Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 979 Sharing Joy

The short notice is clear at a glance. It contains the message in black and white that Wu Haoyu should return to China to take up his post. It also has Gu Hongyu's signature at the end.

"How is it? Wu Wazi, are you so happy?" Siqiang said to Wu Haoyu with a smile.

Wu Haoyu didn't know what to say at this moment. He scratched his head with one hand and kept giggling. Finally, he suppressed a sentence: "I'm glad, third brother, don't worry, the plantation will be fine even after I leave. Now I'm writing the daily management regulations." , as long as you follow this, there will be no problem.”

"Haha, I'm still concerned about work. Even if you are no longer here, I can call you for advice if something happens in the future. Shouldn't you tell your partner the good news as soon as possible?" Qiang said jokingly.

"Yes, yes..." Wu Haoyu hurriedly checked the time on his phone. There were still a few minutes before Ren Xuelian got on the plane, so he quickly dialed the other party's number.

As soon as the phone number was dialed, the other party answered the call quickly: "Haoyu, didn't you call just now? What's going on now?"

"Yes, yes, something new happened here..." Wu Haoyu's incoherent words were enough to prove his excitement and excitement, which made the man on the side look funny. Even a smart guy who is usually so smart can also be at a loss. .

Wu Haoyu's stuttering made Ren Xuelian, who was facing the opposite side, start to think about the bad side, and said in an urgent voice: "What happened to you there? Isn't it serious? I will ask for leave from the leader..."

"No, Xuelian, it's a good thing. I was so excited just now that I didn't know what to say." Wu Haoyu was very moved when he heard that Ren Xuelian was nervous and anxious for him: "That's it, our farm boss is sure to be transferred back to work in China in two days? "

"Really, now I heard that the country is doing well, and uncles and aunts are looking forward to your return to the village. By the way, what position will you be transferred back to?" Ren Xuelian on the other side of the phone also said excitedly.

"The position is not known yet..."

When Wu Haoyu said this, Shang Qiang, who was sitting on the desk, gave him the answer with a smile: "Wu Wazi, this time you go back to the old board to let you take charge of your own business. With your current work experience, you can manage domestic farms and plantations. The chances are great.”

After hearing the news revealed by Sui Qiang, Wu Haoyu also hurriedly said on the phone: "It is very likely that he is responsible for the plantation project of domestic farms."

"Well, it is indeed worth celebrating. Next time after my flight, let's go to Honghu Village to visit my uncle and aunt? They must be the happiest." Ren Xuelian said.

"Hehe, okay." Wu Haoyu said stupidly.

"That's it, I'm getting on the plane." After saying this, Ren Xuelian hung up the phone.

However, they would never have imagined that Wu Haoyu returned to China to be responsible for the entire agricultural project below Qing Town. His authority was much greater than just the plantation project. Both the scope of management and the number of laborers were greater than those in Australia today. The farm is quite big.

After ending the call with Ren Xuelian, Wu Haoyu quickly dialed his father's cell phone at home.

"Hey, I'm Wu Youliang, who are you looking for?"

Wu Haoyu's father answered the phone with a hoarse voice and introduced himself: "Dad, this is me, Xiaoyu. Didn't you save my phone number on your phone? Why did you tell yourself where you are?"

"Xiaoyu, my mobile phone screen is broken and I can't see who is calling. Xiaoyu, you are at work right now. Why are you calling me at this time?" Wu Haoyu's father, Wu Youliang, asked.

Wu Haoyu did not answer the questions on the phone later. Instead, he said with some complaints: "Dad, if your phone is broken, please replace it with a new one. How much is the elderly function worth? Don't be reluctant. Your son is well paid for his work now. Just spend it."

"Hey, aren't you used to this? Besides, you are getting married soon. Now your entertainment is very expensive. Let's save what we can. There will be many days of spending money in the future!" Wu Youliang said stubbornly Said.

Feeling faintly moved in his heart, Wu Haoyu suddenly remembered the purpose of calling his father, so he calmed down and said cheerfully: "Dad, let me tell you some good news. I will return to China to work soon!"

However, Wu Youliang still didn't understand what Wu Haoyu said: "You finally figured it out. We have been looking forward to your return to China for a long time. Although the salary may be much less in Honghu Village, this is our home after all. How nice our home is now. The highway has been built and construction is going on everywhere. Looking at the construction renderings erected at the entrance of the village, we will all be able to build scenic spots here in the future. The scenery will be so beautiful. "

"Oh, but don't force yourself. You are doing very well in Australia now, and you are favored by Manager Lin there. Your mother and I have argued several times about whether to return to China. You don't have to worry about us. Old ideas, old ideas, if things go well in Australia, it doesn’t matter if you don’t go back to China. The worst is, we will fly to see you in the future.”

Wu Haoyu was moved by his simple and kind-hearted parents, but he had to smile bitterly and said: "Dad, I didn't go back to China before to vent my anger on you, and now I go back to China not to give in to you, but because the old boss mobilized me to return to China to work. I might I will be responsible for a project alone, and I will also be a department project manager in the future!”

"As a manager who is solely responsible for a department, are you going to take orders directly from the old boss? Then the salary back home will not be worse than in Australia, right?" Wu Youliang asked with concern.

Wu Haoyu smiled: "Haha, in addition to the old board in China, I also have to take orders from General Manager Aubrey. As for my salary, I believe that the old board will not treat me badly. Instead of going down, it will go up a lot."

"Hahaha, it's good to be transferred back. You've known since you were young that you can be promising. This is not like finding a flight attendant as your wife. Now the old boss appreciates you so much. It's good when you return to China. Now your wedding can finally be held in your hometown in Honghu Village. Done." Wu Youliang was very happy.

"Xuelian also said that after this flight, she would go to Honghu Village first to make some preparations for the wedding."

"Well, Xiao Ren is a sensible child. You must not treat her badly in the future." Wu Youliang warned.

"Dad, where have you been thinking about? Am I that kind of person? My recruitment notice has come out, but I have to hand over the work in Australia before returning to China. I may be able to go back in ten and a half days. I haven't officially Don’t tell others around you before you return home, in case something changes later.”

"Okay, you bastard, you old man, I can't think of this. That's it. You finish the work in hand and come back as soon as possible to avoid a long night of dreams." Wu Youliang said and hung up the phone.

Wu Haoyu held the hung up phone and was silent for a long time. Honghu Village, the place where I was born and raised, I am back!


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