Late at night, the Fashion Thief and the other two came to Ben Gray's house. They spent a lot of effort to find this place after Xiaozhi destroyed their motorboat at noon.

The three members of Team Rocket followed the Fashion Thief ten minutes ago, but they couldn't keep up with him physically and skillfully. They slipped and fell down, but fortunately they were saved by the street lamp on the wall.

Musashi said,"It was a close call!"

Kojiro said,"That's right!"

Meowth said,"But we lost him!"


The three Rockets players felt the weight coming from their bodies. The weight of the three of them was already difficult to bear, and with the addition of Guo Ran Weng, the street lights also went on strike.

"What a disgusting feeling......."


Three Rockets players fell down

""Sun Eevee uses hypnosis!" Sun Eevee walked into Ben Gray's house and used hypnosis without saying anything. Through their investigation, they found that there was a road in Ben Gray's house that led directly to the secret garden.

After the two Fashion Phantom Thieves knocked Uncle Ben Gray unconscious, they followed that road to the secret garden.

At this time, Latios and Latias were sleeping on the tree. Latias's sleeping posture was not very good. Latios, the worried brother, had to wake up from time to time to see his sister.

Latios suddenly woke up, and it sensed two strange breaths.

Lian said:"This is a really good place!"

Sana said:"Then let's build our villa here!"

Latios shook Latias awake, and the two Pokémon went invisible to check. The Fashion Phantom Thief had already prepared and put on special glasses to look for the two figures.

Sana said:"That's the Sun Elves there, use the high-speed star!"

The high-speed star hit Latias, and Latios stood in front of Latias when he saw this.

"Pikachu, 100,000 volts!"

Pikachu knocked down the sun elf, and Xiaozhi and the other two walked out from the darkness:"What on earth do you two want to do?" Sana said:"Just talk it out! Why do this?"

Xiaozhi said:"Did I say the Heart Drop right?" Lian said:"Sister, I got it!" Lian took the Heart Drop from the water when Xiaozhi and the other two were not paying attention.

Xiaozhi turned around and saw Lian holding the Heart Drop in her hand. The water in the fountain and pond in the secret garden quickly receded. Xiaozhi thought: Is it still impossible to stop it?

Xiaozhi said:"Gardevoir Hypnosis!"Xiaozhi originally wanted to stop the Fashion Thieves from lifting the seal, but unfortunately they succeeded. We can't let them do any more harm.

Xiaozhi summoned Gardevoir and used hypnosis to knock the two unconscious. He used a communication device to contact Du and asked him to send someone over. The pollution of the Heart Drop means that a tsunami is coming.

Kanon and Ben Gray, who had woken up, looked at the Heart Drop that was snatched back from Xiaozhi and said,"It's terrible! When someone with ill intentions uses the Heart Drop, the evil mind will pollute the Heart Drop and lose Odomare." Xiaogang asked,"Lose? What does that mean?" Xiaozhi said,"Odomare is an island. I guess losing it should mean a tsunami." Xiaoxia said,"Then is there any way to purify the Heart Drop?"

Xiaozhi shook his head and said,"It's too late. The tsunami is coming!"The wind doesn't feel right anymore.

Xiaozhi and his companions came to the highest point of the Tower of the Sun in the cathedral. The waterways in the city dried up, the sea water receded, and a tsunami covering the entire sky was coming! A long and bright wall of water came towards Odomare in front of them. Latios and Latias looked at each other. They were the guardian beasts of Odomare and should have protected Odomare at this time.

Latios and Latias' bodies suddenly became unable to move. Looking back, they saw that Mewtwo had restricted their movements with his mental power.

Latios struggled and said,"Let us go, we are going to save Odomare."

Latias said,"Xiaozhi, this is my brother's and my responsibility as guardian beasts."

Xiaozhi said,"I'm not stopping you, but I want to go with you! You two wear this!"The Mega Evolution Stones of Latios and Latias that Ash and No. 124 exchanged urgently. Latios and Latias didn't know what this was, but they knew that using what Ash gave them would increase their strength.

Ash said,"Miss, take good care of Yukira, I'll be back soon." Ash handed Yukira to Misty. Misty believed in Ash's ability, but still couldn't help but worry, but the words that came out of her mouth were,"Ash, you have to be careful!"

Ash hugged Misty tightly and nodded. After he and Brock looked at each other, Brock understood what he should do. If Ash couldn't stop the tsunami, he could only let him protect Misty, Canon, and Mr. Ben Gray, but Brock had confidence in Ash.

