Xiaozhi and his companions came to the Kanaz Gym under the guidance of Miss Joy, but they found out that the gym trainer Miss Dujuan was not there. After knowing that they could only challenge the gym tomorrow, Xiaozhi made an appointment to challenge it first. After that, they went to the Kanaz Tower for sightseeing. The observation deck here overlooks the entire scenery of Kanaz City.

Xiaogang pointed to the right and said,"This is the Kanaz Gym we just went to, and there is also the famous Devon Company."

Xiaoyao exclaimed,"It's so beautiful here!" Xiaozhi said,"Since we know that the gym trainer can only accept the challenge tomorrow, it's almost noon now, why don't we go eat first!"

The three said,"Agree!" Xiaoyao took out a manual from his pocket, turned to a page and held it in front of Xiaozhi and the others:"This ramen is the best in all of Hoenn, how about we go there?" Xiaozhi said,

"Ramen! I'll treat you, let's go!" Xiaosheng said,"I want to eat two bowls! This is......"Xiaosheng stopped and found a mosquito coil tadpole anxiously looking around under the bench. There was a mark on its tail. It looked like the mosquito coil tadpole was lost!

Xiaosheng lay on the ground and said,"You......"

Xiaosheng's sudden voice seemed to scare the mosquito-coated tadpole.

Xiaosheng softened his tone and said,"If you feel any difficulty, I can help you!"

The mosquito-coated tadpole saw Xiaosheng's gentle smile and slowly walked out. Xiaosheng held it in his arms. Xiaogang praised,"Well done! Xiaosheng!" Xiaosheng nodded with a smile. Xiaosheng said,"I guess you are lost?"

The mosquito-coated tadpole nodded. Xiaoyao said,"This mosquito-coated tadpole should have an owner!"

As soon as Xiaoyao finished speaking, a girl came over and said,"Mosquito-coated tadpole, great, I finally found you!"

After the mosquito-coated tadpole saw the girl, it jumped into her arms. The girl said,"Did you find it? Thank you so much!"


There were four people, two boys and two girls, who were about the same age as Xiaosheng. They brought a Duck-billed Dinosaur, a Pidgeot, and a Rattata. Only one child did not have a Pokémon with him, and this Calico Tadpole should be his companion.

The boy with the Duck-billed Dinosaur said,"Teacher, have you found the Calico Tadpole?"

The girl holding Pidgeot in her arms said,"That's great, Kota! We've found it!"

The boy said,"Don't let him escape again next time! Because of you, Kota, everyone's class has been disrupted."

Kota lowered his head and said,"Yes......I'm sorry!"

The girl stood up for him and said,"Why do you speak in such a tone? You know that Haota is afraid of Pokémon and dare not touch the mosquitoes with his hands."

The girl stopped the quarrel and said,"Okay! Stop it!"

The two turned their heads away and said reluctantly,"Yes!"

The girl said,"Haota, I will take the mosquitoes back first. I know you have tried very hard and there is no need to be too sad. Now let's go back to the Trainer Cultivation Academy together!"

Xiaozhi said,"Wait! Are you Miss Dujuan, the gym trainer of Kanaz Gym?"

Dujuan said,"Yes!" Xiaozhi said

,"I am Xiaozhi from Pallet Town. I came to Kanaz Gym to challenge, but I learned that I can only accept the challenge tomorrow, right?"

Dujuan said,"Yes, I will teach until tomorrow. Xiaozhi......Are you Professor Xiaozhi?" Dujuan seemed to have heard the name Xiaozhi somewhere. Isn't Xiaozhi the youngest Pokémon professor in the league?

Xiaozhi said:"Yes, I heard Professor Oak talk about Miss Dujuan, so I recognized you." Dujuan said:"Professor Xiaozhi, can I ask you to come with me to talk to these children about the battle?"

Xiaozhi said:"Sure!"

Dujuan said:"Thank you so much!"

Xiaozhi and his friends heard Dujuan introduce the Trainer Cultivation Academy on the way. In fact, it is a preparatory academy for learning and training battles in advance before becoming a trainer.

Xiaosheng asked if he could audit for one day, and Dujuan agreed. After arriving at the academy, the principal came to receive them. Xiaoyao slipped away halfway. She was very interested in the class that explained the coordination trainer course. Xiaozhi and the other two came to the introductory class taught by Dujuan.

As soon as Xiaozhi and his friends entered the classroom, they heard the voice of Professor Oak:"This is the situation. You know the types of Pokémon!"

""Yes!" the children in the classroom said in unison.

Professor Oak sometimes teaches the children in the introductory class of the Trainer Academy.

