The Pokémon Contest Kaina Conference is about to begin. Musashi missed the registration deadline and was unable to participate. So the three members of Team Rocket decided to start a business to make money. Although Xiaozhi gave a lot of bonuses, it would eventually run out. The three members of Team Rocket still wanted to rely on themselves.

The host said,"Dear audience, dear coordinators, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. The characteristic of the Hoenn region, the Pokémon Contest Kaina Conference is about to begin. I am the host Vivian." Vivian introduced the judges, Mr. Conkenstein, Mr. Sukisawa, and Miss Joy from Kaina City.

The ribbon medal of this Kaina Conference is dark green with light green as the embellishment.

In the rest area, Xiaoyao was very nervous and trembled all over. Xiaosheng encouraged Xiaoyao,"Sister, don't be so nervous!"

Xiaoyao sighed,"To be honest, I'm so nervous that my heart is about to jump out of my chest!" Xiaozhi said,"Xiaoyao, calm down! You have a hunting butterfly following you. If the trainer is too nervous, the Pokémon will also be nervous. Believe in yourself. You have practiced so much, there will be no problem."

Xiaoyao glanced at the hunting butterfly beside her, and mustered up the courage to say,"Xiaozhi, you are right. I will show my best."

Xiaoshun leaned against the door of the lounge. He heard everything that was said just now.

Next is Xiaoshun's performance.

"Next, Mr. Xiao Shun, who is number 24, will appear on the stage!"

Xiao Shun said,"Poison Rose, come out! Use Flower Dance."

Pink petals floated out from the flower in Poison Rose's hand, and the pollen sparkled on the stage.

"Paralysis powder and magic leaf."

Poison Rose first used the paralysis powder and then the magic leaf. The magic leaf sparkled with the help of the paralysis powder.

"The last move is the Petal Dance.

The petals of the Petal Dance hide the figure of the Poison Rose. The magic leaves just now broke the petals into small pieces. The Poison Rose appeared again in Xiao Shun and did the same ending move.

Xiao Shun and the Poison Rose received 29.4 points, the highest score so far.

"The next winner is Mr. Xiaozhi, who is number 37."

"It's you, Butterfree! Use hypnotic powder and poison powder."

Butterfree won enthusiastic cheers because of her pink body as soon as she appeared on the stage. Hypnotic powder and poison powder were used successively, making the field covered with green and purple powder.


Butterfield used Tailwind to control the hypnotic powder and poison powder, demonstrating Batfield's ability to control the ultimate move.

"Finish, use Mystic Guard."

Butterfree cancelled Tailwind and used Mystic Guard, letting the poison powder and hypnotic powder bring out the mysterious feeling of Butterfree.

Xiaozhi's performance received a high score of 29.9, and Xiaozhi took the first place of Xiaoshun. The next contestant was named Robert, and he used Milotic. He only used one move, Mystic Guard, and the beautiful appearance of Milotic itself, and won the cheers of the audience.

Milotic! It is indeed the most suitable Pokémon to participate in the gorgeous competition.

Robert's score was 0.1 points behind Xiaozhi, and Xiaozhi still ranked first.

"Okay, next is the last contestant, Miss Xiaoyao who is also in the beginner competition."

Xiaoyao stood on the stage, her legs were still shaking. She was an assistant before, and it would be strange if she wasn't nervous now.

Xiaoyao said:"There are so many people! It's okay, Xiaoyao, you have to believe in yourself!"

Xiaosheng shouted in the audience:"Sister, come on!""Chamo!" The fire pheasant also cheered for its trainer.

Xiaoyao let out a long breath and said:"The hunting swallowtail is on the stage!"

The appearance of the hunting swallowtail spread scale powder and showed the wings of the hunting swallowtail.

Xiaoyao threw a frisbee and said:"Use silk!"

The hunting swallowtail used silk to hit the frisbee back, and Xiaoyao and the hunting swallowtail played a relay race. It showed the tacit understanding between the hunting swallowtail and Xiaoyao

"Hunting Swallowtail, spin and use the Silver Whirlwind."

The Silver Whirlwind surrounded the Hunting Swallowtail, as if it was wearing a silver dress. It was just that Xiaoyao stumbled when she caught the frisbee, but overall it was pretty good for her first time participating in the gorgeous competition. Xiaoyao scored 24.9 points, which was not too high or too low. Xiaoshun found Xiaoyao and handed her a red rose. He said,"Good performance!"

Xiaoyao said,"Is it for me? Thank you." Xiaoshun said,"It's not for you, it's for the Hunting Swallowtail. As for you, you haven't learned enough."

Xiaoyao said angrily,"Anyway, I just haven't learned enough!"

The list of names entering the second review has come out, with Xiaozhi first, Robert second, Xiaoshun third, and Xiaoyao last, who can be considered to have barely made it to the second review.

