Xiao Mao won the first match of the semi-finals of the Chengdu League Silver Conference Finals and entered the finals. The second match was between Ye Yue and Xiao Zhi!

The referee said:"The venue for this match is the grass field. The match adopts a full battle method. The first attacker is Xiao Zhi, and the second attacker is Ye Yue. The match begins!"

"It's decided that Togekiss is you!"

Everyone saw Togekiss for the first time. Ye Yue said:"Xiaozhi, what kind of Pokémon is this?"

Xiaozhi explained:"Togekiss is a Fairy-type and Flying-type Pokémon, and it is also the final evolved form of Togepi." Xiaozhi had evolved Togekiss with the Light Stone just before this game. Xiaozhi

's words were broadcast live, and Professor Oak couldn't wait to rush to the scene of the Silver Conference after hearing about it. Of course, this is all tomorrow's matter!

Ye Yue said:"For me, any Pokémon that I have never seen is a challenge. Come out, transform into a Dragonite!"

【Hidden Dragon】

【Attributes: General】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Color change (your own attributes will change to the attributes of the moves received from the opponent)】

【Strength: Primary level】

"Pokkis is fast!"

"Transform into a hidden dragon, invisible"

"Pokkiss attacks the red stripes!"

Pokkiss used Super Speed, and his figure disappeared quickly. When he reappeared, he was already behind the Transfiguration Dragon. The Transfiguration Dragon used invisibility to hide his figure, but the Transfiguration Dragon's invisibility has a limitation that the stripes on his body will not be hidden together. As long as you attack that stripe, you can hit the Transfiguration Dragon. The Transfiguration Dragon was hit by Super Speed!

"Hide in the bushes and use tongue licking"

""Pokkiss, close your eyes."

After the Dragonite entered the bushes, it shuttled through the bushes at a very fast speed. Pokkiss closed his eyes and felt the Dragonite's position. The Dragonite used its tongue to lick the Pokkiss in mid-air, and Pokkiss turned his head to avoid it.

"Pokkis, wave missile!"

Pokkis used the wave missile and hit the invisible dragon.

The referee:"The invisible dragon has lost its combat capability!"

Ye Yue took back the invisible dragon:"The invisible dragon, you performed very well! Xianla, it's your turn!"


【Attributes: Evil, Ice】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Mental strength (possessing a trained spirit and not flinching from the opponent's attack)】

【Strength: Elite】

"Alloy grip"

"Pokkiss, Steel Wings."

Ula slashed at Pokkiss with his Steel Claws, and Pokkiss fought back with his Steel Wings. The difference in strength was huge, and Ula was knocked away by the Steel Wings.

"Pokkis, catch up and use Magic Flash!"

""Xianla, Freezing Fist!"

Pokkiss quickly chased after him, forming a pink ball of light in front of his chest, which emitted a strong beam of light and hit Nula.

Referee:"Xianla has lost his ability to fight!"

Ye Yue thought to himself: Strength can really surpass attributes!

Ye Yue took back Xianla:"Xianla, you've worked hard! Go! Soliber"

【Soliber (Dream-inducing Tapir)

【Attribute: Super Power】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Insomnia (Because of the insomnia physique, so will not fall into a sleeping state)】

【Strength: Primary level】

"Soliber uses hypnosis!"

"Pokkis, mysterious guard!"

Soliber shook the pendulum in his hand to send out hypnotic waves. Pokkis completely defended himself with mysterious guard, and within 5 rounds, he would not fall into abnormal state!

"Soliber, mental shock!"

"Pokkiss, speed!"

Soliber materialized his superpowers into a shock wave to attack Pokkiss, but Pokkiss dodged it at speed, went behind Soliber and knocked him away.

"Togekiss, Shadow Ball!"

Togekiss's Shadow Ball hit Soliber head-on, and Soliber fell to the ground.

The referee:"Soliber has lost his ability to fight! Contestant Ye Yue already has three Pokémon that have lost their ability to fight, and now it's halftime."

Xiaoxia pounced on Togekiss and said,"Togekiss, you're awesome!"

Xiaogang said,"You did a great job! Will Xiaozhi continue to send Togekiss in the second half or change a Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi said,"I'm going to use Cursed Doll in the second half."

The halftime break passed quickly, and the second half of the game began again.

Seeing Xiaozhi take Togekiss back, Ye Yue guessed that he was going to change Pokémon to use.

"Cursed doll, it’s decided to be you!"

"Go, Steelix!"

