After leaving Vermillion City, Xiaozhi and his friends' next destination is Asagi City, where the Asagi Gym is located. They are now walking in an unknown forest.

Xiaoxia complained,"I am most afraid of walking in the forest. No one can guarantee whether a bug Pokémon will suddenly appear! It's so scary!"

Xiaogang suddenly said seriously,"Oh, by the way, I suddenly remembered that at the Pokémon Center in Vermillion City, we heard two people say that there will be very ferocious Pokémon in this forest, right?"

Xiaoxia hid behind Xiaozhi,"I remembered it too!"

Xiaozhi comforted,"It's okay, I will protect you!" Xiaoxia was comforted by Xiaozhi for a long time before she relaxed.

Xiaogang said,"Let's not talk about this for now. I'm afraid we have to camp out today!" Xiaogang was right. The sun had already set, the sky was slowly getting darker, and they were hungry. Finding a place to rest was the most important thing at the moment.

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"I think we don't need to camp outdoors. There is a mountain hut ahead."

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia followed Xiaozhi's sight and saw a mountain hut. It seemed that no one lived there. They had a place to shelter from the wind and rain tonight.

Late at night, Xiaozhi was awakened by Xiaoxia beside him. Xiaoxia said,"Xiaozhi,......Xiaozhi......"

Xiaozhi yawned loudly and asked,"Xiaoxia, what's wrong?"

Xiaoxia said in fear,"Xiaozhi, I think I heard a strange sound outside!"

Xiaozhi woke up and said,"Strange sound?" Xiaozhi released the power of the wave.

""Miss Joy, wait for me!" Xiaogang was still talking in his sleep.

Xiaozhi glanced helplessly at Xiaogang who was sleeping beside him and said,"There is a Pokémon outside."

Xiaogang shouted,"Ah! What an unexpected dream! I didn't expect Miss Joy to be so bold and positive!" Xiaogang looked intoxicated.

Xiaoxia gave Xiaogang a slap on the head:"I beg you, don't shout suddenly, okay?"

Xiaogang was awakened by Xiaoxia and asked,"What happened? Why are you all awake?"

Xiaozhi said,"There is a Pokémon outside the door!" Xiaozhi stood up and opened the door that was locked from the inside. There was a baby bear at the door. The baby bear yawned loudly, walked into the house, and got into Xiaoxia's blanket. It acted cute to Xiaoxia! Xiaoxia

's heart was captured:"Wow, so cute!" Xiaoxia picked up the baby bear and said,"Baby bear, don't you have a place to sleep? Then sleep with me!"

"Pikachu yawned and was about to go to sleep when he saw the baby bear sleeping with Xiaoxia with an evil smile. Pikachu became alert to the baby bear.

The next morning, Xiaoxia woke up and saw Psyduck holding the cores of the last two apples that Anzhu had given them from Xiaoxia's backpack. Xiaoxia said,"Psyduck, what are you doing?" Xiaozhi asked,

"What's wrong?" Xiaoxia said helplessly,"Look! The last two apples Miss Anzhu gave were eaten by Psyduck!" Psyduck shook his head, and the baby bear looked like he had just woken up. Pikachu looked at the baby bear and saw that Psyduck was like this, obviously not for Psyduck to eat.

Xiaoxia complained a few words,"Psyduck, you are so annoying! Come back!"

Near noon, Xiaogang was ready to make lunch:"Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia, let's have ham sandwiches and thick soup for lunch today! The ham bought in Yuanzhu City is very good!"

Xiaozhi said,"Then I'll go pick up firewood and come back." Xiaoxia said,"I'll go get some water."

Xiao Gang said:"Then I will cut the ingredients first and wait for you to come back."

Xiaoxia looked at the baby bear and said:"Baby bear, do you want to go with me?"

The baby bear shook his head, and Pikachu jumped off Xiaozhi's shoulder. Xiaozhi said:"Pikachu, you are not going either?"

Pikachu nodded, and Pikachu got into Xiaozhi's sleeping bag to sleep.

Xiaozhi touched Pikachu's head and whispered:"Pikachu, take care of baby bear"

"Pikachu gave Xiaozhi a reassuring look, and then closed his eyes.

Xiaozhi also found that the baby bear was not right since last night. Generally speaking, baby bears are very afraid of humans, but this baby bear took the initiative to get close to Xiaozhi and others, which must be abnormal. Xiaozhi released Bayleaf, Crocodile and Flame Mouse together, and said:"You three should stay and help Xiaogang!"

