"Pika!" Pikachu stood on the battlefield, looking up at the flying Xbat.

"Strike first, Pikachu flashes with lightning"

""X-bat, let's use Lightning Flash as well."

Pikachu pounced on X-bat at lightning speed, and X-bat responded with the same move, and the two collided.

"Crossbat, poisonous fangs"

"Pikachu, 100,000 volts."

The teeth of the Crossbat turned purple, and Pikachu used the 100,000 volts in the air at close range. The Crossbat withstood the 100,000 volts, and the poisonous teeth of the Crossbat bit Pikachu's hand.

"Pikachu used Iron Tail to break free!"

Xiaozhi directly ordered Pikachu to use Iron Tail to sweep towards Xbat. Xbat felt the pain and let go of Pikachu's hand, but purple bubbles began to appear all over Pikachu's body, and he looked very painful. The additional effect of Poison Fang made Pikachu enter the poisoned state. Xiaozhi gritted his teeth and had to make a quick decision:"Pikachu, hold on, use Thunder!"

"Pikachu summoned a thundercloud, and the thunder from the sky began to chase the Crossbat.


Ah Ju immediately ordered the Cross Bat to use high-speed movement, and used a very fast speed to avoid the thunderbolts falling from the sky. Although it avoided the first few, the last one still hit the Cross Bat head-on.

"Pikachu, Volt Attack"


Pikachu found the right time, and his whole body was covered with yellow electricity and crashed into the forkbat, colliding with the air slash used by the forkbat in the air. Pikachu took the air slash, and its volt attack also hit the forkbat

"Pickup......"After the explosion, Pikachu fell to the ground. The poison and the additional effect of the volt attack made Pikachu's feet go weak and he fell down.

Like Pikachu, Xbat also fell to the ground and lost its ability to fight.

Ayako said,"Pikachu and Xbat both lost their ability to fight. Since the gym trainer has already lost two Pokémon, the challenger Xiaozhi won this match."

Xiaozhi picked up Pikachu, and Xiaogang handed over a sweet peach and a blue orange from his backpack. After Xiaozhi asked Pikachu to eat them, Pikachu opened his eyes and said,"Pikachu, are you okay?"

"Pikapi, Pikachu." Pikachu shook his head, indicating that he was fine. This was the most difficult gym match for Xiaozhi so far.

Aju nodded with satisfaction. He took back the Crossbat and praised Xiaozhi:"Xiaozhi, I didn't expect that in a competition of the same level, I could only defeat one of your Pokémon. Your Pokémon are really well trained. I can already foresee how exciting this Quartz Conference will be. This is the pink badge that proves the victory over the Light Crimson Gym. Please accept it!"

Xiaozhi took the pink badge:"Thank you, Mr. Aju. If you hadn't held back, I would not have been able to defeat your fur ball!" Xiaozhi knew that this was not Aju's strongest fighting power, and Aju held back.

Aju said:"Xiaozhi, you don't need to be humble, you won beautifully"

【Congratulations to the host for getting the pink badge, and 500 bonus points.

A mechanical arm suddenly stretched out to Pikachu in Xiaozhi's arms. Xiaozhi reacted very quickly. He protected Pikachu with one hand and held two Poké Balls with the other hand:"Sylveon, Magic Sparkle; Crabgrass, Destruction Death Beam."

Seeing this, Xiaoxia sent out Starfish:"Starfish go to help." But before Starfish sent out the Poké Ball, Psyduck had already jumped out.

Meowth pressed the button on the Rocket Team's hot air balloon:"It's useless." Sylveon and Crabgrass's special moves were absorbed by an antenna-like thing extending from the bottom of the Rocket Team's hot air balloon.

Musashi said proudly:"This is what we specially spent half a year's food money to transform. Little brat, all your attacks are useless now. Hand over Pikachu obediently!"

"Pikachu." Pikachu's strength has not fully recovered, and it can't fight now.

Xiaozhi said:"Don't force Pikachu. Team Rocket, don't be too happy too soon." Sylph and Crab were waiting for Xiaozhi's order, ready to launch a second attack.

Kojiro said:"Double-Vaz, you go." Musashi followed closely:"Arbok, you too."

Kojiro and Musashi took advantage of the victory and wanted to snatch Pikachu directly, but Xiaozhi did not give orders to the two Pokémon. If he remembered correctly, this was Psyduck's first highlight moment, and it was up to Psyduck.

Xiaoxia looked at Psyduck helplessly:"Forget it, you go Psyduck! Use grab attack"

"Psyduck tilted its head and obviously didn't move.

Xiaoxia was speechless:"If it doesn't work, use the water gun. Psyduck is a water-type Pokémon, so you should know how to use it!"

""Psyduck looked at Misty in confusion.

Team Rocket was almost dying of laughter, and Misty's face was embarrassed by Psyduck.

Musashi laughed so hard that he could hardly stand up straight, and said:"Arbok, go and knock Psyduck down! Use bite."

Arbok bit Psyduck's head, and Psyduck showed a painful look. Xiaozhi said:"Xiaoxia, command Psyduck to use telekinesis." Xiaoxia was stunned for a moment. Can Psyduck use telekinesis? After she reacted, she said:"Psyduck, use telekinesis." Psyduck opened its eyes wide and froze the three members of Team Rocket in place. Musashi froze in place:"Why can't we move?"

Kojiro said:"I don't know."

Psyduck's wide eyes turned light blue, and its hands moved up and down, and Team Rocket's hot air balloon also flew up and down.

Xiaoxia exclaimed:"Is this the ability of my Psyduck? It's amazing!"

Xiaogang was also surprised and said:"This Psyduck may be a Pokémon that is wise but foolish, and can play a role at a critical moment!"

Aju and Ayako also agreed. They had never seen a Psyduck that was so powerful in using telekinesis.

"What a disgusting feeling!"

The three members of Team Rocket were successfully sent away by Psyduck's telekinesis.

"Koda." Koda's eyes returned to normal, and he looked dazed again.

Xiaoxia picked up Koda excitedly:"I didn't expect you to be so strong, Koda!" Xiaozhi took Sylveon and Crab back into the Poké Ball, and said to Xiaoxia:"Xiaoxia, do you still dislike it?"

Xiaoxia seemed to have forgotten what she said an hour ago. She said:"How could I dislike Koda? Koda is the best!"

Xiaogang said:"Women are really fickle!"

Xiaoxia's cold eyes swept over:"Xiaogang, what did you say?"

Xiaogang shook his head quickly:"I didn't say anything, nothing!"

Ayako looked at Koda in Xiaoxia's arms, her eyes were hot:"Xiaoxia, how about I exchange Koda with you for Maoqiu?"

Xiaoxia protected Koda behind her:"It's my Pokémon, I won't exchange it."

Ayako said regretfully:"What a pity! If you change your mind, you can contact me!"

Xiaogang released Vulpix:"Miss Ayako, my Vulpix can be exchanged for Maoqiu!"

Ayako said:"Fluffy ball, paralysis powder! I don't like fire Pokémon the most!""

""It's numb, it's numb!"

Xiaogang lost his ability to fight again.

Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia dragged Xiaogang, who had lost his ability to fight, to say goodbye to Mr. Aju and Miss Ayako, and prepared to go to the next gym.

Xiaozhi and his journey continued.......

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