After lunch, Xiaozhi and his group were called to the Oak Research Institute by Professor Oak.

Professor Oak took out a Poké Ball and handed it to Xiaozhi:"Xiaozhi, this is the alliance reward sent by Adu."

Xiaozhi looked at the Poké Ball in his hand.

【Pokémon detected, host, this is Porygon. 】

Porygon? Xiaozhi is very unfamiliar with this Pokémon. He only remembers seeing it once in his previous life.

【Host, Porygon is the world's first artificially created Pokémon. It mainly lives in electronic space and is even rarer than the legendary Pokémon. 】

Xiaoxia came up and said,"Xiaozhi, what Pokémon is inside?"

Xiaozhi said,"I don't know! Come out!" A pink and blue Porygon appeared in front of Xiaozhi, and it was a shiny Pokémon.

【Porygon】(3D Dragon)

【Attributes: General】

【Gender: None】

【Features: Download (Compare the opponent's defense and special defense, and increase your attack or special attack accordingly based on which ability is lower)】

【Strength: Ordinary primary】

【Skills: collision, electromagnetic levitation, electric shock, electric shock]

Professor Oak explained:"It turned out to be Porygon! I've only seen it once when I was young. The one that the Alliance gave you, Xiaozhi, is actually shiny. It seems that the president really values you. The Alliance has only bred 5 in all these years."

Xiaozhi squatted down and waved at Porygon, and Porygon came over obediently.

Xiaogang said:"This is the first time we have seen Porygon. How Xiaozhi is going to breed it? It's really exciting!"

Xiaojian said excitedly:"Xiaozhi, remember to observe and record Porygon for me"

"It's so lively! Why are you all on the second floor? What's this Pokémon?"Xiao Mao came up the stairs. When he saw Xiao Mao again, he felt that Xiao Mao's whole body felt different, and he was much more mature and stable.

Professor Oak explained to Xiao Mao that it was Shining or sent by the League. His eyes lit up. He wondered when he could have such treatment.

Xiaozhi touched Porygon's head and put it into the Poké Ball first. He said to Xiao Mao:"Xiao Mao, I haven't seen you for almost two months. Do you want to have a battle?"

Xiao Mao smiled and said:"That's what I meant! I heard from grandpa that you won the Orange League's Winner's Cup. I haven't been idle for the past two months."

Professor Oak smiled helplessly:"Let's go to the backyard!"

Xiao Jian was surprised and said:"Why do we have to fight as soon as we meet?"

Xiaoxia was obviously used to it, and said:"You will understand if you are familiar with them. Those two have such personalities."

Xiaogang echoed:"That's right."

When they arrived at the backyard, Xiaogang said:"I will be the referee for you!"The rest of the people sat on the chairs nearby and watched.

Xiaogang asked,"What mode do you want to fight in?"

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaomao:"Xiaomao, you decide!"

Xiaomao said,"Then it's one-on-one! I want to challenge Pikachu, Xiaozhi, I want to see the trick you used in the top 16 of the Quartz Conference."

Xiaozhi nodded,"No problem."

Professor Oak handed Xiaozhi's Z bracelet to him,"The research on the Z bracelet has come to an end, Xiaozhi, I will return it to its original owner!"

Xiaozhi put the Z bracelet on the wrist of his right hand, and it was inlaid with Pikachu Z

""Pikachu!" Pikachu jumped down from Xiaozhi's shoulder, revealing the aura of the peak of the quasi-king level, and showing signs of breaking through to the king level.

Xiaomao thought to himself: I have become stronger again! This time, let me see where the difference between my strength and yours is!

Xiaomao took out the Poké Ball:"Go, Umbreon!"

Compared with the previous peak of the gym, Xiaomao's Umbreon has now reached the middle of the quasi-king level.

Xiaozhi said:"Xiaomao, you make the first move!"

"Umbreon, light wall!" Xiao Mao gave the order to Umbreon without hesitation.

An invisible wall formed in front of Umbreon.

"Pikachu, move at high speed.

Pikachu ran at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

"Umbreon, Shadow Clone!"

Umbreon created multiple clones.

"Pikachu uses Iron Tail on all Umbreon!"

Pikachu swept his Iron Tail around, knocking the Umbreon away. Due to the presence of the light wall, the damage was limited.

"Umbreon used Bite."

Umbreon grabbed Pikachu's tail and bit it at the moment it was knocked away.

"Pikachu used the electric net to get rid of Umbreon."

Pikachu threw out the electric net, not only getting rid of Umbreon but also blocking the movement of Umbreon.

Xiaozhi put the hat on Pikachu's head, and Pikachu jumped up and bumped fists with Xiaozhi.

"Pikachu, let's use our super strength together!"

"Pika Pika!"

Thunderclouds gathered in the sky, and all the electricity gathered on Pikachu.

"Pikachu asked Xiaomao to see our strength, using 10 million volts."

The electric current gathered on Pikachu was like a life, hitting the Moon Eevee. The Moon Eevee immediately lost its ability to fight.

Xiaomao smiled with relief, it was not unfair to lose to this guy in the Quartz Conference. Xiaomao took back the Moon Eevee:"Moon Eevee, thank you!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"Xiaomao, do you have something to say to me?"

Xiaomao sighed:"How do you still know me so well! Xiaozhi, this will be my last time to participate in the league competition. I want to stand in the finals and fight you again. After that, I will follow my grandfather to do research. I have found my goal. I want to become a Pokémon doctor who is not inferior to my grandfather."

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"I abide by this agreement. I will wait for you in the finals!" Xiaomao said:"In fact, you proposed a battle because you saw through my thoughts!"

Xiaozhi said:"Of course! I know that with your personality, you will definitely be upset that I defeated you without using Z moves in the finals of the Quartz Conference. You are unwilling, right! So after not seeing you for a long time, of course I have to satisfy you!"

Xiaomao said angrily:"Don't be so blunt, okay?"

Xiaozhi retorted:"Don't let people say it?"

Faced with the quarrel that was about to break out, Professor Oak eased it:"You two stop it!"

Xiaozhi threw something to Xiaomao:"This is for you! When you are well trained, I will fight you again!" What he gave to Xiaozhi was naturally the Z bracelet and the evil Z pure crystal.

Xiaomao looked at it for a long time and suddenly smiled:"Thanks!" Xiaozhi asked:"You're welcome! I will leave tomorrow, when will you leave?"

Xiaomao said:"I won't delay, if I hadn't been waiting for you, I would have left this morning! Grandpa, I'm leaving!"

Professor Oak nodded:"Go!"

Xiaozhi looked at Xiaomao's back as he left, Xiaoxia came behind Xiaozhi and said:"Xiaozhi, let's leave tomorrow too!"

Xiaogang also stepped forward a few steps:"Of course there will be me!"

Xiao Jian said:"I'll just wait in Pallet Town to see what Pokémon Xiaozhi will send back. Taking care of Xiaozhi's Pokémon is also very rewarding."

Xiaozhi added:"However, our departure tomorrow means we will go to capture the Three Sacred Birds first. Have you forgotten what Moltres said before?"

Xiaoxia and the other two remembered.

Professor Oak was shocked and said:"Xiaozhi, can you say it again?"

Xiaozhi had to repeat the whole story. Professor Oak's eyes changed from shock to blue light. He excitedly grabbed Xiaozhi's shoulders and said:"Xiaozhi, I want to study them!"

Xiaozhi nodded repeatedly. It was actually a bit scary to see Professor Oak who was so obsessed with research.

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