its actions just after leaving the cave were exactly the same as the first one.

"Ah, what a cute little guy!" This was not the voice of Gu Hongyu, but the shout of Peng Minghao.

Just when he wanted to find Gu Hongyu to chat, he didn't find anyone. He turned around and saw an amazing scene.

"Damn, there's not a single big wolf, but there are two little wolves!" Chen Peng, who reacted quickly, shouted excitedly. Even if there were two little wolves, it would be worth the trip.

"What's going on? How did wolf cubs appear?" Gu Lin looked puzzled.

Chen Luofeng thought about it and said, "It seems that the wolf pack has indeed abandoned this cave, but some of the little wolf cubs have not been moved away and we caught up with them. Let's go and see if there are any little wolves in the cave. If they are still alive after being smoked by the smoke, they will instinctively crawl to the cave entrance!"

The hatchet completely cut off the shrubs that were in the way, exposing the small cave to everyone. The two little guys might have been confused by the smoke. They were not afraid of this alien human being, and they went towards Gu Hongyu who was some distance away from them.

"Hey, it's really strange. I'm the closest to them, but these two little things ignored me and went towards Xiao Gu instead." Peng Minghao, who was cutting the shrubs with a hatchet, looked surprised.

"Xiao Gu has a good affinity with animals. The foals he raises are very smart. It seems that these two wolf cubs also like him." Chen Luofeng said with a smile.

Seeing Gu Hongyu caressing the wolf cub's head intimately, Liang Qinghui said disdainfully: "Xiao Gu, what's so fun about wolf cubs? Just kill them and I'll find you a Tibetan mastiff to raise."

Gu Hongyu said hesitantly: "Forget it. It's too much to kill such a small guy..."

"Don't talk to me about this and that. Wolves are things that can't be raised. Haven't you heard of white-eyed wolves?" Liang Qinghui still insisted on killing the little wolf.

Even Gu Lin on the side said: "Raising wolf cubs is risky. You should consider it carefully."

"I think raising wolves is good. If they grow up in the future, it will be so cool. Others raise dogs, but I raise wolves. This alone makes me different!" Peng Minghao stood on Gu Hongyu's side at this time.

Liang Qinghui glanced at him and smiled, "If you want to raise one, then raise it?"

"I can do that!" Pointing at Gu Hongyu and Peng Minghao, he said, "Hongyu doesn't even have a dog now, and he has a lot of free time and such a large space. He is a perfect person to raise wolf cubs!"

"Yes, let's raise wolves like Xiao Gu. If there are white-eyed wolves, we will kill them again. We can kill their parents, but can't we kill them?" Sun Chao didn't speak for a long time. At this time, he also supported Gu Hongyu to raise wolves.

Gu Hongyu didn't think about raising wolves at first, but after hearing the discussion of the crowd and thinking about the magical space, he didn't know whether the two wolf cubs could have spirituality, but his intuition told him that it could be done, so he thought about adopting wolf cubs.

Finally, Chen Luofeng smiled and said, "You guys are discussing on the side. I think the most important thing is Xiao Gu's opinion. If Xiao Gu thinks it's okay to raise it, then it doesn't matter. If you don't want to raise it, just kill it, otherwise it will be a nuisance in the future."

Looking at the two cute little wolves surrounding his feet, Gu Hongyu thought that this might be because of the practice of the Five Elements magic. Because of the lack of skill, the breath of the Five Elements magic formula will occasionally emit a little. It seems that the two young wolf cubs are still very spiritual. Thinking of this, he nodded and said modestly: "Since they are so close to me, I will give it a try. I hope they will not become ungrateful."

The matter here came to an end. In the end, no signs of the young wolf cubs were found in the small cave. Even if the thermal sensor was taken out, there was still no discovery. It seems that there are only these two cubs left in the cave. It is also considered that they are lucky enough to crawl out.

On the way back, Gu Hongyu held a wolf cub in one hand. The wolf cub was very affectionate with him. They kept licking Gu Hongyu's palm with their pink tongues. It was fun to see Gu Hongyu approaching and trying to lick his face.

However, after playing for a while, the two wolf cubs began to yawn. They curled up in a ball and fell asleep in Gu Hongyu's arms.

Back to the camp, everyone started to pack lunch. They were busy all morning and got nothing but were exhausted. After a simple lunch, everyone fell asleep to make up for the sleepiness last night.

Gu Hongyu, on the other hand, was taking care of the two wolf cubs. A group of grown men came out with almost no milk powder or rice paste. In the end, it was Gu Hongyu who served some rice soup to the wolf cubs. When no one was paying attention, he even put some space spring water in it. When Gu Hongyu brought the rice soup close to the wolf cubs, they were immediately attracted and impatiently sucked the rice soup. However, they were not used to eating in the bowl and finally got their whole bodies wet.

However, with the wolf cubs, they also brought a lot of joy to Gu Hongyu. Looking at their naive and cute appearance, people could not help laughing.

But Gu Hongyu didn't know that after they took the wolf cubs away and left the wolf den, the group of wolves returned to the wolf den soon. When they didn't see the two young wolves again, a wolf leader whose body was obviously larger than that of an ordinary wolf howled to the sky.

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