Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 920 A Dangerous World

"Ah... I'm scared to death, what kind of scene is this!" Qiongqi's voice came from the side, and I really admire how this guy can be funny and adjust the atmosphere even at such a critical moment of life and death.

In just a split second, Gu Hongyu took in the sight of this strange land.

This is really not the bottom of the sea. Right below where they fell into the sky is an emerald green lake. There is a vast grassland on one side of the lake. There are mountains at the far end of the grassland. The peaks in the mountains are shrouded in mist. In addition to these beautiful scenery, there are also living things inside. Objects, such as fish that occasionally leap out of the water in the lake, animals running on the grassland, and a very petite bird flying freely in the sky.

"Bang, plop..."

After several consecutive sounds, Gu Hongyu and the others finally fell into the lake.

At this moment, the people in the lake were shivering all over. The lake was so cold, it was freezing to the core.

However, at such a low temperature, the lake was not frozen at all, but there was only a glistening white mist rising on the ice. This sight made several people who entered here stunned.

"It's so weird. Do you feel it? This strange space is very stressful and the spiritual energy is very strong. I almost lost control of my body when I came in, but the creatures inside were fine. Then I I guess either the creatures inside are extremely powerful, or this space has restrictions on outsiders," Qingniao analyzed seriously.

"Really, really... I can feel the injuries in my body recovering now. Haha, it won't be long before I can regain my strength in the spirit world!" Qiongqi smiled arrogantly.

The old monster swam hard towards the lake, with Gu Hongyu following behind him. At this time, he suddenly turned around and reminded with a smile: "Qiongqi, you'd better take a look at what's behind you. Don't ever get carried away!" "

Qiongqi immediately turned around and looked back, waved his front paws and swam quickly to the shore. He kept roaring loudly: "Ah, old human monster. You are so damn insidious..."

It turned out that at some point behind Qiongqi, there were several fish floating on the paper. They opened and closed their huge mouths to reveal the sharp teeth inside. He is over one meter tall and weighs probably over a hundred kilograms. At first glance, he is not an easy guy to get along with.

In this strange place, Qiongqi had already exhausted most of the energy in his body by resisting the flow of seawater. Now that he saw the group of about ten monster fish, he had no intention of finding out.

In the end, with the help of the blue bird, Qiongqi managed to escape the monster fish's pursuit, but even so, the hard thorn on its back was bitten off by the monster fish.

Such a shocking situation made Gu Hongyu take a breath. He knew how hard the spikes on Qiongqi's back were, but he didn't expect that a piece of it would be bitten off by the strange fish so silently. If he hadn't been warned by the old monster to escape in advance, he would be dead now!

"Old monster, why didn't you remind me when you escaped just now?" Qiongqi pointed at his wounds and asked the old monster.

The old monster laughed and said: "Qiongqi, you are still an ancient wild beast. I thought you could survive the strange fish in the lake, but I am not confident about these strange fish. I can only remind the boy to swim towards the lakeshore first." Come up."

A few words of flattery made the good-looking Qiongqi depressed because he couldn't find an excuse to refute. He wanted to brag about the power of the Qiongqi clan, but it was hard to speak when he saw the sharp spikes on his back that were bitten off.

At this time, Qingniao suggested: "In my opinion, everyone should be careful in this strange place. It is best to find a safer place to avoid unnecessary dangers."

"How about we all go to the kid's space artifact. There is absolutely no danger there!" Qiongqi said.

The old monster laughed again: "Qiongqi, your brain is short-circuited every time. This space has formed spiritual pressure. Practicing here is of great benefit to everyone. What are you doing by entering the space Taoist weapon?"

After hearing this, Qiongqi was speechless again and simply stood aside silently without giving the others a good look.

"Let me check if there are any safe places to go around..." However, before he could finish his words, the old monster paused: "Isn't it right? Spiritual consciousness is almost useless here?"

It was true that Gu Hongyu tried to use his mental power. With his ability, his consciousness could only be sent out to a distance of only one meter away from the body. It was better to observe with the naked eyes and listen with the ears.

The same is true for Qiongqi and Qingniao, but their mental power is much greater than that of Gu Hongyu. The spiritual consciousness emitted in this strange land can extend tens of meters away, but there is no doubt that they also have no physical eyes or ears. Strong effect.

The final investigation task is handed over to the flying blue bird. The blue bird rose into the air and observed for a while before instructing the others to follow a direction.

Stop and go, during which they encountered several waves of threats.

The first wave is when we first leave the lake. The two of them plus two wild beasts were preparing to set off by the lake. Unexpectedly, something like a python suddenly jumped out of the grass about half waist deep by the lake. In fact, it is more like a giant dragon, because this guy has two antlers on his head and a total of four claws on the front and back of the body. It is actually a five-clawed golden dragon!

Damn it, I was targeted by a giant dragon!

This is the evil result of the restriction of spiritual consciousness. The naked eye is blocked by obstacles. I didn't expect such a guy to emerge from the weeds. Where is this place?

Under the influence of spiritual pressure, Gu Hongyu and others had to use their internal Qi to run faster. Gu Hongyu even used all his strength to barely escape the pursuit of the giant dragon. Fortunately, the big guy was also slow in action, and the other party stopped chasing after him after he went beyond the weeds by the lake.

It seems that the creatures here have a strong sense of territory.

Sure enough, this idea was soon confirmed. Just after leaving the dragon's territory, before everyone could take a breath, a guy who looked like a jaguar rushed towards them.

This kind of animal is very fast. Gu Hongyu will definitely not be able to outrun it this time. At the moment when he was about to get into the Xianyuan space, the old monster took his hand and took him to a huge rock on the plain. It was also before the cheetah caught up with them. It took a lot of effort for everyone to climb up the boulder. The cheetah had no way to deal with it, but the other party did not leave. He patrolled around the boulder, as if he had already determined that Gu Hongyu and several other foreign creatures were his meals.

"Oh my god, what kind of place is this? Why is everyone so perverted..." Qiongqi, who had taken a few breaths, was burning with anger.

"It's really a dangerous world. I just used my spiritual sense to detect the cheetah under the stone. I didn't expect that I couldn't see the other party's strength clearly. I have to recall what happened." The old monster said.

Qingniao always makes appropriate suggestions at critical moments: "Don't be discouraged, I think everyone is quite safe on this boulder. You can just take this time to recover from your injuries and improve your strength, and then think of other ways. What do you think?"

"Well, this method is good!"

"It's right to listen to Qingniao."


ps: Thanks to the book friends "Baishan Xianweng", "Xianghuanai", "Yangguang Anti-Virus Hero" for their praise and support, and thanks to "Piaomiao Rensheng", "Qinxi 2", "Gudu de Guagua" for their monthly ticket support!


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