Xianyuan Farm

Chapter 989: Selected as one of the top ten young people in the province

Gu Hongyu's planning for Qingzhen can be said to have been increasing investment.

Because Honghu Village, Ma'aozi Village and Haojiawan Village are now his private territory. Although only relevant government officials know about this kind of thing, there is no need to tell ordinary people about this special case. It must be kept low-key in China. Wang Dao, just keep silent and make a fortune.

In order to prepare for the construction of a century-old project, although some of the projects in Aubrey's hands were divided, there were indeed many that he personally took charge of.

Seeing Aubrey's joking complaints, Gu Hongyu could only promise that after the new employees arrived in Australia, he would recruit some key employees from the Australian farm.

In fact, just like Gu Hongyu’s eldest and second cousins, as well as Huang Qiang, Dai Wei, Liu Tie, Qiu Ming... the first batch of people to go to Australia have been recognized by everyone for their abilities after several years of management work. Now some projects in Honghu Village can be distributed to them.

After a while of reassurance, Aubrey could only bow his head in front of Boss and report on some recent work progress.

What makes Gu Hongyu happy is that the film and television city has found several experts who have a good understanding of modern history through Chen Luofeng. On the premise of recreating the anti-war environment at that time as much as possible, regardless of investment costs, these experts are also quite good. excited.

During the half month or so that Gu Hongyu was working on disaster relief, Aubrey had already compiled a rough draft plan with the help of experts, which roughly described the scale, style, and layout of the film and television city.

Gu Hongyu was quite satisfied. Professionalism is professionalism. Many ideas on a sketch plan cannot be imagined by laymen, so he immediately agreed to the plan and ordered Aubrey to continue to improve the details of the film and television city and strive to achieve the goal of building a three-dimensional studio in three cities. Construction will start within months, and the announcement of external construction bidding must also be started.

Aubrey agreed with a wry smile.

Next comes the matter of the dedicated marathon track. The track planning plan submitted to the Zhang City Track and Field Association and Sports Bureau in charge of the marathon is imminent. After all, if the track is not built in Qingzhen before May , you will definitely miss out on the marathon.

However, Aubrey completed this plan well. Gu Hongyu had told him about the idea of ​​building the runway before, but now Aubrey just listed more detailed and thoughtful considerations based on the original ones.

So Gu Hongyu directly expressed his position: "Let's do this. Give this plan to the leader of Zhang City as soon as possible... No, forget it, just give it to Peng Minghao and let him make a trip to gain some political achievements." "

Finally, there is the headquarters building of Xianyuan Group. Gu Hongyu did not push hard on this issue because of the previous two things. After all, Aubrey is also made of flesh and blood. Looking at the other party with two panda eyes, Gu Hongyu Hongyu sometimes feels a little indebted.

But this guy got a lot of good things. All kinds of top-quality ingredients grown in the Pure Immortal Source space, and even the aerobics that his parents learned were given to Mrs. Aubrey, but the foreigner didn't believe it. The traditional Chinese medicine from China and the elixir refined by Gu Hongyu himself were worth a million dollars in a bottle to others, but when Gu Hongyu offered it to them, they flatly rejected it. They were really blind to gold inlaid with jade!

The morning's report passed quickly. After going home for lunch, Gu Hongyu had to prepare for the trip to Lieyang Sect.

Guyuan Dan, Jing Yuan Dan, and Pei Yuan Dan have very obvious effects on ancient warriors. However, there are countless of these types of elixirs that have been refined in the ancient Hongyu space, so there is no need to refine them. In addition, Tianxing Mu comes from the beast plane. A lot of it will be transplanted to the Xianyuan space, but this thing only needs a little bit. Secondly, there is also the tea produced in the Xianyuan space, which will definitely be favored by various sects.

Unexpectedly, when Gu Hongyu was sorting through the things in his hands, he realized that everything in his hands was what the ancient warriors eagerly wished for.

Originally, I wanted to get some high-level elixirs and capture some mutated creatures from the fairy source space to show off, but there was no need for this at all. The things that others knew about him were already exciting, so I wanted to get more. Strange objects come out without scaring people.

Currently, only the tea leaves are missing. Gu Hongyu walked to the study on the third floor and closed the door and entered the Xianyuan space directly.

As soon as his consciousness moved, the leaves of the plant he called tea in the space floated towards him leisurely. Within an hour, Gu Hongyu came out of the space, and in his hand there were more than ten cans weighing one kilogram. The spiritual teas must have caused the people of the ancient martial arts sect to bleed.

While Gu Hongyu was busy heading to Lieyang Sect to attend the ancient martial arts conference, Peng Minghao came unexpectedly.

"Hongyu, are you busy?"

Gu Hongyu smiled lightly and said, "Aren't you asking questions knowingly? Tell me, what else do you want to see me for today?"

"Can't we come over and catch up with old classmates? You know, we were very good buddies when we were in college. It's okay to talk to old classmates, right?" Peng Minghao asked.

Gu Hongyu waved his hand: "Okay, okay, don't do this. Now that you are so busy, if you still want to come to my place to reminisce about old times, just pull it off!"

Peng Minghao smiled cheekily: "Well, you've seen it, so I'll get down to business. This time, the leaders of Zhang City and other places in Gan Province knew about your trip to Shan County for disaster relief, and they all clamored to let you go. Generous donation... It’s been several days and you haven’t received any calls. Are you surprised?”

"Haha, there is also this matter, I really don't know." Gu Hongyu said calmly: "But if you ask me to donate money, I have to donate. My money is not blown by the wind."

"You are awesome, but you haven't gotten to the point yet. When other county and city leaders asked you to donate, the most important person in the province spoke up, and his words were similar to yours. In the end, he even said something cruel, saying that there is only one Gu Hongyu in the whole of China. If he is not there, everyone will be helpless. Will even the earth stop turning?" Peng Minghao said with a beaming eyebrow.

Gu Hongyu frowned: "Why do I feel that this big guy has a deep prejudice against me?"

"Haha, you are wrong. This big guy admires you very much. He also said that people like you who selflessly contribute to the country should be protected by both the country and the local area. People who make contributions should not be discouraged. And this time you have a place in the top ten outstanding young people in the province. My admiration for you is really endless!" Peng Minghao said while making an admiring look.

"The top ten outstanding young people in the province, this is directly determined by the higher authorities, isn't it selected by Chengcheng?" Gu Hongyu was confused.

"According to the procedure, this is correct, but this year we encountered a major natural disaster, so we have to deal with special matters in a special way. Besides, as far as you are concerned, no matter how you present yourself, others can't find any fault with you. In my opinion, I wouldn't be surprised even if you were one of the top ten outstanding young people in the country."


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