Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 909 There is such a thing

"Comrade Gu Hongyu is indeed no ordinary person, he hides it really well!" Huang Haihua's leader said respectfully, standing in front of the No. 1 leader. `

After reading the detailed information report and original video footage, Chief No. 1 patted the armrest and sighed: "Please stop following Comrade Gu Hongyu. This kind of person has transcended the definition of ordinary people, but the other party can restrain himself." Yes, it should not be harmful to society.”

"Chairman, there is no final conclusion on this matter. Maybe Comrade Gu Hongyu is not harmful to society now, but in the future, who knows whether his thoughts will change in the future. Besides, if someone takes the initiative to provoke him and makes him anxious, then he will cause trouble. The incident cannot be solved. I think we still need to take the initiative in this matter," said a leader of the national defense department.

Chief No. 1 smiled: "Guo Jing, we have already watched the video, and many experts held a meeting and discussed the original video overnight to reach a conclusion. This has confirmed that Comrade Gu Hongyu is not an ordinary person, and there may be many things beyond Beyond the scope of our knowledge, what do you think we should do? Can we still imprison the other party? "

The leader of the Ministry of National Defense named Zhang was also a little helpless: "This kind of power is too unstable. We do not allow factors beyond our control to exist. When necessary, we will take coercive measures."

"Humph, you only know how to act recklessly. You should be glad that Comrade Gu Hongyu is a good comrade. Not only has he not caused harm to society, but he has made many people rich with him. He has also established a charity foundation in the name of his wife. Such a kind act These are not things that other rich people can do. Comrade Gu Hongyu has a strong sense of right and wrong in matters of right and wrong," the No. 1 leader said.

At this time, Huang Haihua's leader suggested: "I also think that no measures should be taken against Gu Hongyu. As a law-abiding citizen, he can be said to be a model of Chinese citizens. We should have a good relationship with each other. Let Gu Hongyu Comrade Yu should become one of our own!”

"Look, look... Comrade Liu Gao's ideological realm is different. We must learn to win over and impress each other with sincerity. Can such a person make greater contributions to the country?" No. 1 Chief He pointed at the leader of the Ministry of National Defense.

The leader of the Ministry of National Defense smiled coquettishly: "Old Liu is a good political worker. No one in China is better in this regard. Anyone in front of him will be at a disadvantage!"

Liu Gao also smiled slightly. He said elegantly: "Guo Jing can't wear a high hat like this. I don't know what Huahuachang is in your heart. Okay, let's leave the contact with Comrade Gu Hongyu to our office."

"Well, that's it!" Chief No. 1 ended the meeting. Gu Hongyu's video on Snake Island was also classified as top secret, and those who knew it were also given a silence order.

In this matter, Xiao Wang is indeed the luckiest person.

With an unexpected discovery, the job quickly changed from an internship to a full-time job. In addition, he also received a large bonus and received a special interview from the leader. The leader's care and encouragement made him feel as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

In this way, Gu Hongyu's matter was like a breeze, blowing gently without stirring up any smoke or dust!

The words are divided into two ends.

After sleeping for a whole day, Gu Hongyu became energetic again.

Entering the space, his consciousness scanned the huge new space, and he smiled knowingly for no reason.

"Boy, you are so beautiful just as you are now. If you wait for the space fragments to gather together and finally form a plane here, I don't know how excited you will be by then?" The old weirdo doesn't know when. Appeared next to Gu Hongyu.

Gu Hongyu watched as the old monster's body began to glow again. He asked happily: "Master, are all your injuries healed?"

The old monster waved his hands and said arrogantly: "Haha, you don't even know who I am, this little injury is nothing!"

"That's great, let's continue setting off today, this time trying to find the whereabouts of another fragment of the fairy source." Gu Hongyu found a strange plane. One can imagine the urgency of the mood.

"You think the fairy source fragments are just cabbage. If they were easy to find, they would have been discovered long ago. What's wrong with you kid!" The old monster said angrily.

After chatting for a while, Gu Hongyu caught a few fish from the river in space, prepared some side dishes, had a hearty meal and walked out of the hotel. He planned to leave here next. After visiting all the island groups, he didn't believe that he couldn't find any useful information.

When the yacht set off on the road again, there was no follower behind him this time, which surprised Gu Hongyu. Thinking back to what happened before, Gu Hongyu thought that maybe he felt wrong last time.

However, during this period, the yacht rental company made several calls to Gu Hongyu. Last time, the staff member clearly asked him to return the yacht on the phone. This made Gu Hongyu confused. After discussing with him, the other party said nothing. Listen, it’s really troublesome for Gu Hongyu.

But now the staff member who received him was reprimanded by the superiors, and the police came to follow him. This kind of person might have committed something, and the manager would not dare to rent it out no matter how much money he paid. Who knows? Will the police come to your door again in the future? Maybe the rent will be turned over and confiscated, and maybe there will be some trouble involved.

At first, Gu Hongyu was also very annoyed. Who wouldn't be angry if the rental company broke the contract innocently? That was really a first-class self-cultivation. However, later the yacht rental company promised not to charge him a penny, but to subsidize the relevant economic compensation for the breach of contract.

Gu Hongyu thought about it. Since the other party was unwilling to pay the compensation, he would rarely get entangled with the other party. After asking around, there were many companies that rented yachts. Changing one also saved the expenses during this period.

He went to the original rental company very casually. After the other party sent professional workers to check the yacht and found no abnormalities, there was a special claims staff to tell him about the economic compensation generated by this contract. Not only did he not have to spend a penny this time, but he also received more than 100,000 yuan in compensation.

With the money, Gu Hongyu left more casually. The staff who handled the business with him at the beginning were puzzled by his free and easy attitude. They were all targeted by the national police, but they were still swaggering. Didn't the other party know all this? But obviously, this kind of people will not last long. The staff member thought about it and felt relieved!

It's just renting a yacht, but such a strange thing happened.

Then Gu Hongyu quickly found a yacht rental company and the formalities were handled smoothly. This time he could finally feel at ease.

Before that, he also did another thing...

ps: Chapter 2, happy new week everyone!


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