Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 905 Questions

[Latest report] Tomorrow is 515, the anniversary of Qidian, the day with the most benefits. ○In addition to gift bags and school bags, you must check out this 515 red envelope binge. There is no reason not to grab the red envelopes. Set your alarm clock~

The unexpected incident suddenly alerted Gu Hongyu, who urgently stopped the black snake and the giant crocodile from getting close to him.

Then, he stood quietly on Snake Island and used the night to hide his figure. He did not rush back to the ship and took advantage of the favorable terrain to observe.

However, Gu Hongyu didn't know that the other party was an intelligence officer specializing in monitoring him and would not take the initiative to contact him. This made Gu Hongyu waste an hour in vain.

Gu Hongyu was confused about this situation and watched the time go into the night. After working in the Xianyuan space for a whole day, he couldn't help but feel tired at this moment, so he couldn't help but walk to the yacht.

After boarding the yacht, Gu Hongyu used his consciousness to observe the fishing boat not far away. There was still no movement on the other side, but there seemed to be people on the boat talking about something.

Gu Hongyu still let the black snake and the giant crocodile guard the yacht for him, and went back to the cabin to sleep, but what happened next was beyond imagination.

The ship that monitored Gu Hongyu was originally a coast guard ship, with Da Kui and another intelligence officer named Xiao Zhang on board. Later, Liu Tou and them gathered together and believed that the coast guard ship was easily exposed when used to monitor targets, so they finally changed it to a fishing boat.

This indeed made Gu Hongyu not too suspicious when he saw the fishing boat when he came out of Snake Island, but Dakui and the others who were monitoring Gu Hongyu were completely stunned by what they saw at night.

It was really because Gu Hongyu was sleepy after staying up all day without sleeping, and he had no intention of thoroughly investigating the fishing boat. This made Dakui see Gu Hongyu, the black snake, and the giant crocodile meeting each other, and the two animals did not attack at all. What Gu Hongyu meant had to shock them.

"Xiao Zhang, did you see it? Did the target mission involve close contact with the black snake and the giant crocodile? Why didn't those two guys hurt the target?" Dakui touched the dumbfounded Xiao Zhang and said.

Xiao Zhang pursed his lips and said angrily: "Is it possible that these two animals are the animals that the target raised?"

"Bah, how is this possible? When the target came to Hainan, he was alone. When he rented the yacht, the staff could prove that he did not bring anything on the yacht. And now how come there are two beasts on his yacht? Before When Liu Tou met us, some people speculated that the giant crocodile and the black snake accidentally entered the yacht. According to me, this is pure nonsense," Dakui said angrily.

"There must be something wrong, the target's horse's hooves are exposed now!"

Xiao Zhang looked at Da Kui's excited look and asked weakly: "Brother Kui, where's the evidence? Do you have any evidence? We don't carry infrared imagers or cameras!"

"Well, this is really difficult to handle!" Dakui paced back and forth on the boat, thought for a while and said, "Xiao Zhang, how about we sneak onto the other side's boat tonight to investigate on the spot?"

"Come on. There are giant snakes and giant crocodiles on the target's yacht. These things are difficult to deal with, not to mention that the target may be more powerful. If the opponent really is a superpower, I can't beat ten of them!"

Xiao Zhang was still frightened, and then said: "Dakui, the superiors only require us to meet the target, and they are not asking us to come into contact or even conflict with the target. Otherwise, some relationships will not be able to be eased in the future."

"Alas..." Dakui sighed: "Our mission this time is really uncomfortable."

"Brother Kui, please save it. Don't be surprised at all when people who do our job may face all kinds of strange things. But fortunately, the other party is not a vicious person and has no signs of endangering social stability and order. I don't think it can be used. How long will it take for the higher-ups to send someone to replace us? It is impossible for us to be exposed to someone who is suspected of having special powers for a long time," Xiao Zhang said in a coherent manner.

In the end, Dakui couldn't act impulsively, and he and Xiao Zhang just chatted wordlessly. I don’t know when I finally fell asleep.

When the chirping of seabirds woke up Da Kui, his dazed head was still a little angry, but looking at Xiao Zhang lying on the side of the boat and snoring, Da Kui thought something was wrong.

Then the situation was not that bad. Dakui looked up towards the shore of Snake Island. Fortunately, the yacht did not leave.

"Xiao Zhang, wake up. I almost missed something big!"

Xiao Zhang was also sleepy. He slowly stood up and wiped the corners of his eyes and said in a muffled voice: "Brother Kui, what's wrong?"

"Hey, we agreed last night that we would take turns on duty, day and night. You see, we all overslept. If the target walks away under our noses, do you think we still have the nerve to see Liu Tou?" Dakui's face was full of annoyance. .

"Hey, hasn't the other party left yet? Let me see what's going on on the other party's yacht." Xiao Zhang grabbed the telescope next to him and started looking at the yacht rented by Gu Hongyu.

But then Xiao Zhang suddenly screamed: "Brother Kui, isn't that right? The giant black snakes and crocodiles on the yacht opposite are gone?"

"What... are those two guys on the yacht really missing?" Dakui was holding a piece of bread and planned to have it for breakfast. Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhang screamed and the bread he had only taken two bites of fell to the ground in shock.

This guy really cared about food. He immediately picked up the bread from the ground, then patted the place where the bread wrapper was in contact with the ground with his left and right hands. However, he looked at Xiao Zhang and said anxiously: "Xiao Zhang, don't you You must have misread it, maybe you didn’t see them hidden in the cabin!”

However, Xiao Zhang said seriously: "Brother Kui, I'm not kidding you. The two big guys on the other party's yacht are really gone. If you don't believe me, look at the waterline of the other party's yacht. I observed it carefully yesterday. , the waterline of the yacht is obviously much lower with those two big guys.”

Without saying anything, Dabu grabbed the telescope and looked at it again and again, and finally said dejectedly: "Damn, how should we explain to the superiors now? This thing is really weird. Those two big guys can't be us at night." He ran away while sleeping, or maybe the target really has superpowers, and the superpowers are the ability to tame animals, but he can grow high-quality plants and breed top-quality livestock, is there any reason for this? "

Xiao Zhang's eyes suddenly lit up at this time: "Brother Kui, I really believe that the target has skills in animal training. Didn't you want to make it very clear in the information we passed on internally that the target has many extremely smart and clever pets at home? , and if the other party has the ability to tame animals, it would make sense, but the issue of breeding is still a big mystery. "

Dakui thought about it and finally made up his mind: "No matter, let's report the actual situation to the superiors. As for how the superiors understand it, it's none of your business or mine!"

"Well, no matter what, we failed in our duty this time, alas..."

"Stop sighing. Look, the other party is planning to leave by boat. You quickly report the situation to the superiors and I'll go sail the boat!"

ps.5.15 Starting point is raining red envelopes! Starting from 12 noon, you will grab one round every hour, and a big wave of 515 red envelopes will depend on your luck. You all go grab it, and continue to subscribe to my chapters with the starting points you grabbed!

ps: Thank you to book friends "Laughing Dad Yi" and "Fantasy Love" for their appreciation and support, and thanks to "book friends", "Lonely Grasshopper", "", "Qingyun Yijian" for their monthly ticket support! There is only one chapter today. There are a lot of things going on at home recently, and I am busier on weekends than at work. I can only say sorry to the book friends who have been waiting for a long time. I hope to make it up to you with a new book. Thank you for your endless support!

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