Xiaozhi and his friends set out from Pallet Town again, and when they were about to reach Wakaba Town, they seemed to be lost again. Being in the forest shrouded in thick fog, they could not tell the direction, which made Xiaozhi and his friends, who had not been lost for a long time, feel very nostalgic!

"Pika Pika." Pikachu poked Xiaozhi's shoulder and pointed at the tree above his head.

Xiaozhi said slowly:"We just saw this tree!" Xiaoxia said helplessly:"Really? I haven't been lost for a long time. This time I'm afraid I can only continue to walk after the fog dissipates!"

Xiaogang looked up at the fog above his head and around him and said:"It's just that this fog always feels a little strange! Usually there is fog in the forest in the morning and evening, but now it is noon!"

Xiaoxia also looked around:"Xiaogang, you are right, it is indeed very strange."

Xiaozhi's wave power suddenly captured the wave of some Pokémon, but it disappeared quickly. Xiaozhi said:"A Pokémon passed by us, let's go and have a look!" Xiaogang agreed

:"Then let's go and have a look! Anyway, we are lost!"

Ash dispersed the power of the wave, and found that the wave seemed to stop in place and did not move. Ash and the others pulled aside the grass, and saw a lake in front of them. In the middle of the lake, Suicune with a blue body was waiting for them.

When Suicune saw Ash, he lowered his head:"Ash, you are finally here!"

Ash said:"Suicune? Are you waiting for me?"

Suicune said:"Ash, I was sent by Ho-oh to protect you. Entei and Raigu are already waiting for you on your journey."

Ash said:"So, you want to be my Pokémon?"

Suicune said:"Please capture me, Satoshi."

Faced with the initiative of the mythical beast, Ash took out a Master Ball and threw it at Suicune, and Suicune was captured immediately.


【Attribute: Water】

【Gender: None】

【Features: Pressure (gives the opponent a sense of pressure, greatly reducing the PP of the moves they use)】

【Strength: Divine Beast Level】

【Skills: White Mist, Water Waves, Bite, Meditation, Frozen Teeth, Tailwind, Crushing, Magical Power, Surfing, Mirror Reflection, Pray for Rain, Water Cannon, Blizzard】

【[Conquer Suicune, reward points 10,000]

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia were speechless for a while. Xiaogang said jealously:"Xiaozhi, we usually consider it a miracle to see a mythical beast, but you have conquered one after another, and the mythical beasts are willing to be conquered by you, which makes us very jealous!"

Xiaozhi put Suicune into the space:"There is nothing I can do about jealousy, this is the charm of personality!"

Xiaogang said madly:"Xiaoxia, I'm going crazy, please control Xiaozhi!"

Xiaoxia said proudly:"This is my boyfriend!"

Xiaogang was speechless again, and said:"Forget it!"

Xiaozhi said:"Okay, the fog is starting to dissipate, let's keep going! This fog was caused by Suicune." After conquering Suicune, the fog began to dissipate.

Ten minutes later, the group finally walked out of the forest and saw Ruoye Town!

Brock looked at the road sign and said,"Ruoye Town, the town where the wind of the beginning blows. We have finally arrived at Ruoye Town!"

Xiaozhi suggested,"Then let's go register first, and then visit Professor Kongmu!"

Xiaoxia touched her stomach and said,"I'm hungry. Can we go there after lunch?"

Brock's face flushed, and he took Xiaoxia and Xiaozhi's hands and walked towards Ruoye Town. Xiaoxia sighed, approached Xiaozhi and said,"Brock probably wants to chat up Miss Joy again!"

Xiaozhi nodded in agreement.

The group arrived at the Pokémon Center, and Brock jumped and said,"Good afternoon, Miss Joy!"

A Jigglypuff popped out.

Xiaogang said disappointedly:"Ah, where is my Miss Joy?"

Jigglypuff pressed the button, and the image of Miss Joy appeared:"I am Joy from Wakaba Town. I am now in Dr. Souki's research institute. I will be back in about two hours. Trainers who went to the Pokémon Center, please wait for a while!"

Xiaoxia looked at Xiaozhi:"So she is not here! What should Xiaozhi do?" Xiaozhi said:"Then there is no way! Let's go to the Souki Research Institute first!"

There were several police cars parked in front of the Souki Research Institute. Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia looked at Xiaogang beside them, and the person had disappeared. Xiaogang took out a flower from somewhere and said:"Ms. Junsha, thank you for your hard work! My name is Xiaogang, thank you for your guidance. I came here specially to see you......."

