If you want to reach the Baiyin Town of Baiyin Mountain, the venue of the Chengdu League, you must first go to Ruoye Town to register for the competition. So Xiaozhi and his group are now on their way to Ruoye Town.

Early in the morning, Xiaozhi received a call from Professor Sora.

Professor Sora said,"Dr. Xiaozhi, congratulations on getting eight badges."

Xiaozhi said,"Thank you, Dr. Sora. Have you returned to Ruoye Town?" Dr.

Sora said,"I returned to Ruoye Town ten days ago. Dr. Xiaozhi, this is the case. I was informed by Professor Oak that you are on your way back to Ruoye Town, right! Can you please stop by the Pokémon Marine Research Institute? Actually, there is a Pokémon egg that was stolen from Baiyin Mountain by poachers and then ended up at the Pokémon Marine Research Institute. So I would like to ask you to bring the egg back to Ruoye Town for me."

Xiaozhi said,"Of course no problem."

The communication device hung up.

Xiaozhi and his group continued to set off and headed for the Pokémon Marine Research Institute along the road along the sea. Although the mysterious space can be used to reach Ruoye Town immediately, there are still three months before the Chengdu League starts, so just walk slowly.

Xiaogang said:"In other words, we just need to bring the Pokémon eggs back to Professor Kongmu, right!"

Xiaoxia said:"Since the eggs were stolen by poachers, could they be some special existence?"

Xiaozhi said:"We will know when the time comes, we are here!"

The Pokémon Marine Research Institute is built next to the strait, where you can just see the entire sea surface, and the scenery is very beautiful.

Xiaozhi and the other two rang the doorbell at the door for a long time but no one came to open the door. When Xiaozhi and the others were about to wait for a while, a girl in a white coat opened the door with a detection instrument and ran past them.

Xiaoxia said:"What happened?"

Xiaogang said:"I don't know! But I only know that it is a beautiful lady! Miss, what is your name?......"Xiaogang chased after him.

Xiaozhi said helplessly:"Xiaoxia, let's go!"

Xiaoxia said:"That's the only way!"

At the beach, the girl just now set up the detection instrument in her hand, and said to the electric monster in the water:"Electric monster, use ultrasound."

The electric monster got into the water and emitted ultrasound.

The girl operated the instrument and said:"The ultrasound connection is normal and in good condition."

Xiaogang came up and said:"Excuse me, young lady, are you from the research institute? My name is Xiaogang, and I am very grateful for the opportunity to meet such a beautiful lady like you this time......."

The girl interrupted,"Hush, be quiet! We can almost hear their voices!"

The detection equipment responded, and a gentle and melodious Pokémon cry came into their ears. Xiaoxia asked,"What's that sound?"

The girl said,"It's the travel song! They're coming! Electric monsters, it's OK!"

As the electric monsters in the sea emerged from the water, more than ten dragons also emerged from the water.

Xiaoxia said,"It's a dragon!" Xiaozhi and his friends who had traveled to the Orange Islands were naturally familiar with dragons, after all, Xiaozhi also had a dragon.

The dragons in the mysterious space looked very happy, so Xiaozhi released his dragon. As soon as Xiaozhi's dragon appeared, it swam to a dragon and rubbed its head affectionately.

Xiaozhi said,"It's true!"

Xiaogang said,"It must be the group of Dragonites we met in the Orange Islands! Xiaozhi's Dragonite looks so happy, it must be its mother!"

The girl said,"Are you talking about the Orange Islands?"

Xiaozhi explained,"My Dragonite is the child of that Dragonite, and I captured it in the Orange Islands."

The girl said,"Is that so? Now we have another research path. By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Cheng Mei, and I'm the director of the Pokémon Marine Research Institute! Dr. Xiaozhi, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Cheng Mei continued,"Actually, I'm the only one in the institute. Dr. Kongmu told me about your affairs."

Xiaogang said infatuatedly,"Miss Cheng Mei, I know nothing about you. Please tell me your zodiac sign and phone number......."

Misty dragged the man away:"You're not done yet, are you?"

Cheng Mei said helplessly:"Okay, I'll give the Pokémon egg to Professor Xiaozhi first!"

Back at the research institute, Cheng Mei handed the Pokémon egg to Xiaozhi. It was a green Pokémon egg. Cheng Mei said:"I don't know what Pokémon this egg is. It was rescued by Miss Junsha from the hands of poachers. According to Miss Junsha, it was brought out from the Silver Mountain Nature Reserve."

Xiaogang said:"I think Professor Kongmu will wait for the egg to hatch before sending it back to Silver Mountain!" Xiaoxia said:"It should be."

Xiaozhi picked up the Pokémon egg and said:"The temperature of this egg is so low!" Cheng

Mei reached out and touched the egg and said worriedly:"How could it be? The temperature was normal just now!"

Xiaozhi said:"Let's heat it up first! Infernape, Dragonite, come out! Raise the temperature in the room."

Xiaogang said:"I'll come too, Infernape, Ninetales, come out and help!"

With the help of the Pokémon, the temperature in the room rose rapidly, and the egg began to glow, and it was about to hatch.

Xiaozhi used his body temperature to ensure the final hatching of Yukira in the egg. Xiaozhi thought: Yukira, you have to take a good look at this world!

The egg successfully hatched a Yukira.

Xiaozhi hugged Yukira and said,"Hello, Yukira!" Yukira opened his eyes, felt Xiaozhi's kindness, and hugged Xiaozhi and snuggled into his arms. He touched Yukira's head and said,"Good boy, Yukira, please give me more guidance in the future!" Xiaoxia said


Xiaogang said:"It is a rock and ground attribute���Pokémon can only be seen in the Baiyinshan Nature Reserve in Chengdu."

Misty leaned over and said hello,"Hello! Yukira."

Yukira stiffened instantly!

Satoshi said,"Don't worry, Misty. It must be a timid person. In addition, it was taken away by poachers when it was an egg. It is normal for it to be afraid of strangers."

Brock said,"Let me try. I am determined to become a top Pokémon breeder. No Pokémon should be able to refuse me! Satoshi, bring Yukira to me."

Brock had just touched Yukira when Yukira stiffened again.

Cheng Mei said,"I guess Yukira thinks of Dr. Satoshi as his father! This situation will not last long. Dr. Satoshi, I will leave Yukira to you."

Satoshi said,"Okay.""Xiaozhi now had a small pendant in his hand.

After a night of harassment at the Marine Research Institute, the dragons left the next day. Xiaozhi's dragon said goodbye to his mother and tribesmen. Xiaozhi and his friends' journey continued after they had a Yukira.......

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