The strength settings corresponding to the levels in this article are:

【1-10 Novice】

【11-20 Ordinary low level】

【21-30 General Intermediate】

【31-40 General Advanced】

【41-50 Elite】

【51-60 Gym Level】

【61-70 Quasi-King】

【71-80 Heavenly King】

【81-90 Semi-Champion】

【91-100 Champion】

"Am I at home?"

Xiaozhi looked at his room, which was familiar yet strange. He had won the world championship, so why was the trophy gone? And the souvenirs given by his friends in the room, as well as all the badges he had won, were all gone!

Am I reborn?

Xiaozhi ran to the mirror to confirm. He was wearing pajamas in the mirror and was not as tall as before. After waking up, Xiaozhi looked around, but he didn't see Pikachu anywhere. He was almost sure what time it was. Was he going to travel again?

The time when Xiaozhi was reborn was the morning when he could only receive Pikachu because he overslept. Hearing his mother's urging in his ears, he quickly changed his clothes, put on his hat, picked up his backpack, and rushed out the door. The sun outside had risen, which meant that he was already late for a long time.

Xiaozhi hastily took a piece of bread from the dining table and stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely to Hanako who was busy in the kitchen:"Mom, I'm too late, I'm going out!"

When Hanako poked her head out of the kitchen, Xiaozhi had already run out.

【System No. 124 is at your service! 】

A mechanical voice suddenly sounded in Xiaozhi's mind, and he ate the bread in his mouth in a few bites. What is this system?

Xiaozhi tried to communicate with the System No. 124 that appeared in his mind:"No. 124, what system are you?"

【Host, I am the Pokémon Achievement System. Because many Pokémon fans are dissatisfied with the plot, the world has been revised to allow you to have a journey without regrets, so I have preserved the host's past life memories. 】

Xiaozhi said:"Then what function do you have?"

【Host, I have three functions. First, I provide a system mall, which can facilitate the host to exchange props and other items. Second, I provide the host with information about Pokémon during battles. Third, I publish achievement tasks, and there will be points rewards for completing achievement tasks. All of these are to help the host become a Pokémon master! 】

Xiaozhi said:"What is the mall exchange used for?"

【Points are used for redemption. The host is about to start traveling again. Each time you complete a gym challenge, you will get 500 points. Points will be awarded only after you enter the top 16 of the league competition. Top 16 will get 1000 points, top 8 will get 3000 points, top 4 will get 7000 points, runner-up will get 15000 points, and champion will get 50000 points.

Xiaozhi wrote down the rules:"No. 124, can you help me capture the beast?"

【Theoretically, there is no problem. The host can use the Master Ball in the system mall to capture the Pokémon. Each Master Ball costs 10,000 points.

Xiaozhi calculated that it would take 20 gyms to exchange for a Master Ball.

It was really expensive!

Xiaozhi had no choice but to summon the system mall in his mind.

However, apart from the Master Ball, other props such as Z bracelets, Mage evolution stones, key stones and exclusive Z pure crystals were also exchanged for 1,000 points.

The move learning machine costs 2,000 points each, and the combat auxiliary props cost 1,000 points each.

Ordinary Poké Balls cost 200 points each, Super Balls cost 500 points, other special balls cost 1,000 points, and Advanced Balls cost 1,500 points.

It seems that it is not easy to get points! The 500 points in the gym competition are only enough to exchange for two ordinary Poké Balls. He can only hope to complete the task.

Xiaozhi adjusted his state to the best. Things have come to this point. There is no other choice but to set off again.

Before Xiaozhi arrived at the door of Oak Research Institute, he saw many people gathered here. Xiaozhi saw a familiar figure, his childhood sweetheart Xiaomao

"Thank you, thank you everyone, I will definitely become a Pokémon Master and return to Pallet Town in triumph!"

A young boy with brown hair, wearing a purple sweater and a necklace around his neck was waving goodbye to the people who came to see him off in a cool sports car.

Xiaozhi knew Xiaomao's personality. If he was seen by him, he would make a proud speech again. Besides, being late was the best excuse for Xiaomao to make fun of him. He wanted to sneak into the Oak Laboratory from behind the crowd, but was stopped by Xiaomao:"Isn't this Xiaozhi? You came so late? Did you oversleep again? What a pity! You are late on a day like this. As my competitor, you have already failed!"

Xiaozhi originally wanted to avoid this contact. Xiaomao was playing with the Poké Ball in his hand ostentatiously. He knew that the first Pokémon Xiaomao got was Squirtle, so he said"Oh" and didn't plan to talk to Xiaomao anymore.

Xiaomao was irritated by Xiaozhi's indifferent attitude:"'Oh', what does it mean? Aren't you curious about what Pokémon it is?"

Xiaozhi spread his hands. Seeing Xiaomao getting angry, he did not lose out. In fact, he had experienced many leagues and had matured a long time ago. Why should he bother with Xiaomao? He said,"You won't tell me even if I ask, so why should I ask?"

Xiaozhi turned around and saw Professor Oak in a red shirt:"Professor Oak, I'm here to pick up my Pokémon."

Professor Oak looked at his watch and then at Xiaozhi:"Xiaozhi, why are you here just now!"

Xiaomao jumped into his sports car, trying to get back at Professor Oak, and said,"Grandpa, I'll leave first."

Professor Oak nodded:"Be careful"......

The machine in front of Xiaozhi that held the Poké Ball was turned on, and three Poké Balls rose from the grooves. Xiaozhi did not take them immediately, but looked at Professor Oak and said,"Professor Oak, I can't go traveling empty-handed!"

Professor Oak said,"Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle were all taken by trainers who were not late. I have a backup here."

Although Xiaozhi looked calm, he was actually very excited. Pikachu was his good friend. He said,"Professor Oak, then give me that one!"

Professor Oak said embarrassedly,"This one has a problem! As long as you don't mind, it's fine."

Xiaozhi shook his head,"I don't mind."

Professor Oak pressed a button next to the machine, and a single Poké Ball rose from the middle:"Then this Pikachu is yours." Xiaozhi pressed the button in the middle of the Poké Ball and released Pikachu. Pikachu opened his eyes and saw Xiaozhi in front of it. Xiaozhi stretched out his hand to Pikachu:"Pikachu, please give me more advice in the future!"

""Pika~chu!" Pikachu gave an electric shock without saying anything.

Is my Pikachu so unique? He has a certain resistance to electric shocks from Pikachu because he is often baptized by it. When

Pikachu saw the person in front of him, he was not scared by his electric shocks. Instead, he looked at him with a smile and turned his head away.

Professor Oak handed five empty Poké Balls and the Pokémon Encyclopedia to Xiaozhi:"Xiaozhi, this is a farewell gift. Keep moving forward for your dream of becoming a Pokémon Master!"

Xiaozhi put the things away, looked at Pikachu who looked indifferent, and said helplessly:"Pikachu, let's go!"

"Pikachu yawned loudly and followed Xiaozhi reluctantly.

【Congratulations to the host, you have completed the initial Pokémon mission, obtained a main Pikachu, and received 2000 points. Please continue to work on it. 】Does catching Pokémon also earn points? Does he also get points for catching his former partner?

【The host guessed correctly, so I asked the host to keep up the good work!】


【Attribute: Electricity】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Static Electricity (The body is charged with static electricity, with a 30% chance of paralyzing the opponent it touches)】

【Strength: Novice (Becomes stronger when facing stronger opponents)】

【Moves: Lightning Flash, Impact, High-Speed Movement, Electric Shock]

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