Xiaozhi shouted to the tree house on the tree:"Miss Miku! Miss Miku! Are you there?"

Miku and Grandma Yongjiu walked out of the tree house. Miku looked down and saw Xiaozhi and the others. Xiaogang was carrying an unconscious boy on his back, so she asked:"What happened?"

Xiaozhi said:"He fainted in the forest, so we brought him here first!"

Miku said:"Grandma and I will go down now!"

The boy behind Xiaogang moved his arms and head. Xiaoxia said:"Xiaogang, he woke up!"

Xiaogang put the man down and let his body lean against the tree. Xiaogang asked with concern:"Are you okay?"

The boy suddenly woke up, pushed Xiaogang away, struggled to get up, and shouted:"I will not hand over Celebi!"

Xiaozhi handed the Celebi in his arms to Xiaoxia and pressed the boy's shoulders. Xiaozhi said:"Don't worry, Celebi is fine! It's here." After the boy woke up, Xiaozhi finally confirmed one thing. The boy's waveguide gave him a very familiar feeling, and it was not just ordinary familiarity.

After hearing that Celebi was fine, the boy finally calmed down slowly. He saw Celebi in Xiaoxia's arms, looked around, and said at a loss:"Where is this place? What happened?"

Meijiu and Grandma Yongjiu came down from the tree house. Meijiu asked:"Is the person awake?"

Xiaogang said:"Well, there is also this Celebi with this boy. So we brought them all here!"

Meijiu only knew the legendary Celebi in the village. This was the first time she saw a real Celebi.

After Xiaogang finished speaking, Grandma Yongjiu came forward and said excitedly:"Are you from that time? That's great! It's really great! You're fine!"

Meijiu asked:"Grandma, do you know him?"

Grandma Yongjiu said:"Remember I told you that 40 years ago, a boy disappeared in this forest? It was him!"

Everyone was surprised and said:"It was him!!"

The boy looked at Grandma Yongjiu's face and remembered the sister who gave him bread in the tree house outside the forest. He said:"Are you the sister who gave me bread?"

Grandma Yongjiu nodded.

The group came to Granny Forever's tree house. Brock first checked Celebi's body. He said,"Celebi is not in serious trouble. She is not seriously injured. She just overexerted herself and ran out of energy, so she fell into a coma. Satoshi, it's up to you!"

Satoshi nodded and said,"No problem! Celebi, use Life Drop!"

Satoshi's heterochromatic Celebi appeared, and he used Life Drop on the Celebi in front of Brock. Life Drop is a skill that can restore one's own physical strength and the physical strength of his companions. With the help of Satoshi's Celebi, Celebi's physical strength was restored.

The boy said,"It's amazing! So you have Celebi! But can Celebi be captured?"

Granny Forever and Miku were also very curious about the fact that Satoshi had a heterochromatic Celebi.

"You are so disrespectful to me by saying that! I'm so cute, why can't I be tamed?" Celebi said to the boy angrily.

The boy explained:"Sorry, sorry! I'm just too surprised! Wait, can Celebi talk?"

Celebi lay on Xiaozhi's shoulder:"Hmph, master, I don't really want to talk to this person! I'll go back first!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"Go!" After Celebi became invisible, she returned to the space by herself.

Xiaozhi explained to everyone:"This is the telepathy of the mythical beast, which allows humans to understand the language of Pokémon. Speaking of which, I was able to tame Celebi with a certain amount of luck......."

Xiaozhi told them about the GS Ball he got by chance and how he captured Celebi in the Paulownia Forest. Granny Yongjiu, Miku and the boy finally understood everything!

The boy said,"I see! By the way, my name is Xuecheng, thank you for saving me and Celebi."

Granny Yongjiu got up and took something from the bookshelf and gave it to Xuecheng. The thing was wrapped in a piece of rough cloth and looked like a book. Granny Yongjiu said,"This is what you dropped at that time!" Xuecheng took the thing and opened the cloth. Inside was an old notebook. He took a look and said,"Yes, it's mine! It's just that.........How could it be so old!"

Xiaozhi explained:"It should be Celebi's ability that allowed you, Xuecheng, to travel through time and space!"

Xiaoxia said:"That means Xuecheng has crossed 40 years of time and space and arrived at our current time and space!"

Xiaogang said:"Only Celebi has this ability! When we were in the Paulownia Forest before, Xiaozhi's Celebi also made us go through similar things, just letting us feel what happened in the Paulownia Forest."

Xiaozhi said:"Xiaogang is right!"