【Steel Snake】

【Attributes: Steel, Ground】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Hard Head (HP will not decrease even if a move that causes damage from the reaction force is used)】

【Strength: Intermediate Gym Level]

Xiaozhi pointed his finger at the evolution key on his glove and said,"Cursed Doll, Mega Evolution!"

The Cursed Doll changed its form!

The commentator said,"This is......The super evolution of the cursed doll? Professor Xiaozhi has given everyone another big surprise!"

It was the first time that Ye Yue saw the super evolution form, and he knew that dealing with the cursed doll would not be so easy.

"Cursed doll, will-o'-the-wisp!"

"Steelix, Sandstorm!"

The Cursed Doll released a strange flame, and Steelix spun around to summon a sandstorm, blocking the will-o'-the-wisp. In the next 5 rounds, the Cursed Doll will be damaged by the sandstorm.

"Steelix, dig a hole!"

"Cursed Doll, surprise attack."

The Cursed Doll hit Steelix with surprise attack before Steelix used Dig Burrow.

"Steelix, Iron Tail!"

"After the cursed doll dodges, use Jealous Fire!"

The big steel snake raised its iron tail and swept it towards the cursed doll. The cursed doll dodged very quickly, with a gloomy face and cold eyes, and used the power of jealousy in its body to release flames to attack the big steel snake. The big steel snake was covered with flames and fell into a state of burning.

"Big Steel Snake, bite it to pieces!"

"Cursed Doll, sneak attack."

Steelix held on, stood firm and attacked the Cursed Doll with its sharp fangs, and the Cursed Doll disappeared on the spot. Steelix lost its target, and the Cursed Doll appeared on the right side of Steelix and knocked Steelix down!

Referee:"Steelix has lost its ability to fight!"

"Houndoom, it's your turn!"


【Attributes: Evil, Fire】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Fire-drawing (When attacked by a fire-attribute move, it absorbs the flames, and the fire-attribute moves it uses will become stronger)】

【Strength: Gym Intermediate】

"Houndoom, spurt of fire!"

"Cursed Doll, Hidden Night Attack!"

Heroga used jet flame to attack the Cursed Doll. The Cursed Doll used Hidden Night Attack and disappeared. After the Cursed Doll appeared, Hidden Night Attack hit Heroga.

"Cursed Doll, Strange Light!"

The Cursed Doll emitted a strange light, confusing Houndoom!

"Cursed Doll, the last attack of Magic Flash!"

The Cursed Doll's Magic Flash hit Houndoom, and Houndoom fell to the ground.

Referee:"Houndoom has lost its ability to fight!"

Commentator:"Finally! The semi-finals have come to the end, and contestant Ye Yue only has one Pokémon left!"

Ye Yue took back Houndoom and said with a smile:"Xiaozhi, I only want to take down one of your Pokémon now! This fulfilling battle made me realize my own shortcomings! My last one is my original Pokémon - Blaziken!"

【Flame Chicken】

【Attributes: Fire, Fighting】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Fierce Fire (When HP decreases, the power of fire-attribute moves will increase)】

【Strength: Early stage of quasi-king level】

"Flame Chicken, Bounce!"

"Cursed Doll, sneak attack!"

The two Pokémon disappeared, and the Flame Chicken jumped high into the air.

"Flame Chicken grabbed the cursed doll! Throw it out!"

Flame Chicken quickly landed, grabbed the cursed doll that was about to attack, and threw it out.

"Flame Chicken, Flame Fist!"

"Cursed Doll, strong mental power!"

The Flame Chicken quickly approached the Cursed Doll with its fist full of flames. The Cursed Doll used strong mental power to control the Flame Chicken and threw it out!

"Flame Chicken, spit flames!"

"Cursed Doll, hold on."

The Flame Chicken attacked again, using Jet Flame. The Cursed Doll defended with Hold on. The two were engaged in a fierce offensive and defensive battle.

"Flamingo, survive!"

"Cursed Doll, Wave of Evil!"

Both of them had little energy and stamina left, so Blaziken used Survive from Despair, a special move that had a stronger effect the less stamina left. Wave of Evil and Survive from Despair collided with each other, forming a small explosion wave!

The smoke dissipated, and Cursed Doll released its super evolution form and fell to the ground with Blaziken!

The referee said,"Blazinger and Cursed Doll have lost their combat capabilities together! Contestant Ye Yue has lost all 6 Pokémon, so it is contestant Xiaozhi who will enter the finals!"

The long semi-finals are over, and the two finalists have been decided. The final scene of the Quartz Conference will be reproduced in the Silver Conference!

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