Xianyuan Farm

Main text Chapter 99 The mark is hot (please recommend and collect)

(Thanks to ‘The Fall of the Great God’, ‘Pistachio 2014’, ‘Golden Beans’, ‘Mr. Nantongue’, ‘I am alone in mourning my love, but I am in tears’ for the rewards and support!)


The night in Xiangjiang was very charming. After the business was settled, Gu Hongyu was dragged to the Bund by Lin Yuantao and Shen Fengzhu. Looking at the flickering night scene and the endless crowds of people, Gu Hongyu actually felt that it would be more comfortable to live in a small village.

In the evening, Lin Yuantao and his wife insisted on holding a celebration banquet for Gu Hongyu in a restaurant by the river to congratulate the business negotiated today. According to the new price, the vegetables in the future will earn higher profits.

"Hongyu, you are so domineering today and your aura is in full swing. The dealers who came to the meeting in the afternoon spit out a large part of their profits. Let's see if they dare to be so arrogant in the future!" Lin Yuantao said to Gu Hongyu poured a glass of beer, touched it with him, drank the beer and said cheerfully.

Gu Hongyu shook his head: "Your strength is still a bit weak. If you have channels, you can completely occupy the position of today's dealers. Do you need them to switch hands in the middle to make a profit from the difference?"

"Hongyu, there is nothing we can do about this matter. These are all old Xiangjiang people. They are familiar with everything they do here. It's not like we haven't tried it in the beginning, but those hotels just don't admit it!" Lin Yuantao Grumbling and complaining.

Shen Fengzhu, who was relatively calm on the side, spoke up and said: "There is nothing we can do about our lack of strength. After all, we have not been here long. The current situation is already quite good, but I still have to thank you Hongyu!"

After taking a handful and putting it into his mouth, Gu Hongyu waved his hand: "I'm just saying this, let's develop slowly in the future. I believe there will always be a brighter tomorrow, right Yuantao?"

"Yes, just like today the price of vegetables suddenly increased from 7 yuan to 15.5 yuan per catty, and the lowest quotation reached 12.5 yuan. Hongyu made a big profit here, and we made a small profit in one month, which is a lot!" "Lin Yuantao was still very excited when he talked about what happened this afternoon.

The conversation with the dealer this afternoon was indeed a great victory. Gu Hongyu almost doubled the price of vegetables by placing a hidden bid. If the bid was made explicit, it would be even more, but Gu Hongyu was worried about this. If the price that everyone was fighting for would be too fierce, it would be more appropriate to bid silently, but the price still exceeded his expectations.

The average selling price of vegetables has reached about 14 yuan. Not to mention more, based on the first 50 acres of vegetables, Gu Hongyu has earned more than 2 million yuan more than before. This is the income after excluding Lin Yuantao and the others. , it’s really a huge profit.

However, Gu Hongyu was not extremely happy and said calmly: "We can only cooperate with those dealers now. If they get our vegetables, they will also increase the price. In fact, they will not lose money. If our vegetables become more famous in the future, When the spread gets bigger, they will only make more money from the price difference than we do!”

"Don't worry, the channel will be developed as soon as possible. Now that I have the funds, I think it will develop very quickly. Come, come, drink. If you are so happy, you should drink more!" Gu Hongyu couldn't be said, but Lin Yuantao showed his best. Shamelessly trying his best to persuade people to drink.

However, Lin Yuantao was disappointed. Ever since Gu Hongyu practiced immortality, drinking alcohol was like drinking boiled water. After a while, the alcohol in his body was dissolved. The result was naturally that Lin Yuantao was alone and drunk, and Gu Hongyu carried his back. He went back to rest.

Early the next morning, Gu Hongyu put on his morning exercise clothes and ran along the riverside on the outskirts of the city. However, the air around him still didn't feel as comfortable as in a small village. Even the air in mountain towns was much better here.

After running for a long time, he lost interest in continuing and began to walk back slowly. He originally planned to go out and play for a few more days, but seeing that there was nothing to do in the busy city, he decided to advance his original plan to meet Mei in the evening. Ning, Gu Hongyu came here without telling her, just to give Mei Ning a surprise.