Forever Granny said:"It should be the case! The legend in the village also shows that Celebi has the ability to travel through time and space. But what exactly happened to you and Celebi, Xuecheng?"

Xuecheng explained:"The thing is actually like this.

After I entered the forest, I started sketching Pokémon.

When I met Celebi, it was being attacked by Darkrai and Scyther.

The person chasing Celebi claimed to be a Pokémon hunter.

He couldn't see his right eye.

His purpose was to catch rare Pokémon for sale.

Although Celebi is a mythical beast, it is not good at fighting, so I picked up the injured Celebi and kept running.

When we ran to the Celebi Temple, Celebi's body emitted white light, and then when I woke up, I saw Xiaozhi and the others.


There was a loud noise outside!

Miku said,"What happened?"

Xiaozhi and the others came out of the tree house and saw the three members of Team Rocket on the big tree opposite.

"Although no one asked sincerely"

"We still answer you with great mercy"

"To prevent the world from being destroyed!"

"To protect world peace"

"Love and true evil"

"Cute and charming villain"

"Musashi! / Kojiro!"

"We are the Rocket duo traveling across the galaxy"

"White hole, a white tomorrow is waiting for us"

"That's it meow!"


The tree branch that made it difficult for the three members of Team Rocket to stand was directly broken after Guranweng came out. The three members of Team Rocket and Guranweng fell heavily to the ground. It felt like the three members of Team Rocket were here to make fun of them.

Musashi angrily punched Guranweng on the head and said,"Guranweng, what are you doing here? We finally got to say our opening remarks, and now you've ruined it!"

Kojiro said to Satoshi,"Hey, little brat!"

Satoshi said,"What's the matter?"

Meowth said,"We just saw you holding a Celebi in your hands, right, meow!"

Satoshi said,"Do you want to catch Celebi?"

Musashi said,"That's a divine beast! It's very tempting to us, and it's the key to our priests getting rich!" Satoshi said,

"Oh, you're welcome, Pikachu, just use 100,000 volts!"

Kojiro waved his hands and said,"Wait, we don't want Celebi now!"

Misty said,"Why did you change your mind?"

Meow said,"We thought about it and decided not to fly Celebi. We don't want to fly again, meow!"

Pikachu made a cute face and returned to Xiaozhi's shoulder.

Suddenly, a giant robot appeared in front of the tree house. A muscular man with a golden mask on his face sat on top of the robot and controlled it.

"You don't want it, but I do! Hand over Celebi!"

Xiaozhi looked at the man on the robot and said,"Impossible!" Xiaozhi's wave power was very uneasy, as if something made him feel uncomfortable.

The man said,"Since that's the case......"The man took out a pure black Poké Ball, and the Pokémon that appeared in the Poké Ball was a Bungeelas. When this dark Poké Ball appeared, Xiaozhi's uneasiness was explained.

Xiaogang said,"This Bungeelas gives people a wrong feeling!"

The man said,"Destroy it as much as you can!"

Xiaozhi said,"Miss Miku, Granny Yongjiu, you take Celebi away, Xiaogang asks you to cover! We will find a way here!"

Miku went back to the tree house, picked up Celebi, and left with Granny Yongjiu, under the cover of Xiaogang!

The man said,"Want to leave? Bungeelas, destroy them all!"


【Attributes: Rock, Evil】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Nervousness (makes the opponent nervous, making it unable to eat berries)】

【Strength: Mid-level quasi-king】

"Blastoise, hold on!"

Blastoise held on and blocked the destructive death ray.

Musashi said:"I will never forgive anyone who wants to steal our prey! If we can't get it, you can't get it either! Kojiro!"

Kojiro said:"Got it! Double-Bomb Gas uses smoke screen."

The man then noticed the smoke on Musashi and Kojiro's clothes."R"logo, and asked,"Are you Team Rocket?"

Musashi looked at the familiar mask on the man's face and said,"That mask!......Evil Pokémon master!"

Kojiro said:"The highest officer of Team Rocket......"

Meowth said,"Masked Bixias-sama, meowth!"

The three members of Team Rocket quickly apologized. Musashi flattered,"Sir Bixias-sama, I'm so sorry! I was so rude to you just now!"

Kojiro said,"We have heard about you a long time ago!" Meowth said,"It is our honor to meet you, meow!" Bixias snorted, took out two Dark Poké Balls, released Mantis and Uzumaki, and said,"Go after them! It's all because of you, a bunch of trash. They ran away!"

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