Xiaoxia dragged the person away:"Hey, hey, hey, this is not the purpose of our coming to the Kongmu Research Institute!"

Xiaozhi walked forward, took out his ID and said:"Ms. Junsha, what happened in the Kongmu Research Institute?"

After reading Xiaozhi's ID, Miss Junsha said:"Dr. Xiaozhi, it's like this. The Crocodile that was scheduled to be given to the new trainer tomorrow was stolen!"

A person came over with a rubbing of the prisoner's footprint:"Ms. Junsha, we found the prisoner's footprint!"

Miss Junsha said:"Really?" Xiaozhi said:"Can I take a look together?"

What is this? Xiaozhi smiled helplessly. Isn't this the Rocket Team that we haven't seen for a long time? One high-heeled shoe print, one flat shoe print, and one is obviously Meowth's footprint.

Xiaozhi said:"Maybe I know who the prisoner is......"

Xiaozhi called out to Xiaogang and Xiaoxia,"Xiaoxia, Xiaogang, let's go catch the criminal first!"

When Xiaozhi and his friends found Team Rocket, the three were arguing in front of the phone booth, and Crocodile was biting the end of Musashi's hair.

Xiaozhi reminded them,"Hey, Team Rocket, look over here!"

""Little brat!" The three said in unison.

Xiaozhi said:"Give the little alligator back! I'll spare you today!" Musashi said:"Hey little brat, it was that doctor who took the initiative to give the little alligator to me, I won't give it back!" Kojiro said:"That's right, we finally got the results to report to the boss, don't disturb us, little brat."

Meowth said:"After all, we haven't had any results for a long time, meow......"

Xiaozhi didn't want to waste time talking to this group of people, and said:"This is a Pokémon prepared for new trainers, come here!"

"Go Arbok, use Bite! Go Gaspard, use Smoke!"

Ash took out two Poké Balls and said,"Then you guys can fly! Ralts, Shadow Doll, it's up to you! Ralts' Hypnosis, Shadow Doll's Shadow Ball."

Ralts' Hypnosis penetrated the smoke and hit Arbok, and Shadow Doll's Shadow Ball hit Gaspard.

"Venusaur uses the Whip! Venusaur uses its tongue to protect Croc!"

Sarotti said,"Vulpes, Pidgeot, come out! Venusaur uses the Whip to bring Croc over, and Pidgeot uses the Air Slash!"

Now the situation has developed into a four-on-four situation, but Team Rocket's Pokémon have no chance of winning against Venusaur and Pidgeot. After all, the levels are still there!

With a loud bang, Team Rocket flew away! Croc was rescued by Venusaur's Whip, and Satoshi caught it.

The bodies of the Shadow Doll and Ralts emitted the light of evolution at the same time. The Shadow Doll evolved into the Cursed Doll, and Ralts evolved into Kirlia.

Satoshi took the two back to the Poké Ball and said,"Come back all of you!"

Misty said excitedly,"The evolutions of Ralts and the Shadow Doll are so cute!"

When Xiaozhi brought Croc back to the Sora Institute, Miss Joy was still scolding Professor Sora. When Professor Sora saw Croc, he was so moved that he almost cried:"Thank you for rescuing Croc, otherwise I would not be able to explain it to the new trainer! Hey, why do you look so familiar!"

Xiaozhi returned Croc to Professor Sora:"Hello, Dr. Sora, I'm Xiaozhi from Pallet Town."

Professor Sora became even more excited:"You are Professor Sora! I've heard of you for a long time!"

In this way, Xiaozhi was dragged by Professor Sora to chat for two hours. Fortunately, Xiaozhi diverted his attention and called Professor Oak, and then he successfully rescued himself.

Xiaozhi took the opportunity to find Miss Joy to complete his login procedures first.

Miss Joy said:"Dr. Xiaozhi, your login procedures have been completed. This is the badge collection box and instruction book. Please keep them."

Jigglypuff handed the things to Xiaozhi:"Thank you, Jigglypuff."

Xiaogang appeared from nowhere again:"Miss Joy, please guide me too......"

Xiaoxia pulled the person away:"Okay, okay, you don't need to give me instructions! It's time for us to set off!"

""It hurts, it hurts!"

After eating a late lunch, Xiaozhi and his companions set out on their journey again. Their destination was the city where the first gym was located, Kikyo City.

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