Ash said,"Lugia has decided that it's you!" Ash turned over and sat on Lugia's back and said,"Lugia, I need your strength!"

Lugia saw the tsunami approaching and said,"I understand!"

Xiaozhi pressed his finger on the evolution key stone and shouted:"Latios, Latias Mega Evolution!"

The two changed their appearance, their whole bodies became purple and white, and their tails moved to the back of their hands, so that they could fly faster.

"Let's go!"

Lugia, Latios and Latias rushed towards the tsunami together. Lugia let out a long roar, and the tsunami stopped. Latios and Latias formed a ball of light to alleviate the destructive power of the tsunami. The tsunami was alleviated by the three beasts!

The sun rose from the sea, and the sea returned to calm.

Xiaozhi said:"Thank you!" Latios said

:"Xiaozhi, we should thank you. It is very difficult to rely on the strength of Latias and me. If it weren't for the two stones you gave us and Lugia's strength, Odomare would not have been spared!"

Latias said:"Xiaozhi, thank you."

Xiaozhi waved his hand:"Okay, let's go back and purify the drops of heart first, things are not completely over yet!"

Latios and Latias cancelled their mega evolution forms, and Xiaozhi took back Lugia, and the group returned to the device that Ben Gray mentioned in the cathedral.

Xiaozhi asked,"Mr. Ben Gray, was this device built to draw out the power of Latios and the Heart Drops?"

Ben Gray said,"Yes, this device is connected to the pool where the Heart Drops were placed before."

Xiaozhi said,"If you want to purify the Heart Drops, it seems that you can only activate this device."

Canon said,"Xiaozhi, you want to? Use the device to purify the Heart Drops, right! But my grandfather and I have never done this?"

Ben Gray said,"It's me who didn't tell you that it's possible. Latios, Latias, I need your help."

Latios and Latias nodded at the same time,"Okay."

Latios and Latias landed in front of the two stone slabs on the left and right of the device. Ben Gray sat in the device and began to operate it. Xiaozhi and the other two went to the device in the secret garden where the Heart Drop was placed.

Xiaozhi gently placed the Heart Drop into the pool. As the device operated, the dark part of the Heart Drop slowly receded, replaced by a faint blue light. The pool sprayed clear spring water again, and the entire Secret Garden was full of vitality again.......

Du and Miss Junsa arrived at Alto Mare Island before dawn. Du said,"Let Miss Junsa and the others take care of the Fashion Thief! Xiaozhi is lucky that you are here this time. Please thank Lugia for me."

Xiaozhi said,"I will."

Du looked at Latios and Latias behind Xiaozhi with blue eyes. Although his name is"Dragon Messenger", at most he only has one Dragonite and one Thorn Dragonite, which are dragon-type. The rest of the Pokémon have the word"dragon" in their names. Now that the two dragon-type beasts are right in front of him but he cannot subdue them, he can only look at them a little longer.

Du said,"Then I will leave first!"

Xiaozhi said,"Mr. Du, the rest of the things are up to you!"

Du nodded, sat on Dragonite's back and left, and Miss Junsa took the Fashion Thief away.

Xiaozhi looked at Latios and Latias and said with a smile:"Would you like to be my Pokémon?"

Latias was willing to do so. Latios said with some difficulty:"Latios and I both want to, but we are the beasts guarding Alto Mare Island and cannot leave for too long."

Xiaozhi said:"I have a way to have the best of both worlds!" He dispersed his waveguide, and Latios nodded after feeling it.

Latias turned into Canon and kissed Xiaozhi on the side of his face and said:"Xiaozhi, thank you."

Xiaozhi thought: Fortunately, Xiaoxia is not here, otherwise it would be hard to explain! Xiaoxia and Xiaogang followed Canon and Ben Gray to appease the residents of the town.

Xiaozhi smiled and touched Latias's head, and said gently:"I will take you out for a walk, and you can come back when you want!"

Xiaozhi took out two Master Balls and captured Latios and Latias.

Before leaving, Ben Gray said,"Xiaozhi, it's great that you can take them out to have a look! Please take care of them!"

Xiaozhi nodded,"I will."

On the morning of the third day, Xiaozhi and his companions left Odomare and continued their journey to Wakaba Town.

【Complete the story mission, reward 20,000 points, subdue Latios and Latias, reward 20,000 points, a total of 40,000 points]

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