Xiaozhi and his friends are now in an unknown mountain. They have no idea which direction the Crimson City is.

Xiaoxia sighed,"We are not lost again! We should not have gone to the left just now."

Xiaogang said,"I also followed the map! If you don't believe me, just look!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia leaned forward to look at the map in Xiaogang's hand. It was surrounded by mountains. Regardless of whether they went to the left or the right just now, there were mountains everywhere. Xiaozhi and Pikachu looked helpless at the same time,"It seems that we still need to spend some time to get to Crimson City!"

Suddenly, a huge explosion shook the entire forest and even the ground. Xiaoxia panicked and said,"Is it an earthquake?"

Xiaogang held on to a tree on the side of the road and barely stood firm, saying,"It doesn't seem to be."

Xiaozhi dispersed the wave power and noticed that several trucks were overturned by something on the cliff not far away. But the movement just now was that several boulders rolled down from the cliff and blocked the road the trucks were about to move forward. However, the trucks were not overturned by those boulders. The real reason was under the ground.

Xiaozhi took back the wave power and said to the two,"Let's go over and take a look!"

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang nodded, and they came to a place not far from the cliff and the road where the truck overturned.

""Pikachu pulled up Xiaozhi's trouser leg and pointed to the raised place on the ground.

A mole came out from the ground and looked at Xiaozhi and the other two.

Xiaogang said,"It's a mole!"

Pikachu ran forward and asked about the mole.

An uncle wearing a helmet climbed out of the overturned truck and shouted to the sky,"Mole! Why is there a mole!"

""Bigu Bigu" said the mole

"Pikachu jumped onto Xiaozhi's shoulder and pointed at the mountain path.

Xiaozhi looked at the mountain path in front of them and said,"Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, there may be something hidden behind this matter. Let's go with Diglett and take a look!"

"Hey, isn't this Xiaozhi? Long time no see!"

Xiaozhi looked at the source of the voice:"Xiaomao, why are you here?"

Xiaomao said arrogantly:"Why are you surprised to see me here? Are you going to the Light Red City? I am different from you. I was invited here."

Hearing that Xiaomao was the trainer he invited, the uncle was so excited that he almost cried. He quickly held Xiaomao's hand and said excitedly:"Thank you, thank you very much, as long as you can help me drive away the moles, I promised to give you the three-day and four-night hot spring invitation ticket with both hands!"

Xiaogang said angrily:"Hot spring ticket? Just drive away the moles? Then where do these moles live after they are driven away? Uncle, have you ever thought about it!"

The uncle looked at Xiaozhi and others and said:"You don't know, a reservoir is being built here, but halfway through the project, these hateful moles came out to make trouble, either destroying the equipment or preventing the trucks transporting materials from coming in. In short, I was forced to spend money to ask nearby trainers to solve this matter."

Xiaozhi said helplessly:"Uncle, have you ever thought about why these gophers are here to make trouble?" Is it possible that the reservoir you are going to build will affect the lives of the gophers, so they are stopping you? Without thinking about it, you just solve it so rudely. No wonder the gophers do this.

The uncle was stunned for a few seconds:"I don't care, building a reservoir is my job, I must complete it."

Xiaomao waved his hand:"That's it, Xiaozhi, do you want to help too! Let me see how much you have grown!" Xiaozhi refused:"We don't have to!" Xiaomao said:"What a pity!" Xiaomao said that it didn't matter. After all, whether Xiaozhi participated or not, the result would not change. Xiaomao followed the uncle, and Xiaoxia asked tentatively:"Xiaozhi, hot spring trip, hey, it sounds good, don't we really want to try it?" I am still looking forward to the hot spring trip.

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"Xiaoxia, no one can go on this hot spring trip. By the way, where are the gophers?"

"Pikachu pointed to the front, and Xiaozhi looked over there, and saw Diglett.

Xiaozhi pulled Misty and Brock at the same time:"Follow me and you will know why I said that!"

Although Xiaoxia and Brock were puzzled, they still followed Xiaozhi and Diglett to the hillside behind the mountain, where Diglett and Diglett were everywhere. Diglett was plowing the land, Diglett was transporting saplings for planting, and the next one was watering the planted saplings, and so on. The hillside was full of traces of human felling trees, and Diglett and Diglett were using their own strength to restore this hillside.

Xiaogang said:"So this is why Diglett wanted to prevent the construction of the reservoir? If this mountain is blown up, the Pokémon in the forest will have no place to live, and Diglett and Diglett are also working hard to make this hillside, where trees have been cut down by humans, become a forest again."

Xiaoxia also understood:"No wonder, Xiaozhi said you will know if you follow Diglett."

In his previous life, after hearing about the hot spring trip, Xiaozhi was so excited to go with Xiaoxia, Xiaogang, and Xiaomao to drive away Diglett. It was Pikachu who let them know. After experiencing it once, they will not make the same mistake again.

On the side of the trainers that Xiaomao and the uncle found, the Pokémon were unwilling to release the Poké Balls, and all the trainers, including Xiaomao, returned empty-handed. Xiaomao remembered what Xiaozhi said, did he know that this matter would have no result? Xiaomao thought about it carefully and it seemed to be like this, Xiaozhi, you are indeed my rival.

Xiaomao took back his Poké Ball:"In this case, I don't think I can help much, I'll go first!"

With Xiaomao taking the lead, these trainers also felt that there was no point in staying, and they all left. When Xiaozhi and the others found the uncle, there was no one in the open space.

Xiaozhi and the others told the uncle about the matter and asked the uncle to go and see for himself. The uncle understood everything and gave up building the reservoir. He told the moles that he would work with them to restore the forest here.

The three members of Team Rocket jumped out now.

Musashi looked around and said,"Wait, why is there no one here!" Kojiro pointed at the uncle and said,"We are here to help drive away the moles!"

Meowth said excitedly,"Then does that mean the hot spring trip is ours? Meow."

Misty said,"Team Rocket, you are late! We don't have to drive away the moles now!"

Musashi said in disbelief,"Little girl, are you telling the truth?"

The uncle nodded and said,"Of course it's true!" Kojiro looked at Meowth, who changed his mind and pointed at Pikachu and said,"Then let's catch Pikachu!"

"Go, Gas/Go, Arbok!"

Xiaozhi said,"So Gas and Arbok have evolved! Congratulations, but you guys still don't learn your lesson! Pikachu uses 100,000 volts to send them away!"

"Pikachu jumped down from Xiaozhi's shoulder and stretched his shoulders. He hadn't beaten Team Rocket in a few days and his hands were itching.

""Pikachu!" With Pikachu's smug expression, Team Rocket took off again with the evolved Vash and Arbok.

After solving the problems with the reservoir and Diglett, Crimson City was just ahead!

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