After saying goodbye to Butterfree, Xiaozhi and his friends finally arrived at Golden City, the most prosperous city in Kanto.

After they rested for a night at the Pokémon Center, they learned from Miss Joy the next day that Professor Oak had left him a message.

Xiaozhi called Professor Oak and said,"Professor Oak, are you looking for me?"

Professor Oak said,"Xiaozhi, it's about Sylveon. The first pure fairy Pokémon found in Kanto is yours. I have compiled the information into a book and named you. You will be a researcher of the Pokémon League soon!"

Xiaozhi was surprised and said,"You want me to be a researcher?" Xiaozhi was a little confused about Professor Oak's decision. There was no such thing in his previous life.

Professor Oak said,"That's right, it's you!

You'll be an official researcher of the League soon!

Don't underestimate this researcher identity, your Pokémon permissions can be revoked, and the upper limit of Pokémon you can carry will be increased to 10.

Didn't you tell me last time that you wanted more carrying slots for Pokémon? That's why I applied for you.

Once you're a researcher, these won't be a big deal.

And if the League has any good things, they will contact you in advance, including legendary Pokémon.


The conditions offered by Professor Oak were indeed generous. After thinking about it, Xiaozhi agreed, but asked one more question:"Professor Oak, I won't have to go back to Pallet Town to help you with research, will I?"

Professor Oak smiled and said,"Of course not. Although you are under my name now, most of the researchers in the League are traveling, so you don't have to worry. Just have a good trip!"

Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief. After experiencing two lives, becoming a Pokémon master was his dream. He said,"Thank you, Professor Oak!"

Professor Oak said,"No need to thank me!"

Xiaozhi said,"Professor Oak, since the research on Sylveon has come to an end, I want you to pass it to me. The Golden Gym is a Psychic Gym, and with Sylveon, this gym match will be no problem." Professor

Oak suddenly realized,"You are interested in the Shadow Ball that Sylveon has just learned! But the fairy-type tricks may bring unexpected gains! Okay, I will pass it to you right away."

After receiving the Poké Ball of Sylveon, Xiaozhi trained with Sylveon for a while, and after breakfast, they went to the Golden Gym. The Golden Gym is similar to a small gym, but it is a bit strange. The door is open but there is no one.

Xiaoxia asked in confusion:"The Golden Gym is a bit strange, the door is open, but there is no one."

Xiaogang said:"Maybe it's the personality of the gym trainer. It's normal that there is no one. Isn't the Nibi Gym also a battle site as soon as you enter it?"

Xiaoxia said:"Yes."

Xiaozhi's wave power has already detected that it is not that there is no one, but that everyone is concentrated in a large room. Xiaozhi said:"Let's go in and take a look!" Xiaozhi and his friends walked in and heard someone's voice. Xiaozhi and his friends came to the outside of the large room that Xiaozhi had just detected. Some of the people inside were holding a spoon, some were guessing the poker cards in each other's hands, and some wanted to make the paper in front of them move.......

Xiaoxia asked,"Are you training your superpowers?"

Xiaogang was also puzzled.......right!"

"What do you want?"

Behind Xiaozhi and the others stood a man with bruises all over his eyes, who looked like he hadn't slept for several days. Xiaozhi said,"I'm here to challenge the Golden Gym. We saw no one at the door, so we decided to come in and ask."

When the man heard that Xiaozhi was here to challenge the gym, he stuffed a spoon into Xiaozhi's hand and said,"Anyone who can challenge Miss Nancy must first prove himself and not use external force to bend the spoon."

Xiaoxia said worriedly,"Xiaozhi, he's forcing someone! How is this possible?"

Xiaogang said to the man,"I've never heard of a test to challenge a gym. This is against the rules of the alliance!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"It's okay, I'll try!" Xiaozhi concentrated the wave force on his wrist, and in front of Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, the spoon gradually bent. You know, the wave force can form an attack method such as a wave missile, not to mention just bending a spoon.