Satoshi said,"Professor Oak!"

Brock said,"Long time no see, Professor Oak!"

Professor Oak said,"Asami! Brock, it's been a long time since I saw you either! This is Kosuke!"

Kosuke was a little excited and said incoherently,"That.......this......I......Hello, Professor Oak! I have read all your books and attended your Pokémon lectures. I respect Professor Oak very much!"

Professor Oak said,"It's my honor! Okay, kids, let's go capture Pokémon!"

Xiaozhi was invited to be a teacher for a day. He told the children some knowledge about Pokémon evolution. He also introduced the latest evolution method proposed in his paper through the number of special moves, and took out the Forsaken to explain how the Forsaken evolved from the Infernape.

Xiaogang taught the children how to develop tacit understanding with Pokémon. The children benefited a lot from this day, and Xiaosheng also learned a lot of knowledge outside of books.

Xiaosheng asked,"Xiaozhi, I feel that I have learned a lot this morning! This is the first time I know that there is such a special way of evolution."

Xiaogang said,"Maybe there are other ways of evolution that have not been discovered, so we are still learning."

Xiaosheng said,"Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, I will continue to work hard!"

In the afternoon, we will have actual combat practice. Xiaosheng and Xiaotaku will fight against each other first. Xiaotaku has a platypus, and Xiaosheng needs to choose one from the Poké Balls in Dujuan's hand to fight.

Xiaoyao came late, and Xiaogang said,"Xiaoyao, how was your class?"

Xiaoyao said,"I gained a lot. It's Xiaosheng's battle! Come on, Xiaosheng!"

The Pokémon that Xiaosheng chose was the mosquito tadpole that Haota had been a partner with before. After seeing the platypus, Xiaosheng fell into deep thought. Should he use the water gun first or reduce the opponent's defense first? This was his first real battle.

"The Platypus uses Fire Jet!"

"The tadpole uses the ability to change into a round shape!

The little platypus's jet of fire attacks the tadpole, and the tadpole uses the ability to change into a round shape to defend itself, increasing its defense.

"Little platypus, spray fire again"

"The Mosquito uses Belly Drum."

The Platypus's jet fire attacked the Mosquito again. The Mosquito used Belly Drum, reducing its own physical strength and thus increasing its own attack power to the maximum.

Suddenly, the alarm sounded, and the principal ran over anxiously and said,"Oh no! All the Poké Balls have been stolen!"

As soon as the principal finished speaking, Team Rocket came over with the newly made Thornytail robot.

Musashi said,"We will take these Poké Balls! Little girl, don't think that you are the only one with Thornytail. Come out Thornytail, but because it is too cute, I can't bear to let it fight!" Musashi's Thornytail appeared and went offline again.

Xiaoyao said speechlessly,"Musashi, are you here just to talk about this?"

Kojiro said,"Of course not, we mainly want to take these Poké Balls." Kojiro showed the Poké Balls behind the Thornytail.

Meowth said,"Okay, we should go, meow!" Xiaozhi stopped Xiaogang who was about to take action and said,"Wait a minute, Xiaogang, look at Xiaosheng and the others, leave this place to them first!"

Xiao Sheng said:"Mosquito-repellent tadpole, let's go fight! Use belly drum......"

Hao Tai plucked up the courage to interrupt and said,"Xiao Sheng, it's better to use attack skills at this time! If you had used the water gun at the beginning, the platypus would have been defeated long ago!" Hao Tai continued,"Xiao Sheng and the tadpole will attract the attention of the three people, Xiao Taku and the platypus will attack from behind, and then Same......"

Xiaosheng and Xiaotuo looked at each other and nodded,"Okay!"

Dujuan said with relief:"Thank you, Dr. Xiaozhi, this is the first time I see these children so united! They are all very happy!"

Xiaozhi said:"We will be the ones to take care of their aftermath, let's practice with these children!"

Xiaosheng and Mosquito used water guns in succession to attract the attention of Team Rocket. Xiaotuo took the opportunity to go around and let the platypus use jet flames to heat up the robot of the stingray.

Kota said:"Sami is watching Popo!"

"Popo uses Wing Attack!"

Popo snatched back the bag of the school's Poké Balls.

Dujuan said,"Leave the rest to me! Geodude uses Roll!" The children all stepped back, and Dujuan's Geodude crashed into the robot at an extremely fast speed. The robot exploded, and Team Rocket took off!

"What a disgusting feeling!"


Dujuan said:"I am looking forward to Dr. Xiaozhi's game tomorrow!"

Xiaozhi said:"Let's play a game without regrets!"

Xiaozhi's first gym match in the Hoenn region is about to begin!

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