Xiaozhi and his group had basically left the Orange Forest. Xiaoyao was far behind the others. She couldn't walk anymore.

Xiaoyao shouted,"Wait for me! Can't we take a break?"

Xiaosheng said helplessly,"Sister, we just took a break ten minutes ago."

Xiaoyao sat down on the ground directly,"But! I'm tired again!"

Xiaosheng said,"Sister, who told you not to exercise properly!" Xiaosheng saw a mark on the Pokémon Navigator flashing and said,"There is a Pokémon Center nearby!"

Xiaoyao was excited. There was delicious food at the Pokémon Center and soft quilts to rest.

Xiaogang's eyes lit up and he pushed Xiaoyao from behind and said,"Xiaoyao, let's go! Hurry up!"

Xiaoyao didn't know what was wrong, but she also wanted to go to the Pokémon Center to rest, so she ran after Xiaogang. Xiaozhi thought helplessly: Xiaogang's old problem has come back again! Xiaozhi looked at Pikachu, and Pikachu's eyes lit up and reached a consensus with Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi said,"Wait a minute!" Xiaozhi suddenly saw something on the tree trunk. He walked up to take down the broken net stuck on the trunk and took a closer look. He said,"Xiaogang, look! This seems to be a net often used by Pokémon poachers. We saw it once in the Baiyinshan Reserve."

Xiaogang took the net handed over by Xiaozhi, took a look, and said,"That's right!"

Xiaosheng asked,"What kind of Pokémon poachers are there?"......"

Xiaozhi explained:"They are a group of people who capture Pokémon and sell them, and this net is the capture net often used by poachers. When my Yukira was still in an egg, it was taken out of Silver Mountain by poachers." Xiaoyao said angrily:"How can there be such people!"

Xiaogang said:"Xiaozhi, look, not only that, there are more or less such marks on these tree trunks!" Xiaogang looked at the trunks of several nearby trees and saw similar marks.

Xiaozhi said:"The marks are very new, which means there are Pokémon poachers nearby. Let's go to the Pokémon Center first to ask about the specific situation!"

"" Okay!" The three of them nodded at the same time.

In the Pokémon Center, Miss Joy smiled and said,"Welcome to the Pokémon Center!"

Xiao Gang was about to pounce on Miss Joy, but was pushed aside by Xiaoyao. Xiaoyao said,"Miss Joy, did you move from Guchen Town? I'm Xiaoyao, thank you for taking care of us when you were in Guchen Town."

Miss Joy said,"I'm sorry you made a mistake, this is the first time we meet."

Xiaoyao asked in confusion,"But you are Miss Joy, right?"

Miss Joy explained,"I'm the sister of Joy from Guchen Town!"

Xiao Gang muttered to himself as if he had lost the whole world, and cried in the corner,"I missed the opportunity to say hello to Miss Joy again!"

Xiaosheng said,"Sister, wait a minute, take a look at this first!" Xiaosheng took out a group photo of the Miss Joy members.

Xiaoyao was surprised and said,"They all look exactly the same!"

Xiaosheng said,"Miss Joy from all over the country use the same face!"

Xiao Gang resurrected and said,"Xiaosheng, you are too young! Sorry Miss Joy, my companion said something rude." Xiao Gang finally seized the opportunity and said,"I can tell that among all the Miss Joys in the country, your bangs are one centimeter longer than theirs!"

Xiao Zhi smiled and said,"You are really Xiao Gang! But you forgot something important! Pikachu is in your hands!"

"" Pikachu!" Pikachu jumped off Xiaozhi's shoulder, grabbed Xiaogang's trouser leg, knocked Xiaogang down with an electromagnetic wave, and dragged him away!

Xiaosheng exclaimed:"How powerful!" Xiaozhi complained

:"This power is used in the wrong place!" Miss

Junsha brought Caterpie to the Pokémon Center at this time and said:"Miss Joy!"

Xiaogang resurrected again:"Ah! Miss Junsha, I can tell that among the Miss Junshas in the country, your eyelashes are 0.5 cm longer than theirs."Xiaogang was knocked down by Pikachu's electromagnetic wave again.

Xiaoyao looked at Xiaosheng:"Miss Junsha in the country? Is that what I think?"

Xiaosheng nodded repeatedly:"That's what my sister thinks!"

Miss Junsha walked up to Miss Joy and asked:"Ms. Joy, have any injured Pokémon been sent here recently?"

Miss Joy shook her head:"No, Miss Junsha, why do you ask that?"

Miss Junsha said:"There are poachers nearby. Judging from their methods, it should be the poacher Aaron." Miss Junsha took out a wanted order.

Xiaozhi handed the net he found in the forest to Miss Junsha:"Miss Junsha, look at this!"

Miss Junsha said:"That's right, this is part of the capture net, where did you find it?"

Xiaozhi took out his special investigator certificate and said:"On the outskirts of the forest. Miss Junsha, I will take over this matter now!"

Miss Junsha immediately said:"Special investigator Xiaozhi, now everyone in the police station is at your disposal."

Xiaoyao and his sister looked at Xiaogang, and Xiaosheng asked:"Xiaozhi is still a special investigator!"

Xiaogang said:"Yes, it is certified by the Alliance." Xiaogang was resurrected again, and if Pikachu did his job, he would not have knocked him down.

