After leaving Bluepulchi City, Xiaozhi and his friends continued to head towards Golden City. They are now at the port of Maiden's Gorge.

Xiaoxia was in a very happy mood:"Sea travel is good, but it is still boring in the long run. It is better to be down-to-earth. Hey, it seems that a temple fair is going to be held! Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, let's go and have a look!"

Xiaogang's face was full of disappointment:"This year's summer has passed so quickly. Children's summer is the beach, and adults' summer is the season of love, but I have nothing.......Alas, is this the end of the year?"

Gon raised his head, his eyes attracted by a girl standing not far away. He murmured,"So pretty!"

Misty and Ash were already a long distance ahead. Misty shouted to Gon,"Gon, what are you daydreaming about!"

Ash looked in the direction Gon was looking at. Gastly? Ever since the system awakened his wave power, the exploration of the surrounding environment has become Ash's most common way of using the wave power. The wave power of humans and Pokémon is very different. Xiaozhi can directly feel whether it is human or not. After Gon took a few steps forward, when he looked back, the girl was gone.

Ash and Misty went to buy a lot of snacks, but were stopped by a voice.

"Please wait!"

Xiaogang turned around and was faced with an old woman. Xiaogang was startled. Xiaozhi smiled and said,"Old woman, what's the matter?"

The old woman said,"I'm here to find him. Remember to be careful of beautiful women!"

Xiaozhi stood in front of Xiaogang and said,"Aren't you the one who knows best whether to be careful or not? We'll leave first." Xiaozhi gave Xiaoxia a look, and Xiaoxia used her trump card to drag Xiaogang away.

After Xiaozhi and his friends filled their stomachs at the temple fair, they planned to visit the Girls' Shrine as written in the travel guide. When they arrived, they heard a man explaining a painting hanging in the shrine.

"This painting is a treasure that has been handed down for two thousand years. There is a sad story behind it. The girl in the painting has a lover she loves very much, but her lover went out to fight in the war. The girl waited by the cliff every day, hoping that one day her lover would come back. She kept waiting, and finally turned into a stone by the cliff. Over there is the Girl Rock, and this painting was painted by the girl's lover himself."

Xiaozhi and others looked in the direction of the interpreter's finger, and sure enough, they saw a human-shaped stone by the cliff.

Xiaogang was obsessed with the portrait.

Xiaozhi knew that all these things were caused by Gastly, who had lived for at least two thousand years and was very powerful. Xiaozhi discovered Xiaogang's strangeness and said calmly:"Xiaogang, we should go!"

Xiaogang stood where he was:"I want to see the Girl Rock!"

Xiaozhi waved his hand gently in front of Xiaogang's eyes:"Then go!"

It was the first time that Xiaozhi used the power of waveguide like this. He just waved his hand in front of Xiaogang's eyes, and used his waveguide to make a pair of invisible glasses in front of Xiaogang's eyes. When they get to the Girls' Rock, they will know that it was Gastly who did it.

"I’m waiting for you!"

"I've been waiting for you!"

Xiaogang stopped. He clearly heard a girl's voice, but in front of him was a Gastly waving at him. Xiaogang turned his head and looked at Xiaozhi in horror:"Xiaozhi, what are you doing?"......"

Satoshi spread his hands and said,"It's just what you see." Misty said with an air of enjoying a good show,"Gon, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but isn't it enough that you like beautiful big sisters? You even like Gastly?"

Gon yelled and hid behind Satoshi and Misty in fear.

Satoshi looked at Gastly and said,"Gasstly, you also know that what you are doing doesn't make much sense, right?"

Gastly said,"I'm just helping her. Maybe one day, the person she's waiting for will come back." Gastly looked at the Girl Rock behind him and felt a little depressed. Satoshi looked at a corner of the wooden house behind the Girl Rock and said,"How long are you three going to hide? Want to catch Gastly? You guys want to try flying again, right?"

"How did the little brat find us?"

"How do I know meow"

"So are we going out?"

"The little brat is trying to trick us! We won't go out."

Before Xiaozhi could send out any Pokémon, Gastly disappeared in front of them, and the next moment he appeared in front of the three members of Team Rocket. A ghost face scared the three members of Team Rocket so much that they jumped out of the bushes!

Musashi sent out Arbok:"Arbok!"

"Use this to deal with snakes!" Gastly turned into a weasel and pounced on Arbok. The moment before, Arbok was standing in front of Musashi, and the next moment he was scared back into the Poké Ball.

Seeing that Arbok was no match for him, Kojiro sent out his own gas bomb:"Go with the gas bomb! Attack with poisonous gas."

Gastly grinned:"You have to use a gas mask to deal with poisonous Pokémon." Gastly transformed a gas mask from the weasel's face, and with a flick of its tail, it knocked the gas bomb away. Xiaozhi simply ignored the ethics of martial arts and ordered Pikachu:"Pikachu, 100,000 volts, send them away!"

"Pikachu smiled mischievously and jumped in front of the three members of Team Rocket.

"No! No!"

"Such a nasty feeling......"

After dealing with Team Rocket's intrusion, Xiaozhi walked up to Gastly and said,"Gass, are you going to continue to help her wait for the person she's waiting for?"

Gastly said,"Although the chances are slim, we have been friends for more than two thousand years. I will continue to help her pass on her legend. Maybe one day her lover will come back to find her after reincarnation."

Xiaozhi respected Gastly's thoughts and said,"Then we won't say much! Xiaogang and Xiaoxia, let's go!"

As night fell, Xiaozhi and the others changed into yukatas and participated in the dance at the temple fair.��Xiaoxia let her hair down, put on a pink yukata, and took Xiaozhi's hand and they danced to the music. Xiaogang, on the other hand, was obsessed with food and ate like crazy.......

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