Xiaoyao and Xiaoshun met in the first gorgeous battle match, and Xiaozhi will not meet any of them before the finals. Xiaoyao cannot beat Xiaoshun now, and Robert will meet Xiaoshun in the semi-finals.

Xiaoshun said:"This combination is pretty good!"

Xiaoyao said:"I will not lose!"

The 5-minute gorgeous battle between Xiaoshun and Xiaoyao is about to begin.

"Poison Rose, come out!"

"Hunting swallowtail butterflies, taking to the stage"

"Poison rose, magic leaf!"

"Hunting Swallowtail, Fierce Storm!"

The magic leaves of Poison Rose attacked Hunting Swallowtail, and Hunting Swallowtail used Fierce Storm to blow away the magic leaves. But suddenly the magic leaves avoided the Fierce Storm and hit Hunting Swallowtail. Xiaoyao's score was reduced a lot.

Xiaoyao lost his composure.

"Poison Rose used Paralysis Powder.

The Paralysis Powder directly paralyzed the Hunting Swallowtail.

"Hunting swallowtail butterfly using silk"

"Poison Rose uses magic leaf."

Poison Rose cuts off the silk with magic leaf, and the magic leaf hits the hunting swallowtail butterfly again���Xiaoyao's score decreased again

"Hunt Swallowtail using Silver Cyclone"

"Poison Rose, Flower Dance."

Poison Rose spun around and used Flower Dance to deflect the silver whirlwind, then Flower Dance attacked the Hunting Swallowtail Butterfly.

"Hunting swallowtail butterfly flies up and hides!"

"Poison Rose, Solar Beam!"

Poison Rose used the time that Swallowtail Butterfly took to dodge to charge Solar Beam. Xiao Shun had expected that Xiao Yao would let Swallowtail Butterfly dodge, and the Solar Beam hit Swallowtail Butterfly head-on, making it lose its combat capability.

Xiao Shun advanced to the second game without being deducted points.

Xiaozhi quickly finished the first game, and Xiao Yao returned to the lounge and started crying. Xiao Sheng and Xiao Gang comforted Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao said,"I won't give up! Swallowtail Butterfly is working so hard.......Xiao Shun is right, I am not a trainer worthy of hunting swallowtail butterflies, I am really unwilling to accept this!"

When Xiaozhi came back, he heard Xiaoyao's words and comforted him:"If you are unwilling to accept this, then work hard! Can't you help each other improve with a strong rival? Just win back next time. Xiaoyao, turn your unwillingness into motivation to win the gorgeous competition next time!"

Xiaoyao wiped away her tears and said:"Okay, I must beat that guy Xiao Shun next time!"

After Xiaoyao cheered up, she went to the audience with Xiaosheng and Xiaogang to cheer for Xiaozhi. The final between Xiaozhi and Robert. Robert easily defeated Xiao Shun

"Come on!"

"Batdayue has decided that it’s you!"


【Attribute: Water】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Magical scales (if it becomes abnormal, the magical scales will react and the defense will be improved)】

【Strength: Early Gym Stage]

This Milotic is strong enough to easily defeat Shun's Poison Rose

"Minus uses hot water!"

"Butterfree, dodge and use Butterfly Dance."

Mienshao sprayed boiling water at Butterfree, but Butterfree dodged sideways and performed Butterfly Dance, increasing its special attack, special defense and speed. Robert's score was reduced.

"Butterfly, insect chirping!"

"Mienshao uses Water Ring!"

Bardaeye vibrates its body and emits a harsh sound wave, hitting Mienshao. Mienshao uses Water Ring, and will recover its physical strength every round. Xiaozhi and Robert's scores dropped at the same time, but Robert's score dropped by more than half.

"Butterfree, strong spirit!"

"Mienshao, Iron Tail."

Butterfield used her mental strength to prevent Mienshao from using Iron Tail, and threw it out heavily. Robert's score was almost gone.

"Butterfree, Destroy the Death Beam!"

Butterfree ended the battle with Destroy the Death Beam, and Milotic lost its ability to fight!

Vivian announced:"The champion of the Pokémon Contest Kaina Conference is Mr. Xiaozhi!!"

Robert also gave Xiaozhi a round of congratulatory applause.

Mr. Konkenstein awarded Xiaozhi the Kaina Ribbon Medal

【[Get the Kaina Ribbon Medal, 1000 points]

Xiaoyao saw Xiaoshun leaving and chased after him. Xiaozhi and the others followed him.

Xiaoyao said:"Xiaoshun, I won't lose next time!"

Xiaoshun said:"I'll wait, but I'll be stronger than now by then! Xiaozhi, I'm sorry that I didn't fight you this time."

Xiaozhi said:"I'll accept your challenge at any time."

Xiaoshun waved and left.

Xiaogang said:"It seems that Xiaoshun seems to be getting more and more courageous!"

Xiaoyao said firmly:"I must become the best coordination trainer!"

Although Xiaoyao lost her first gorgeous competition, it also made her grow up.

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