Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 92: Start harvesting (please recommend and collect)

The vegetables in the greenhouse have indeed changed a lot compared to the past few days. The tomatoes are bright red, and the cucumbers are so juicy that it is tempting to take a bite. There are also large and neat green vegetables, and the beans are the same. The strips are long and full, and part of them has reached the harvesting standard.

"Well, I'm not lying to you. If this continues, when all the vegetables are mature, I'm afraid the villagers won't be able to harvest them!" Uncle Aza said with a smile.

Gu Hongyu nodded: "Okay, we will start harvesting early tomorrow morning. You can tell the villagers today and I will go to the town to buy some bamboo baskets."

"Okay, that's great. It's settled. I'll tell every household right now!" When Uncle Aza saw Gu Hongyu finally nodded and said harvest, he patted his thigh and turned around happily. After leaving the greenhouse, Gu Hongyu was left alone inside without saying hello.

Gu Hongyu rubbed his nose at this and looked at the delicious and appetizing vegetables in the greenhouse. He simply used his clothes as a bag to pick some of each and went back, intending to try the vegetables in the greenhouse and those produced by Pure Space. What a difference vegetables make.

Early the next morning, the sun had not yet risen from the horizon, but it was already bright. Gu Hongyu got up early and did not bother to exercise and run. After feeding the animals at home, he walked straight into the vegetable greenhouse.

However, when he arrived at his destination, there were already many villagers near the vegetable greenhouse. The number was slightly more than the usual number of people working. Gu Hongyu smiled, and all the villagers who were able to work and had leisure were taken over by Aza. The uncle is here!

Seeing Gu Hongyu arrive, many villagers greeted him familiarly. Unlike the city, the employees here are a little afraid of the boss. The style of the remote villagers is relatively open, and things will be done as usual. Gu Hongyu also hopes that this relationship can be maintained and will not deteriorate due to money.

Bamboo baskets are placed next to the vegetable greenhouse, stacked on top of each other. Yesterday afternoon, Gu Hongyu bought 1,000 of them at once. According to the calculation that ordinary bamboo baskets can hold 50 to 100 kilograms according to different vegetables, these bamboo baskets can fully meet the requirements. First time picking.

Yesterday, Uncle Aza and the villagers estimated the vegetables that could be picked maturely in the greenhouse, which was only about 5,000 kilograms.

There was no ceremony or any fanfare. As Gu Hongyu gave an order, all the villagers who came here walked into the greenhouse in batches, and the whole scene suddenly became busy.

When Gu Hongyu and Uncle Aza casually walked into a vegetable greenhouse, they could see busy figures. Many villagers knew that vegetables were expensive, so they were very careful when picking and carrying them. They were afraid of damaging Gu Hongyu and asking him to compensate. Same.

Facing this situation, Gu Hongyu saw it all in his eyes and made up his mind to pay more in terms of remuneration after picking. Vegetables are a sure-profit business. He made a lot of money and made the villagers who helped him happy.

It was almost ten o'clock in the morning, and the September sun was still somewhat powerful. Although the film of the vegetable greenhouse was lifted, the temperature inside was still relatively high. However, these villagers overcame it. During this period, the temperature beside the greenhouse was still relatively high. There are already many bamboo baskets filled with vegetables neatly stacked on the side of the road.

The adults in the village were busy, and some other children were playing nearby. Gu Hongyu looked at Uncle Aza's grandson and said in confusion: "Uncle, it's been a while since school started, and Xiaohao didn't go to school?"

Uncle Aza did not join in the harvesting of vegetables. The older man was forcibly ordered by Gu Hongyu to give instructions on the side. He was just accompanying Gu Hongyu. When he heard his question, the uncle smiled: " Isn’t today Sunday? Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many children in the village.”

Gu Hongyu smiled awkwardly: "In a small village, I really don't hear anything outside the window. I forgot to mention the weekend, and even forgot about the opening of school!"

Just as they were talking, a child saw that the tomatoes and cucumbers were very fresh, so he took one in the bamboo basket without anyone noticing. However, such a thing could not be hidden, and it was soon seen by other children. Originally, other children Children are also stubbornly controlling the temptation of vegetables, but this discovery completely messed up many children and started to get cucumbers and tomatoes.

In the end, Xiao Hao yelled: "You can't take it, you can't take it, this is Uncle Gu's thing..."

The children's quarrel was discovered by Uncle Aza and Gu Hongyu. Gu Hongyu had not done anything yet, but Uncle Aza ran over quickly and chased back all the tomatoes and cucumbers in the hands of the children. Even those who have been bitten are no exception.

Gu Hongyu followed and was a little touched by Uncle Aza's behavior, but he still stopped him and said: "Uncle, we are all children, let's forget it!"

"How can we forget this? These things are so expensive. According to the price you said, one tomato can eat a meal of meat!" Uncle Aza said stubbornly.

Gu Hongyu smiled bitterly. How could some vegetables be sold if they were bitten? Also, he saw the children looking at the vegetables eagerly while their adults were busy in the vegetable field, so he couldn't bear to say: " Forget it today, let’s make it clear to them next time.”

Then he turned to the children and said: "Uncle invites you today, but you can only take one vegetable each. If you need it in the future, you must tell me first. You can't just take it, you know?"

"I know!"

"Thank you uncle!"

"This tomato is so delicious..."

“Cucumbers are good too!”

"I want a green vegetable, so that the whole family can eat it tonight."


The children lined up noisily to take a vegetable. Some started eating it directly, some took the vegetable home, and one person stood still. This person was Xiaohao. Gu Hongyu walked over and said, "Xiaohao, why don't you take the vegetables?"

"Uncle, you are going to sell these vegetables for money, and you will buy me a lot of things in the future, so I can't take these vegetables!" Xiaohao's question and answer surprised Gu Hongyu. He didn't expect such a young guy to stick to principles.

Gu Hongyu touched his head and handed him a tomato in person: "It's okay, uncle still has a lot of vegetables. How much can you eat as a child? There will be no shortage of gifts in the future, but you have to be very obedient and listen to your grandparents!"

"Xiaohao is the most obedient!" After saying a few words, he went to join the other children.

Uncle Azha next to him looked at Gu Hongyu's actions and sighed, "Xiao Gu, why are you doing this!"

"Nothing, how many vegetables can these children take? I also want to bring some back for my employees to taste. I heard that many people in the village are talking about the taste of vegetables, so I will satisfy their wishes!" Gu Hongyu said seriously.

"I don't know what to say if you think so. I can only say that it is the greatest luck for our entire village to attract a kind-hearted person like you. You can rest assured that no one will do anything out of line here. Even Lai San, who was very domineering when they first met, regrets it now, and his wife is looking for people to plead with you!" Uncle Azha said with relief.

"It's not a deep hatred. As long as you work hard, you can find someone if you are short of manpower in the future." Isn't he just a small person? Gu Hongyu almost forgot about him.

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