Xiaozhi explained:"We found this net on the outskirts of the forest, Miss Junsha, I will take you there now!"

Xiaozhi and others came to the place where they found the network disconnection before.

Miss Junsha said:"It is indeed! Caterpillar, can you find Aaron's exact location?"

""Woof!" Caterpie carefully sniffed the smell of the traces left behind, and took Xiaozhi and the others to find it. Xiaozhi also activated the power of wave guidance and looked for Aaron in the forest.

Here, when the three members of Team Rocket were studying the battle plan, Meowth rolled down the slope in excitement. Meowth faced the ground and said in pain:"It hurts, meow! Hey, what is this, meow?"��"

Meowth lifted the cloth in front of him, and inside was a cage with many Arboks locked up. It said,"What?! They are all Arboks, meow!"

Musashi and Kojiro came down the slope with the help of Arbok and Gastly. Meowth translated what the Arbok said to Musashi and Kojiro, and Musashi said indignantly,"This is too much! How can you treat the Pokémon you worked so hard to catch like this!" Kojiro said,

"In that case, we will accept these Arboks and form an Arbok Army!" Musashi said,"Save these Arboks first! Arbok uses Dissolving Liquid!"

Kojiro said,"Gassy uses Mud Attack!"

The skills of the two Pokémon did not cause any damage to the cage.

A Toucan knocked Arbok and Gastly away, and a green-haired man got out of a green jeep and said,"What do you want to do with my prey!"

Meowth said,"Musashi, Kojiro, look, it's a gas bomb!"

The cage on the jeep that Aaron just drove over contained the gas bomb. Aaron saw Arbok and Gastly and said,"If you leave Arbok and Gastly behind, I won't bother about what happened today!" If there were an evolved form, the reward for this business trip could be doubled.

Musashi said,"You wishful thinking! Meowth, the cage is in your hands, let us fight!"

Meowth said,"Okay, Meowth!"

"Stubborn! The Toucan is moving at high speed!"

"Arbok uses poison needle!"

"Double Bomb Gas attacks with mud!"

"Toucan evades and uses a random attack!"

Arbok and Gastly are hit by the random attack.

"Toucan uses pecking to drill!"

"Arbok uses Bind!"

Toucan's beak was tied up by Arbok's tail, and the Pecking Drill couldn't be used.

Aaron said,"Come back, Toucan! You really pissed me off! Shakiras, use Sandstorm!"

Shakiras' body emitted an evolutionary light, evolving into Banguiras.

Meowth said,"This amount of current is not even one-tenth of Pikachu's 100,000 volts!" With a"click", the two cages were successfully opened.

Aaron got even angrier:"Banguiras uses Destruction Ray!"

The three members of Team Rocket and the Pokémon had no way to escape. Musashi and Kojiro made up their minds and said,"Arbok, Double Bullet Gas, take them away! They need you! Leave this to us!"

Kojiro said,"That's right, leave it to us!"

Although Arbok and Gastly were reluctant to leave their master, their master was right. Without their protection, the group of Arbok and Gastly would still be captured. If they followed, at least they could be protected. In the end, they disappeared from the sight of the three members of Team Rocket with tears in their eyes.......

Musashi and the other two looked at each other.

"Look at my crazy scratching cat!"

"I also use Crazy Scramble!"

"The bond between us Team Rocket is beyond your imagination!"

How could Musashi, Kojiro, Meowth and Goran Weng be the opponents of the evolved Banglas? The three of them were beaten with scars all over their bodies.

"Bulbasaur, Solar Beam!"

"Nine-Tails, strong mind!"

Xiaozhi and his friends arrived in time and used their Pokémon to defeat Toucan and Banglas, saving Team Rocket and his friends.

""Little brat!!" The three members of Team Rocket were very touched!

Xiaozhi said:"We are the only ones who can beat you up! Bulbasaur, use the vine whip to tie up both Vangiras and Arlong!"

Miss Junsha put handcuffs on Arlong:"Arlong, you are arrested!"

Miss Junsha successfully arrested Arlong.

Xiaozhi asked:"Where are Arbok and Vash?"

Kojiro smiled and said:"They went to protect their companions!" Meowth said confidently:"They and Meowth have been beaten up so many times by you little brats, they are also very strong! Musashi, Kojiro, you don't have to worry about them!" Musashi said:"That's right!" Musashi shouted towards the forest:"Arbok, Vash, you must be fine!" Kojiro said:"Okay, it's time for the bad guys to leave!"

The three members of Team Rocket left with Guranweng.

Xiaosheng said:"This is the first time I think the three members of Team Rocket are very handsome!"

Xiaozhi said:"Thank them next time we meet! Okay, now that the matter is resolved, we should leave!"

When the three members of Team Rocket were wandering aimlessly in the forest, they met a Desert Naia. The Desert Naia seemed to be hungry. Kojiro opened the last half bag of biscuits on his body and gave some to Desert Naia.

Desert Naia looked very happy after eating the biscuits. Kojiro asked gently:"Desert Naia, do you want to go with me?"

"Desert Desert!" Desert Naia happily hugged Kojiro's neck. The spikes on his arms pierced into Kojiro's neck. Kojiro said,"Ah! It hurts! But I have conquered Desert Naia!"

Although Team Rocket sent away Arbok and Vash, they also welcomed a new member, Desert Naia.

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