Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 912 Discover another magical place?

It turns out that the small boats that entered the reef-covered sea area in the middle of the archipelago were here to catch giant lobsters. The big lobsters here weighed two or three kilograms, and the small ones weighed more than one kilogram. Maybe these people didn't catch them because they were too small. Small ones have little economic value, so fishermen also follow the ancient fishing tradition of catching the big ones and releasing the small ones.

However, it is not just what Gu Hongyu guessed, there are also people diving and resurfacing on other small boats from time to time. In addition to large lobsters, there are also fishermen catching sea cucumbers, sea urchins, scallops and other seafood. The marine resources in this area are indeed very rich. Among divers When handing over the harvest, they took advantage of the surface to lift their hoods and almost all showed knowing smiles.

The wind was sunny and the temperature was suitable. The fishermen were busy looking for seafood in the ocean that would make them rich. Gu Hongyu crossed these fishing boats and gradually headed towards the depths of the islands and reefs with more complex terrain.

The yacht in his posture was already attractive enough. Watching the yacht sailing towards the rocky waters, an old fisherman on the small boat couldn't help shouting: "Hey, the yacht in front can't continue to drive inward. This There are too many reefs in this area, and the wind and waves are unpredictable, so there is a high chance that it will be dangerous if we go in again.”

The old monster has examined the sea situation in front of him with his spiritual consciousness that is stronger than Gu Hongyu's. There are indeed many reefs, but this does not affect the yacht's freedom to travel inside. However, the unpredictable changes in wind and waves are a problem. Sometimes underwater Changes in seawater flow can make operations difficult.

But this is not a problem for Gu Hongyu. Several people have spiritual consciousness, which is equivalent to installing several sensitive radars. They are always paying attention to the flow of sea water and are prepared to face all dangers.

"It's okay, uncle. If we really can't get in, I will return." Gu Hongyu, a kind-hearted old fisherman, expressed his gratitude.

But the other party was obviously a little annoyed. He reminded her well-intentioned but Gu Hongyu insisted on going his own way, so he said with a serious face: "What's wrong with you? How much do you know about the situation in the nearby waters? It depends on how you drive such a yacht." It’s obviously just for fun at sea, maybe somewhere else.”

However, Gu Hongyu still shook his head: "Uncle, I really know the situation here. I was well prepared before coming here."

"Hey. Why don't you listen to my advice? I have been fishing and catching shrimps with my elders here for decades since I was a child. Can you say that you are more familiar with this sea area than me? Don't listen to me. Let's go inside." The old fisherman persisted in urging Gu Hongyu to change his mind.

While he was waiting to catch his breath, Gu Hongyu had already started sailing the boat. He could still hear Gu Hongyu's message from far away: "Thank you, uncle. I believe I will come out safely."

"Young people today are so willful." The old fisherman looked at the yacht going away and shook his head helplessly.

At this time, people who were fishing underwater came up, and the old fisherman immediately said: "Sea, let's not fish for shrimps for the time being. Follow the yacht in the small boat. If the other party has an accident, we can still help it, no matter what No matter how you say it, it’s a human life.”

"Dad, you are kind again. This kind of thing has been rare in the past few decades. There have been many times when no one had an accident and you wasted a lot of engine oil. That's it. But you still get ridiculed by others. This is simply a shame." A thankless thing.”

"Besides, you have saved many people in distress in the past few decades. But most of them just walked away. Even if there are a few people who want to thank you, you don't accept their gratitude. How is this? What's going on?" The young man who had just climbed onto the boat was obviously the next generation of the old fishermen, and Dahai was obviously deeply resentful of the old fishermen's actions.

The old fisherman lit a cigarette and said anxiously: "How can this kind of thing be meaningless? Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. We have been surviving in the sea for many years. We must do more good deeds and accumulate virtue. No matter God Mazu will also protect our fishing safety and success.”

"Okay, okay, here comes the rhetoric again." Fishermen are always a little superstitious about traditional customs. The sea quickly lost its battle and started the boat to chase the yacht that was about to become a silhouette.

While Gu Hongyu was driving the yacht and paying attention to the situation around this sea area, he was also sighing in his heart. The old fisherman on the small boat was right. After entering a bay that clearly resembles a pass, the entire sea is dotted with nebula-covered reefs.

With the ups and downs of the sea water, many reefs are sometimes hidden in the water and sometimes emerge from the water. As long as a ship entering this area accidentally touches the rocks, the consequences will be disastrous.

Except for the reef accident. The flow of sea water here is indeed very strange. I don’t know if it is due to the tide or the special magnetic field here. The flow of sea water in this sea area is irregular. After entering the sea area formed by the islands and reefs, the sudden change of the flow direction of the sea water is almost unbelievable. Let the yacht crash into the reef.

What I didn’t say was that if the consciousness could not sense the rocks in the sea, no matter how experienced the driver was, he would easily have an accident. No wonder the old fisherman from before tried to persuade him again and again. Looking at the real situation in front of him, Gu Hongyu couldn’t help but I am very grateful to the old fisherman.

"Boy, there is something weird in this area. Slow down the speed of driving the yacht, and be careful when checking the surrounding situation in the sea. I will start to explore this area in detail. Qiongqi and we will divide the work. You mainly explore that area. "How about I take charge of this side?" the old monster's voice suddenly sounded.

Qiongqi came out of the cabin and said dissatisfiedly: "Alas, can't I take a good rest? If you find something good this time, you have to give me a share, otherwise I will never do it."

"Damn, wishful thinking." The old monster refused firmly: "If you really find space debris and other space tools to upgrade, you will get more benefits. Don't push it too far."

"It's just a joke, old monster, don't be so serious, you will get old faster if you continue like this." Qiongqi said arrogantly. He has trained his face to be as thick as a wall for the old monster's scolding, and he is not ashamed at all.

After chatting for a few words, the old monster and Qiongqi also started their formal work. Gu Hongyu carefully drove the yacht slowly towards the other direction of this sea area. At this time, he thought that choosing the yacht he was driving was too correct. This yacht is not very big and can adapt to such an environment. If it is like his Australian yacht, it may be stuck by the reef.

After searching consciously, he was surprised to find that there were many creatures in this place full of reefs, many of which were lobsters, sea cucumbers, and mussels that were much larger than those outside. It seemed that few people came here to fish.

However, not only that, in several places on the seabed that were not hit by the tide, there was a kind of shell that Gu Hongyu knew could produce pearls. To be continued.

ps: Thank you book friends "Qin Xi 2" and "Xiang Huan Ai" for your appreciation and support, and thank you "woainide" for your monthly ticket support


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