Before meeting Mei Ning, Gu Hongyu really had one thing to do, and that was to find a jade shop to carve the Gobi jade he picked up in the Gobi. He still had a lot of good-quality jade in his hand.

After returning to the hotel, I changed my clothes, said hello to Lin Yuantao, took out a few pieces of jade from the space, and went out.

Xiangjiang is an international metropolis. I just said it. When I came here yesterday, I slept all the way until dawn and arrived at the goods yard. Today I was finally able to take a good look. In fact, it was not that good. I just took a taxi and called Gu Hongyu directly to take him there. There is a nearby antique city. These places usually have jade carving shops.

Along the way, I took a good look at the high-rise buildings in Xiangjiang City, the busy traffic on the highway, and the endless stream of people rushing to and fro on the street. It seems that the pace of life is much faster than that in the mainland.

"Brother, the antique city is here!" While Gu Hongyu was deep in thought, Brother De woke him up with a shout.

After paying the rental fee, he opened the car door and saw a huge plaque standing in front of him. It seemed to be the signboard of the antique city. Gu Hongyu went straight in without caring about the name of the place.

In Gu Hongyu's eyes, the antique city is just like the flower and bird market. The variety and quantity of things sold there are more than those in the flower and bird market, but they are nothing more than miscellaneous things. He saw many strange and strange things along the way. stuff.

After searching for a while, he was disappointed that he did not see a carving place in the antique city. There were several shops selling jade.

With a try-it-out mentality, Gu Hongyu found an antique jade shop called Qilin Pavilion. As soon as he entered, the waiter inside greeted him warmly, but when he heard that Gu Hongyu was just looking for someone to carve jade, he immediately lost interest. Fortunately, Gu Hongyu found out about a place that specializes in carving.

Following the instructions of the waiter all the way, Gu Hongyu almost walked through the antique city but still didn't find the place where the jade was carved. Just when he wanted to find someone to ask again, suddenly a burst of firecrackers came from a row of simple houses in front of him. He also vaguely heard someone excitedly talking about something about jade.

About jade? It seems that there is a place for jade carving. After walking a few steps, when Gu Hongyu turned around a wall, he suddenly found a small courtyard with its door wide open. There were many people watching inside, and there were debris from the firecrackers at the entrance of the courtyard.

Since the business was open, Gu Hongyu squeezed in without hesitation. It turned out that the sound inside was made by the grinding wheel. He heard from others that someone had just opened a rough material and made a big profit, so they set off firecrackers. This was not a place for jade carving.

Gu Hongyu, who was disappointed, was about to leave, but a man with a smile on his face stopped him: "Little brother, since you are here, just have some fun. Someone just picked up a leak and turned over tens of thousands of yuan."

The name of gambling on stones suddenly appeared in Gu Hongyu's mind. He had only heard of such things and had never experienced them personally. Although he didn't understand a lot, it was still curious.

Seeing that someone was warm and hospitable, Gu Hongyu simply stopped and saw how others were gambling on stones.

A piece of rough material on the grinding wheel was still being cut. This was a rough material purchased by a middle-aged man wearing glasses. It was said that he spent hundreds of thousands of yuan. He wanted to borrow his luck after seeing that a man had made money by cutting materials just now, but the result was not ideal. The whole rough material was opened and there was no other color. The rough sand and gravel made a harsh sound under the friction of the gears.

"I think Lao Sun has lost this time. There is no point in cutting it now because there is no water quality!"

"Yes, I don't think this material is good, but Lao Sun doesn't believe it. Now I have finally hit the wall and regret it is useless!"

The onlookers were still talking about it. Gu Hongyu immediately understood that the Lao Sun they were talking about was the middle-aged man with glasses. This time the raw material did not perform well and it seemed that he had lost a lot.

But just when Gu Hongyu approached the waste material, the mark on his wrist that had been motionless for a long time suddenly began to heat up. What happened?

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