Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 935 Seduction is successful

When the savage beasts entered the Xianyuan space, they were all surprised.

"Damn, this area is not much smaller than the world we live in now, right?"

"Although the spiritual energy is not as good as the outside world, it is still very abundant, and there is something in it that makes me feel very comfortable."

"Do you feel this way too? I thought I did!"

"That one named Qiongqi, do you know what's going on?" Jin Lin asked in a muffled voice towards Qiongqi.

Qiongqi couldn't keep any secrets, and he felt extremely proud to be able to show off in front of the beast. He immediately said with a smile: "Haha, to tell you the truth, this space is not complete yet..."

"What, incomplete?" Jin Lin said in shock: "I think you are just living in it, don't you feel worried?"

He said curiously: "How could it be possible? You don't understand this space artifact. Didn't you see me explaining it to you? Don't interrupt in the middle..."

"Although this space is not complete yet, it is a space that can grow. And now we are looking for the remaining fragments. Not long ago, we discovered the smell of fragments in this world. The human boy belongs to this space. Master, we wild beasts have signed a contract with him. As long as we do not harm the humans of the ancestral planet, he allows us to live in this spiritual energy-rich space and also allows us to enter and exit this space freely. "

"So we can live in it?" Jin Lin asked with some emotion.

Just when Qiongqi was showing off to convince Jin Lin. Qinglong, who had been silent until now, suddenly asked: "Isn't the Ancestral Star missing its spiritual energy now? Then why do we need to live in the Xianyuan space with you? After you restore the Ancestral Star's spiritual energy, we can also break through the seal and leave this world. ah!"

"This..." Qiongqi was at a loss for words.

Qinglong grasped the key point of the problem. As long as all the restrictions are broken this time, the plane and the ancestral planet will be connected to them when they want to come, and they will have no problem leaving whenever they want.

However, Gu Hongyu smiled slightly and said: "Senior Qinglong Barbarian Beast is wrong. There is a certain connection between the cracking of the ban and the unsealing of the world. But this seal will automatically restore soon. It means that as long as this happens after a while, The world will be closed again. If you don’t go out during this period, you will have to wait for the next visit from humans, and it depends on whether the other party can break these restrictions! "

"Damn, this is simply a scam. You humans are so bad. Can't you completely lift this damn blockade this time?" Jin Lin shouted.

"Sorry, I don't have the ability yet." Gu Hongyu shook his head, but he smiled secretly in his heart. Even if he had the ability to break the restriction that was obviously beneficial to humans, he would not take action. That would be a fool's errand.

The wild beasts all entered into contemplation. They have been living in this world. The oldest ones have been there for tens of thousands of years. This world is like a huge cage that allows them to reach the peak in terms of cultivation and other aspects. . It is impossible to make any further progress.

This time, the opportunity to break through the world blockade appeared, but once they agreed to go out with outsiders, they would definitely be subject to certain restrictions, and the prospects were not very clear. Whether it was a blessing or a curse, they felt confused and did not know how to make a choice.

When Qiongqi saw this, he smiled contemptuously. Yes, the beasts also felt his silent contempt.

"Qiongqi, you guys are watching our jokes. How about we practice alone first? If you don't have the strength, don't make noises in front of me." Jin Lin was angry.

"Damn, I'm just laughing at you. What's wrong with you? You deserve to be trapped in this world for the rest of your life because you are blind. I thought we were living in the same plane world as you at the beginning, but since this human boy appeared, We followed him out without thinking, do you know why?”

Qiongqi roared arrogantly: "I still have very important news that I didn't tell you just now. Didn't you just say that there is a feeling that makes you very comfortable in this space? You know why, it is because of this space. There is a Hongmeng tree inside.”

"The space is evolving, and the Hongmeng Tree has a high chance of generating Hongmeng Xuanqi. This thing is much more powerful than the spiritual materials, spiritual stones, spiritual plants, and even the Nine-leaf Divine Lotus placed in front of you in the restriction. If you absorb a trace of it, It is possible to break through the shackles of previous cultivation."

"This human boy is still a guy with a lot of luck. You will not lose anything by establishing a good relationship with this human being. The future benefits will only surprise you. This is why I follow him. You are not tempted by this. …”

At this moment, Qiongqi completely transformed, from a rough and arrogant character to an impassioned speaker.

Those barbaric beasts were shocked when they heard that the Immortal Source Space could form a plane space. Then they learned that there was a Hongmeng Tree growing in the Immortal Source Space, and it was a Hongmeng Tree that could produce Hongmeng Xuanqi. From their ancestors, While inheriting the bloodline, the barbarian beast also inherited many memories. In these memories, one can know that the Hongmeng tree is something that can only be encountered but cannot be sought.

After talking about the various benefits of living in the fairyland space, Qiongqi then revealed that Gu Hongyu was a man with great luck, which caused a stir among the beasts.

Creatures carrying great luck also existed in ancient times. As long as you follow the true dragon, there is a saying that one person can achieve the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven. If Gu Hongyu is really a true dragon of this era, then they should be able to break through the barriers of cultivation and gain adventures. It becomes a canal and a matter of course.

"Human boy, is all this true?" Yanfeng led the other beasts to focus on Gu Hongyu.

Gu Hongyu praised Qiongqi fiercely and said humbly on the surface: "Senior Qiongqi did not deceive everyone. As for saying that I have great luck, it is nonsense, but apart from me, no one in the human race seems to have cultivated the truth. In other words, if you give up this opportunity to get out of this closed world, you may lose the only opportunity in your life. "

"You are so cruel, you almost got me involved in this U-turn." Qiongqi winked at Gu Hongyu and gave him a thumbs up.

After listening to Gu Hongyu's words, Yanfeng turned to look at the other beasts, paused for a moment and said to him: "Gu boy, let us discuss it without wasting your time!"

Gu Hongyu said softly: "No problem, easy!"

Not long after, the ten savage beasts at the pinnacle of this world discussed the outcome. As their representative, Yan Feng stood up and approached Gu Hongyu and said cautiously: "If we live in this space, we will not be able to compete with the wilderness from the spirit world. Do beasts enjoy the same treatment? Can they really enter your space at will in the future? "

Gu Hongyu put away his smile and replied solemnly: "Of course, but all this is to protect the Ancestral Planet from being harmed by you. If you are able, I ask you to help repair the aura environment of the Ancestral Planet Earth."

"Okay, we all agree!" Yanfeng replied after briefly communicating with other beasts again.

ps: The second update is here. Because the monthly votes this month exceeded 200, I will try to code out the third update tonight. I hope that book friends will continue to support me. Thank you all!


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