"Let's go to Light Red City first!"

"There my companion Fire Monkey is exercising under a man named Fan Dou. How is life in 480 Dao now?"

"I need to take it home, return to the legendary hometown, and stop relying on others!"

Xiao Zhi raised his head and looked at the sky, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

Because, he ignored the fire monkey and handed it over to a person who only had honor in his eyes.

This kind of existence who can even ignore his family in order to win the game, can he be a good person?

The Fire Monkey is likely to be used by the opponent as a tool to win the championship of the fighting competition!

[There is nothing wrong with leading the elves to train hard to gain honor! 】

[If you only use it as a tool to gain honor and don't help me take care of the Fire Monkey, don't blame me for being rude! 】

Xiao Zhi clenched his fists and swore silently.

Light Red City is not far from Zhenxin Town, and it can be reached in one day at most.

It is worth mentioning that the fire-breathing dragon did not follow the team!

Since one day it was exercising purgatory at home and accidentally saw Regais, the long-lost fighting spirit in his eyes burned again.

It's going to beat this guy!

In this way, the fire-breathing dragon stayed in the land of legends and challenged Regais every day.

The vacant position was filled by Tian Xi perfectly (beeg).

With a shy face, it did not resist at all, letting Xiao Zhi subdue him.

When subduing, he did not forget to stare at Xiao Zhi with his eyes full of anticipation: From today onwards, I will be your elf!

An ominous premonition flashed in Xiao Zhi's heart: Suddenly, things are not as simple as they thought!

It's a pity, no matter how he asked, Dianci kept her mouth shut with "Secret of a girl".

Light Red City.

Xiaozhi and Selina came to the police station, looking for Junsha in the light red city.

Xiao Zhi had just traveled and was too naive to leave the contact information of the other party.

At this time, it is the best way to ask Junsha for help.

Xiaozhi walked to the service desk: "Junsha, I want to find someone."

Jun Sha was busy without looking up: "Please explain the reason, if the reason does not meet the regulations, I can't help!"

Xiao Zhi smiled lightly: "My elves were trained by a man named Fan Dou. Now I don't know where they are, so I want to know their whereabouts."

Jun Sha nodded when she heard the words: "Looking for your own elf? This is no problem, I will help you to inquire."

After speaking, Jun Sha quickly pressed both hands on the keyboard to enter information about the fan bucket.

In a moment, Xiao Zhi got the news of Fan Dou!

Fandou, starting from winning the p1 fighting competition championship a few years ago, has participated in countless small town fighting competitions one after another, and won the first place!

This made him famous, and for a time he became a famous martial artist in the Kanto region.

Fire Monkey has proven himself in battles and won numerous trophies and gold belts!

At present, Fan Dou is in Golden City with Fire Monkey, ready to participate in the A1 competition held in Golden City!

This is the highest-level competition in the fighting world, and winning the first will be awarded the title of Fighting Master!

Not only that, Sheba, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, will come to the scene in person.

The champion of the A1 competition has the opportunity to challenge Xiba!

【Golden City? 】

[There is the city where Nazi is located! 】

[Good luck, I can just go to Nazi's place to see how Guisi passed. 】

Xiaozhi thanked Junsha, and the group left the police station and headed towards the golden city.

"Fighting Tournament!"

"Even Sheba will participate!"

"Should I participate?"

Xiao Zhi showed a thoughtful look, this conference is not meaningless to him!

The power of the waveguide he possesses belongs to the extraordinary power of the fighting system. If he can understand some useful things in the fighting competition, it is likely to bring about a huge improvement.

The Heavenly King Xiba is a perennial existence in the Guandu area, which is among the Heavenly Kings. It has an unknown fighting style and is super powerful.

"Since I think about it, it means that I am moved. Since I am moved, why do I hesitate?"

Xiaozhi clenched his fists and stretched out to the sky fiercely:

"I made a decision!"

"Participate in the A1 Fighting Tournament!"

"Flaming Monkey, after training for so long, it's time to show our strength."

"Let's have a fist-to-meat fight with Shiba between real men!"

There are countless fighting spirits in Xiao Zhi's heart, inspired by the fighting competition.

"Pickup! Pickup!"

Pikachu still had a cute face, raised his little hands, and made a voice of support.


Lalulas floated in the sky, waving her fists constantly, with a high fighting spirit.

It trains with Ash every day, and never loses half a point and is inseparable.

After so many days, Lalu Lasi's physique and super power have improved a lot.

Xiaozhi couldn't help laughing when he saw Lalulas' vigorous figure:

"Lalu Lasi, the fighting competition requires fighting spirits to participate. Unfortunately, you are not qualified."

"Although Lalulas has the possibility of becoming a fighting-type Elledo, you don't have that condition!"

Lalulas, who was waving his fists, froze in place for a moment. He raised his head and stared at Xiaozhi in disbelief.



Afterwards, Lalulas burst into tears, flew to Xiao Zhi, and kept waving her small fists to beat his chest.

Seeing Lalulas' angry look, Dianxi covered her mouth subconsciously:

"Xiao Zhi, it's too rude of you to do this, how can you offend the girl's privacy!"

Serena also stared at Ash with a strange expression on her face: People...at least...should not...

Xiaozhi's face was speechless: "Didn't you see that Lalulas was deliberately crying? I have the elf picture book. When I captured it, I used the elf picture book to read its information!"

"What's in your head!!!!"

Serena: "..."

Diancie: "...".

Chapter 77 He Wasn't Even Qualified

The light red city is a certain distance from the golden city.On the way, Xiao Zhi started a special training in fighting with the flame monkey!

[The Flaming Monkey has always been training Flaming Fist, and it is impossible to make a big breakthrough if you switch to other boxing techniques at this time. 】

[So, you only need to train the flame fist all the time, defeat all opponents with the flame fist, and get the title of fighting master! 】

[However, the level of the flame monkey is a bit low, only level 51. During this period of time, he has been undergoing intensive training and has not fought. 】

[A few days ahead, you can find some opponents to upgrade the level and see if you can break through the king! 】

[At that time, with the power of anger, and I use the waveguide to help sense and predict the opponent's attack, it is not that there is no chance of winning! 】

Ash can't be sure that the gym-level Flaming Monkey will be able to beat Sheba in combat.

Even if the flaming monkey has anger, even if he has a waveguide.

In order to guarantee a [-]% win rate.

During the special training of the flaming monkey, it is the safest to find a way to raise its level.

Camp camping.

Xiao Zhi came to the side alone and began to prepare for the special training.

"Flaming Monkey, come out!"


The flaming monkey appeared in front of him, and the whole elf was not angry, like a volcano about to erupt.

Its hands, even if it did not release skills, could still faintly feel the fiery power.

This is the improvement brought by the release of anger every day and tens of thousands of extreme punches over the course of a month.

Anger and flame fist, perfect match!

Other system skills simply can not achieve this effect.

I have to say the power of the Seven Sins Training Method!

If the flaming monkey is not stimulated by anger, it can swing its fists a thousand times a day at most with its own physical strength, and it cannot guarantee that the strength of each punch is [-]%.

That kind of ordinary training and training with all-out efforts after being stimulated by anger is nearly a hundred times less efficient!

"Flame Monkey, let me see the results of your training!"

"Look at the combat effectiveness without anger!"

"See if the rock in front of you is not there, try to leave your fist print on it!"

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