Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 977 Division of Labor Adjustment

"Boss, it's the film and television city project again. Now you've found me a marathon track project. Do you really think I'm omnipotent? I've been working overtime for several days in a row for the film and television city project. Please don't add new projects to me!"

In the office of Xianyuan Hotel, Aubrey looked at Gu Hongyu with a begging expression on his face. He was so pitiful.

Aubrey is like an old cow who works hard in the fields. Although there is no problem with the general direction of the plan, Gu Hongyu often changes many details. Not to mention that this is blind command, those rectifications are really better than before, but Aubrey and his team are really too busy.

"Aubrey, why don't you call the headhunting company to recruit some professional talents. Now your team should be expanded." Gu Hongyu said to Aubrey with a sense of indebtedness.

Aubrey shook his head: "You think I don't want to, but before the planning is completed, this is still a remote countryside in China. Foreign professionals will not come here unless they are interested in this place or we personally invite them."

"This is really troublesome. I'll just give you a few days off. You can go back to Australia to take charge of recruitment and bring your family here." Gu Hongyu made another suggestion.

But Aubrey still refused: "Boss, I find that you don't care enough about our employees. My wife has been here for more than half a month. Besides, recruiting in Australia is not something that can be completed in a few days."

"Ah, why didn't anyone tell me that your wife came to China? Is your wife used to coming here?" Gu Hongyu asked in surprise.

"I seem to have told you about it. Once I reported to you about my work. Well, it was when the United Qingzhen Development Zone carried out the Lantern Festival event planning. After you agreed to hold the Lantern Festival event in Honghu Village, I called my family and asked them to come and see the Chinese-style festival. I didn't expect you to be so forgetful. It really makes me sad." Aubrey said resentfully.

"Hey, that's not right! Why didn't I see your wife on the Lantern Festival that day?" Gu Hongyu recalled the situation that night.

Aubrey slapped his forehead and said, "Boss, who stipulated that the family must be together on the Lantern Festival? Is this your Chinese custom? But I don't know. Didn't I have official business on the Lantern Festival? My wife took the children to see the lantern festival by herself."

"Okay, I am at fault here, but you also made mistakes. We owe each other nothing. Let's get back to the point and talk about how to solve the problem that is giving you and me a headache now." Gu Hongyu quickly changed the subject.

Sure enough, when he heard Gu Hongyu talking about work, Aubrey entered the working state without any hesitation: "Boss, I think the Australian farm has been on the right track after more than a year of development. You should recruit some of the managers there."

Aubrey's words reminded Gu Hongyu of the idea that had sprouted in his mind a few days ago. Yes, Qingzhen is now developing rapidly, and it can be said that there are changes every day. This makes some employees who have left the country want to go home. After all, the Chinese tradition is to return to their roots.

Not only that, even the most ordinary employees on the Australian farm can earn 70,000 to 80,000 Australian dollars a year as long as they go to work on time every day, which is equivalent to 300,000 or 400,000 Chinese yuan. This is still the minimum wage standard. Many excellent employees, some small team leaders, and team leaders earn much more than this data.

Especially the elderly have a serious homesickness complex. If Gu Hongyu hadn't tempted them with the real estate on the Australian farm and the benefits of free education and medical treatment for their children, those villagers who were content with their small wealth would have returned to China long ago.

If they return to China, it would be a glorious return to their hometown and a glorious return to their hometown!

This trend of thought gradually sprouted in everyone's mind. If it is not handled properly, a large number of employees will return to China collectively. Gu Hongyu has also reached the time when he has to make plans in advance.

"Boss, boss, are you listening to me?" Aubrey's voice woke Gu Hongyu up from his contemplation.

"Yes, I am, you continue." Gu Hongyu nodded.

"Although I'm in China, I've been in contact with General Manager Lin at the Australian farm. I'm quite clear about the situation there. The management staff there is quite bloated now. The old generation of department managers continue to manage things, while the new generation of young people with real talents and hard work are gradually emerging, just like Wu Haoyu and Ye Hai. These two are top-notch in business processing. General Manager Lin sometimes shows off his capable assistant to me!" I didn't expect that Aubrey had made several preparations.

Gu Hongyu must also know what Aubrey knows about the situation at the Australian farm. Ye Hai was recruited by Gu Hongyu in Yunnan. Originally, he majored in economics and trade, but he was very good at farm management after working with Lin Feiyu for a while.

Wu Haoyu is the most outstanding one among the young people. In fact, his initial education level is only high school. However, in order to adapt to the new environment and do his best at work, and also because of the pressure of having a flight attendant girlfriend, this guy actually enrolled in a cram school in his spare time while working in Australia. Not only does he speak fluent English, but he also taught himself and was admitted to an Australian animal husbandry college, truly becoming a local talent who combines theory with practice.

Thinking of their situation and the fact that Aubrey really needs manpower, Gu Hongyu thought about it and finally made a decision: "Ye Hai and Wu Haoyu are both good. There is limited room for promotion in Australia, and there are many projects in Qingzhen. It should be no problem for them to become a project manager."

"Here's what I think. Let them both return to China. Your position is the same as Lin Feiyu, general manager, and you are in charge of all projects in Qingzhen. Many of the projects below will be delegated to Ye Hai, Wu Haoyu, and several outstanding employees in the team."

"How should these people divide the work?" Aubrey asked distressedly.

Gu Hongyu pondered for a moment: "Wu Haoyu was also in charge of farm projects in Australia. After returning to China, the agricultural projects of the villages under Qingzhen were handed over to him for management. Now some of the projects we developed and constructed in each village have begun to make profits. The commercial part will be handed over to Ye Hai. The Astronomical Museum, Red Lake National Park, Qingzhen held various activities..., you decide which team member to take charge of this, and finally the film and television city project, you will personally take charge of this and be directly responsible to me."

"This is good. After the division of labor is clear, my work will be much lighter." Aubrey breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Hongyu waved his hand: "You can't rest. We have the specific heads of these departments, and we still need to recruit ordinary employees at the grassroots level. These conditions can be relaxed a bit. In addition, it's not a good idea for you to always work in the hotel. It seems that it's time to build our own group building."

"Ah, boss, you really know how to find things for me to do, but I am willing to do the job of building our own group building."


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