Xiaogang remembered that the mayonnaise was in his backpack and turned to get it. The baby bear grabbed the ham on the table and started eating it. Crocodile wanted the baby bear to put the ham down, but was pushed by the baby bear. He finished the ham in a few bites and stuffed the package into the little crocodile's hand. When Xiaogang came back with the mayonnaise, the baby bear was pretending to cry, as if it wanted to stop the little crocodile from eating the ham but failed to stop it.

Xiaogang also realized that something was wrong. Although the little crocodile was naughty, it had never been able to steal food!

The little crocodile shook his head repeatedly and pointed at the baby bear and said:"Wani Wani!"

Ash and Misty came back at this time, and saw Brock looking at the ham bag in Croc's hand.

Ash asked,"What happened?"

Misty put the water in place, picked up the baby bear and asked,"I want to ask what happened too?"

Croc ran to Ash and accused the baby bear, and Ash picked up Croc. Brock said,"Actually, I didn't see what happened. When I went to get mayonnaise from my backpack, I saw Croc holding the ham bag, and the baby bear was crying."

Ash looked at Pikachu, and Pikachu nodded. It saw it very clearly from the side.

Misty looked at the drama baby bear in her arms. The baby bear was crying and pointing at Croc, as if to say that the ham was for Croc to eat. Croc had no way to argue. The bag was indeed in its hand just now. It looked at Ash and hoped that Ash would believe it.

Ash touched Croc's head and whispered,"I believe you, Croc!"

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, and said,"If we don't have ingredients, let's go buy some! Xiaoxia and I just saw a store at the entrance of the forest. Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, let's go together and buy more!"

Xiaoxia always felt that Xiaozhi seemed to be keeping something in suspense, but she believed Xiaozhi. There were no bad kids among water Pokémon. Although Croc was a little naughty, it would not do such a thing as stealing food. Even if it ate it, it ate it. There was nothing wrong with admitting it. Xiaoxia nodded, put the baby bear down, and said,"You guys wait for us in the cabin!"

Xiaozhi took Xiaogang and Xiaoxia and left the cabin together. Xiaozhi and the other two did not actually leave, but came to the window and looked at the situation in the cabin.

The baby bear showed a cunning smile to Croc. It took out two breads and bananas from Xiaogang's backpack and started eating them by itself. Croc almost used a water gun to shoot the baby bear away, but fortunately it was stopped by Chikorita.

Xiaoxia said,"It turns out that the baby bear did it!"

Gon said,"This baby bear is such an acting genius! Could it be that this baby bear is the evil Pokémon in the rumors? It deceives others with its cute appearance."

Ash said seriously,"This baby bear needs a good lesson!" Ash walked to the door and turned the doorknob. When the baby bear heard the noise, it stuffed the bread into Bayleaf's mouth and made a crying expression again.

Ash pretended to be surprised and said,"Bayleaf!"

"Beilibeili!" Bayleaf hurriedly explained, shaking her head and crying as she threw herself into Xiaozhi's arms.

Xiaozhi touched Bayleaf's head and said,"Okay, I know it was all Baby Bear's fault, right!"

Xiaozhi said seriously,"Pikachu electromagnetic wave!"

Pikachu smiled slyly and opened his eyes from pretending to sleep. It used electromagnetic waves to paralyze Baby Bear!

Seeing that it was discovered, Baby Bear had to use high-speed stars to attack Pikachu.

"Pikachu, lightning flash!"

Pikachu used lightning flash to avoid it, and knocked the baby bear away at a very fast speed. Xiaozhi threw a Poké Ball and captured the baby bear first. Such a bear child needs to be educated well. Xiaozhi put the Poké Ball into the space, let other Pokémons educate the baby bear well and let it be tempered by the mythical beast.

【Baby Bear】

【Attributes: General】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Pickup (sometimes you will pick up items used by your opponent, and you will also pick them up during the adventure)】

【Strength: Ordinary intermediate】

【Skills: Grab, Licking, Round Pupils, Tooth for Tooth, Cleave, High-Speed Star】

【[Capture the Baby Bear and get 500 points as a reward]

After the Baby Bear episode, Satoshi captured and trained this naughty kid, and there were no more rumors of evil Pokémon in this forest.

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