Xiaoxia was shocked and said,"Xiaozhi, how did you do it?"

Xiaozhi winked at Xiaoxia, and threw the spoon back to the man:"Can you take us to see Miss Nancy now?"

The man had no reason to stop him, so he took Xiaozhi to the battlefield.

"Hehehe, big brother, we meet again!"

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang couldn't help but let their hair stand on end. Isn't this the little girl they saw in the forest yesterday evening?

Xiaozhi smiled and said,"I didn't expect you to be the gym trainer of the Golden Gym, Nancy. I'm Xiaozhi from Pallet Town, and I'm here to challenge the gym."

The little girl smiled and said,"Sure! But if big brother loses, you have to stay and play with me! Including the two people behind you."

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, and then said,"I can, but my will cannot represent the will of my partners. We all have our own thoughts. Please forgive me for not being able to agree on behalf of my partners." The little girl was stunned for a moment, and said,"Big brother, you are really interesting. That's it, if you lose, you stay and accompany me, and I will let all your partners go. If you win, I will give you the Golden Badge."

Xiaozhi said,"It's a deal."

Xiaoxia worriedly grabbed Xiaozhi's arm:"Xiaozhi, is there really no problem?"

Xiaozhi said confidently,"Believe me."

Referee:"The Golden Gym Tournament begins now. You can use only one Pokémon. The match begins now."

Nancy floated out from the shadows. The little girl who just spoke was actually the doll in her hand:"Go, Casey"

"Fairy Eevee, it’s you!"


【Attribute: Super Power】

【Features: Synchronization (transmit your poison, paralysis or burn status to the opponent)】

【Level: General Advanced】

"Kathy, Wall of Light"

"Sylveon, Charming Voice."

Kathy's light wall will reduce the damage of Sylveon's special attack for 5 rounds, but physical damage is inevitable. However, this Kathy can't make that kind of common sense inference. Xiaozhi would choose a penetrating attack like Charming Voice.

Kathy covered her ears a little uncomfortable.

"Sylveon, bite it."

Sylveon pounced on Casey and bit Casey's hand with his mouth. The Dark-type trick was very effective against the Psychic-type Casey.

"Casey, teleport.

Casey's figure disappeared and appeared behind Fairy Eevee in an instant.

"Sylveon, behind you, Shadow Ball.

The Shadow Ball in front of Sylveon is already aimed at Casey.

""Kathy, Illusion Beam."

Kathy's body began to glow white at this time. It was about to evolve. Kathy evolved into Yongjira. Yongjira's Illusion Beam knocked Sylveon away. Sylveon adjusted its posture in the air and threw Shadow Ball at Yongjira.

"Yongjila, hypnosis.

Yongjila waved the spoon in his hand and sent out hypnotic waves.

"Sylveon closed his eyes, and the whole place was filled with magic.

Sylveon formed a huge pink ball of light above his head and threw it at Yongjira. Even teleportation could not resist the magic flash.

"Feiya." Sylveon's magic flashed, and even Ash was blinded by the bright light.

Braveheart fell to the ground.

Referee:"Brawler is unable to fight, Sylveon wins. The winner is Ash from Pallet Town!"

"Feiya." Fairy Eevee rubbed Xiaozhi's leg with a look of seeking praise.

Xiaozhi touched Fairy Eevee's head and praised:"Well done." The doll in Nancy's hand, who was wearing a doll costume, handed over a golden badge:"Big brother, this is yours!"

Xiaozhi took the golden badge with a smile:"Thank you, Nancy."

Nancy moved her body:"I have never felt the feeling of losing, thank you so much, big brother."

Xiaozhi said:"You're welcome"

【Get the Golden Badge and get 500 points.

Nancy personally sent Xiaozhi and the others away, causing the people in the Golden Gym to come out to see this spectacle. You know, Nancy is usually very mysterious, and many of them saw Nancy in person for the first time.

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