Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 918 Arriving at the center of the light group

"No, no..., this is definitely not true!" Xiaolan, the young woman who was holding the child and standing behind the old woman, suddenly loosened her hands, and Yangyang fell to the ground and burst into tears.

However, at this time, both Yangyang's mother and grandmother who loved him the most were in a daze, and the old woman was also in disbelief: "How could Lao Wen go into that sea? He knows the situation of the Devil's Sea very well. Whenever he talks about the legend of the Devil's Sea, he believes it very much. How could he go in!"

The old woman's mood gradually changed from daze to madness. She still couldn't believe the reality. She was questioning and venting. Finally, her tone slowly lowered, and tears flowed out like a spring and turned into a sad murmur.

The young woman Xiaolan was squatting on the ground at this moment, her long hair was messy, her face was dull, and she had not recovered from the news of her husband's disappearance.

Yangyang's crying was also very sad. One was because he was hurt from the fall, and the other was because he saw that his mother and grandmother didn't care about him. He was at an age of ignorance and didn't know what it meant that his grandfather and father didn't come back from fishing this time!

Finally, Yangyang was coaxed by a neighbor with delicious food, and she even let her children play with him.

When the scene was quiet, Old Xie said directly: "Sister-in-law Wen, you also know that Old Wen is a bit of a good guy. This time he entered the Devil's Sea to persuade a young man who drove a yacht into the Devil's Sea to return, but who would have thought that before they had time to retreat, the thick fog had already surrounded them. You also know the rumors about the Devil's Sea. According to the experience of previous years, Old Wen and his friends are in danger this time."

"No. Old Wen has always been doing good deeds. I don't believe that God will always let good people suffer. Isn't it said that good deeds will be rewarded and evil deeds will be punished? This time, Old Wen, the good guy, will definitely be able to come back safely!" The old woman still didn't dare to accept the reality. At this moment, people's hearts are always full of one-in-a-million expectations and take the strategy of escape.

"Sister-in-law Wen, people always have to face reality. Cheer up. We, the neighbors, will definitely help you wherever we can."

"Yes. As long as my family has a bite to eat, your family will definitely not be left out."

"Sister-in-law Wen. Excuse me for telling you the truth. Old Wen and Dahai can't come back. You can't leave the funeral that your family should handle. You can't go on like this now."

"Sister-in-law Wen, please say something. No matter what happens, we have so many people here. Everyone can help you."


The good karma that Old Wen had accumulated on weekdays was finally used after his "death". The neighbors around the fishing village all comforted the old woman and the young woman Xiaolan, and suggested that they should handle the funeral of Old Wen and Dahai first. After all, this kind of thing can't be delayed, which is disrespectful to the ancestors.


When the villagers of the fishing village told the women and children left at home by the Wen family the bad news, Uncle Wen and Dahai were still sleeping in the cabin of the yacht!

The yacht continued to sail towards the center of the light ball. The further he went, the stronger the spiritual power Gu Hongyu felt. At first, he felt comfortable all over, as if his whole soul was breathing freely, but as the yacht went deeper, he began to feel substantial pressure coming from all directions.

At this time, the old monster, Qiongqi and Qingniao on the yacht did not use their skills to recover from their old injuries, but stared at the direction of the yacht with full concentration. In the center of this light ball, they seemed to know everything that existed inside, because it could be seen from the excitement on their faces.

"Master. Are these two people okay just lying here?" Looking at the two still sleeping Lao Wen and Dahai, Gu Hongyu couldn't help asking.

The old monster glanced at his lover calmly and replied: "It should be fine. There is spiritual pressure all around. They should not wake up from their coma. Besides, the abundant spiritual energy here is good for their bodies. But when you reach the center of the light ball, if you see something wrong, take them into the fairy source space!"

"Hey, Master, didn't you say that these two father and son, as mortals, can't resist the abundant spiritual energy here? How come they are fine after they fell into a coma?" Gu Hongyu asked curiously.

"What's so strange about this? If their whole bodies were awake, they would not be able to resist the spiritual energy here. They would not be able to absorb the spiritual energy even if they had no cultivation techniques. At that time, bleeding from all seven orifices would be considered good, and they might even explode and die."

"But now they are all unconscious. If they use it well here, they can use this coma as a kind of fetal breathing. The spiritual energy will penetrate into every part of the body through the skin instead of breathing. Their bodies are equivalent to changing their constitutions in this situation. Even if they don't have cultivation techniques, it will be of great benefit to them."


Gu Hongyu still had many questions that he didn't understand, but the old monster interrupted him: "Okay, shut up, we are about to enter the center of the light ball."

Sure enough, as soon as the old monster finished speaking, Gu Hongyu felt a more powerful spiritual energy rushing over.

The spiritual energy in the center of the light ball has exceeded the spiritual energy in the Xianyuan space. Gu Hongyu absorbed it very comfortably. If he was restrained when he was practicing the techniques in the Xianyuan space, he could absorb the spiritual energy here without any scruples and turn the spiritual energy into his own true energy after circulation.

However, less than a moment later, the spiritual energy in the ball of light continued to grow, and Gu Hongyu suddenly felt it was difficult to absorb the spiritual energy. The spiritual energy in it was like a ball of sticky syrup. Every time he absorbed a stream of this pure spiritual energy and circulated it in his body, a burning pain would arise in his tendons and veins.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as the old monster had explained before.

Even though his whole body was like a file, Gu Hongyu gritted his teeth and persisted. The spiritual energy was too condensed, and the heart-gnawing feeling seemed to act directly on his soul, making him feel miserable.

"Boy, hold on, you can do it, the yacht will soon reach the center of the light ball!" The old monster took the time to turn around and say to him from the gap between paying attention to the light ball.

Gu Hongyu didn't even have the strength to speak. He was soaked in sweat at this time, leaving a large pool of water stains on the deck where he sat cross-legged.


The yacht entered the center of the most dazzling light ball, and Gu Hongyu's entire consciousness was suddenly hit by a torrent, which almost made all his previous efforts go to waste.

The spiritual energy in the middle of the light ball was stronger, and there were many types of spiritual energy. The spiritual energy of different attributes was intertwined in the light ball, forming different colored bands that made Gu Hongyu stunned.

At this moment, the old monster said again: "Boy, quickly get those two people into your space and control them so that they don't wake up. In addition, you must not use the power again. Many attributes here need to be gathered and separated. If this situation does not change, we dare not absorb it."

ps: Thank you book friends "Xiang Huanai", "Li Family Young Master", "Jianqi Lingtian" for your praise and support, and thank you "Waving Wings de Bird", "Tian\u0026En" for your monthly ticket support!


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