After listening to what Miss Junsha and Miss Bojia said, the hall, which was a little noisy for a moment, suddenly became quiet. After a while, a trainer said,"If you are just worried about safety, then there is no problem. Isn't traveling for adventure and growth? Not to mention, I have Pokémon by my side."

Bojia interrupted,"No! I know the sea so well, and if I say no, it means no!"

Miss Junsha advised,"That's right! Besides, if the Pokémon are injured, there is no way to treat them now!"

The trainer asked,"Why is that?"

Miss Junsha explained,"That's because Miss Joy from the Pokémon Center at the port is missing! Without Miss Joy, Pokémon cannot be treated."

Misty whispered to Satoshi,"Satoshi, you are right!"

Satoshi looked at Misty and Brock,"Then let's get ready to set off! I think there are many people who have the same idea as us now."

"Come out, Pidgeot! I can't wait any longer, I'm leaving first!" One trainer couldn't wait any longer, so he summoned his own Pidgeot, turned over and sat on Pidgeot's back, and flew towards the new island.

"I'm coming too! Go, Gyarados!"The trainer who just talked to Miss Junsha jumped on the back of Gyarados and left.......

The trainers of water or flying Pokémon had already left.

Seeing that most of them had left, Ash and the other two also sent out their own water Pokémon: Misty's Starfish, Goldfish and Vaporeon, Ash's Blastoise and Crawl.

The Crawl was sent by Ash to help Brock, while Goldfish and Vaporeon acted as pathfinders.

The three of them set off.

Not long after leaving the port, a ship stopped in front of Ash and the other two.

There were two people on the ship, both dressed strangely, and what was even stranger was the mascot on the bow.

"You seem to be in trouble, how are you? If you need anything, we can help you for free."

"It's not realistic to rely on Pokémon to get through the storm!"

Xiaozhi had an idea in his mind, and said:"Are you so kind? Team Rocket, tell me, what do you want to do!"

Kojiro said helplessly:"I said that we will be recognized by the little brat! Little brat, we don't have any purpose, we just want to help you reach the new island!"

Xiaozhi exposed Team Rocket's idea:"You should have taken a fancy to the Pokémon of the trainers who went to the new island to attend the party! Forget it, since you want to help us, we won't be polite! Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, let's get on the boat!"

Musashi and Kojiro were still worried about being knocked away, because everything Ash said was right, but after Ash finished speaking, he did not take any action but got on the boat directly. Although they had the help of the Pokémon, safety was not 100% guaranteed. With the boat plus the three members of Team Rocket and the three of them and the Pokémon pulling the boat, the possibility of safety increased sharply, and this was Ash's plan.

Ash tied ropes to all the Pokémon, and finally confirmed the firmness:"Blottesto, you pull the boat in the front, Musashi and Kojiro, give us a paddle each." Musashi took three paddles and handed them to Ash and the others, saying,"Got it!"

The waves were getting higher and higher, and it was getting harder and harder to keep the boat steady. Ash shouted,"Hold the boat steady, don't let the boat flip over, even with the Pokémon there they can't guarantee our safety!"

Misty and the others tried their best to stabilize the boat, but there was another higher wave, and the boat was finally overturned by the wave. Ash first put Pikachu on the back of Blastoise, then he grabbed Blastoise's shell and said,"Is everyone okay!"

Xiaoxia held Haixingxing, Xiaogang was held by the giant crab, and all three were fine. At that moment, the giant crab reacted very quickly and cut the ropes tied to the companions, so that everyone could save Xiaozhi and the other two.

"Help! Help!"

Although Musashi and Kojiro can swim, they are useless in such a stormy weather, not to mention Meowth is afraid of water.

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaoxia, Xiaoxia said:"You really know how to make trouble! Goldfish, Vaporeon, save them!"

Meowth was moved and said:"Thank you, little girl!" Xiaozhi interrupted:

"Now is not the time to talk about this! Pidgeot, I decided it's you! Lead the way for us"

"Pidgeot!"Pidgeot flapped his wings and flew up, followed by Blastoise, and then Starfish.......

Xiaozhi and others finally arrived at the new island. Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia first collected all the Pokémon. The ones that deserve the most praise for getting through the storm are Blastoise. Let everyone take a rest first.

The three members of Team Rocket were lying on the ground and said in unison,"We thought we were dead!"

Satoshi looked around and said,"It's too early to relax now. Musashi Kojiro, meow, I advise you not to do anything today. Shinjima is very dangerous."

Misty asked curiously,"Asahi, what do you mean?"

Brock also said,"Yeah, Satoshi."

Satoshi pointed to the sky and said,"Look up! There are thunderclouds all around, but what's the weather like over Shinjima? The clear night sky proves what I said before, this is a test. We have passed the first test now, but what about the next ones?"

Misty said worriedly,"Yes, we may be swallowed by the storm if we are not careful. Will the subsequent levels be more difficult?"

Brock said,"But now that we're here we can only move forward! Let's go! Team Rocket, follow us!"

Satoshi and the others climbed the stairs to the Shinjima Castle. Satoshi walked in front. If something happened, he could protect Misty and Brock. But Xiaozhi suddenly stopped, and Xiaoxia bumped into Xiaozhi's back. The people behind him bumped into the people in front of him one by one. Xiaoxia asked,"Xiaozhi, what's wrong?"

Xiaozhi said,"Someone!"

Xiaoxia and the others all looked out from behind Xiaozhi. The steps were a bit narrow, so they could only follow the footsteps of the person in front of them and could not see what was happening in front of them. Only when Xiaozhi moved aside could he look out and see what was happening in front of him.

A female voice said,"Welcome to our castle! Please take out the invitation."

Xiaozhi took out the invitation from his backpack and handed it to the girl in front of him. This girl was the girl who appeared in the holographic image on the invitation, that is, Miss Joy who disappeared from the Port Pokémon Center. Miss Joy said,"It's confirmed. You are invited. Please come this way!"

Miss Joy stood in front of Musashi and the other two and said,"Where is your invitation?"

Musashi said,"Kojiro, bring it here!" Musashi took the invitation from Kojiro and handed it to Joy. Joy said,"It's confirmed. I'll lead the way."

Brock asked curiously,"Kojiro, where did you get the invitation?"

Kojiro explained,"After you, Dragonite also sent us an invitation. We were watching you from a distance that day, but we didn't expect Dragonite to turn around and give us three an invitation after it left. We originally planned to come here to catch Pokémon, but now! It's a luxury to get out safely!"

Satoshi was listening to what Brock and Kojiro said and observing Miss Joy beside him. His eyes looked strange. He should be controlled by Mewtwo just like in his memory.

Not long after Satoshi and the others left, Mew broke through the clouds and flew to the highest point of the new island.......

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